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 Aug 2014 Elijah Almond
Petal pie
Blue **** figuerines
Wonderfully poised and serene
Simple yet perfect
 Aug 2014 Elijah Almond
Petal pie
Journey of a leaf

I'm leaving home today.
I can feel it in my veins
The wind is picking up
Mother nature is 
Preparing to take me
On an adventure

Here it comes
The wind is lifting me
I'm taking off now
I'm nodding to my brothers
And sisters 
They are waving me goodbye
My mum is letting go of her hold 

This is it. my body is lifting 
I'm off and single cell
In me feels alive
And a rush is coursing through me

I am dancing through the air
The breeze is fresh against 
My green skin
And the sun is shining 
Through me
I am glowing!

The pace is slowing now
I am beginning my descent 
Bobbing downwards 
Finally able to take in new views
A patchwork of fields
and a large expanse of water
Perhaps it's a lake

I can feel a drag now
I'm coming in to land
Here I go, gently does it
I'm landing on the water 
Skimming slightly
It is cool underneath
I see new creatures around me
New friends! 'Hello!'
If life is a race
I am sorry
Am not an athlet
Am tired of running
Here and there
Life should be a journey
Ups and downs are fine
But, fastness
I am afraid
I am sick of it
I don't think life is a race
It should be a journey
Opportunities are like
The way of transport
Bus, train, ship, airways
Don't worry you will
Get any of them
I am sorry if my
Words are harsh...
 Aug 2014 Elijah Almond
i wait for when
the clocks will stop ticking
so time can take its place
above gold
 Aug 2014 Elijah Almond
deep below the wishing well,
in the tomb of wishful pennies,
live a team of diligent elves,
working day and night.
palms outstretched
they grab each cast away coin as it falls,
clutching them to their grimy chests in hunger.
they box them all up
and melt them down in flat sheets by the dozen
in factory fashion
in precision.
and they build from them tools and weapons;
whatever it is that they need.
their business is balanced on the backs of believers
who pour out their hearts to deaf coins
in scrunched eyes and in whispers
and a flick of their wrists to the darkness below.
perhaps if they knew the fate of their coins,
the industrial dungeon just storeys below
they might have spent their wishes on a shooting star instead,
destined to shatter through space.
Isn't it strange that we wish on things that are going to die?
Like coins thrown into fountains- they're just gonna sink.
And shooting stars- they're going to explode.
Birthday candles are going to be blown out.
So why should  wishes survive?
 Aug 2014 Elijah Almond
I  used to be your birdhouse.
I could coax you out from your seat in the treetops
from behind the camouflaging greens
and watch you edge out shyly with the wind ruffling your blush feathers.
You'd cling to me when the spring showers started falling
and I could keep you safe and dry, I could always do that.
I'd be there to hear your youthful songs, and I'd whisper back in a language just we knew
and then I'd hug you goodbye and watch you step precariously from my perch,
flapping in the wind, unsure, unaccustomed.
and  I'd be there for you the next day and the next
because I thought you'd still need me.
I never thought I'd see you, the point of a flying V
soaring with your head held high,
not even glancing down at
my tired wooden walls
and faded empty perch.
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