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We are in trap comrade
We have made all those mistakes
and creating the difference among us
We didn't know that
here the originator made the dark lines among us

@ Musfiq us shaleheen
Everything is predefined, we are just playing the event within some rules.....
 Aug 2014 Elijah Almond
 Aug 2014 Elijah Almond
Sick, mean little boy
Spitting her venomous words
I knew we were doomed
 Aug 2014 Elijah Almond
 Aug 2014 Elijah Almond
Twisted memories
Stewing in spiteful juices
Rotting in my guts
 Aug 2014 Elijah Almond
Get lucky
 Aug 2014 Elijah Almond
Wishy washy fool;
He got lucky, she forgave.
Kind woman, his light.
 Aug 2014 Elijah Almond
 Aug 2014 Elijah Almond
Fuckfuckfuckity ****!
I accidentally deleted a good one,  so I left this instead. Because *******, that's why.
Someday our lonely eyes will meet
our fingers will entwine
and there within that moment
my heart will not be mine.

I'll give it to you gladly
to linger with your own 
your smile will be my waking breath
your loving arms my home.

I'll kiss you with each sunrise
rest my head with yours at dusk
and hold you through the ages
'till we crumble into dust.

I hold this dream with tender hands
in hope that it comes true
and wait here for the someday
when I belong to you.
The sun rises and with it the fight begins, kicks and blows rain hard as I catch my reflection and see the futility of my existence staring back at me. 

This is my war. 

There will be no peace talks with my adversary, she dwells inside, stubborn, unmoved by my suffering, mocking the medication meant to silence her being. 

She is glass shards. 

She is the shrapnel of my past, forever deeply embedded in my tired future. 

She is hatred of my very self. 

She claws at me with sweet suggestions, whispered screams of unending torment, temptation to cease being burns at her core as I am drawn blindly to her flame. 

There is no ceasefire, no peace in which to dwell, no escape from the constant hum of her displeasure. 

She is me, I am her.

Our silent battle as old as time.

I see her watch me through tear filled eyes, her hatred bristling at my smile as she sings of my flaws and tosses all hope to the ground to shatter irreparably.

She is mine. I am hers.

We dance in time to sympathetic looks and tired sighs as loved ones speak of self indulgence and stiff upper lips.

She will be, that I may not.

She will not be silenced.
I wrote this a few weeks back while at a very low point. I wanted to explain to my sister how I was feeling, this, however ******, was the result. I wasn't sure whether to share but my sister thought I should. Sorry it's a bit of a long ramble but it is my truth.
You poured your words down my throat
like acid that burned through the insides of my chest.
And it was not my ribs that pained me,
but my lips.
They stung with a desire to be kissed again.
 Aug 2014 Elijah Almond
Petal pie
Bold simplicity
Bright and soft flowing tendrils
Aquatic glory
Inspired by art :)
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