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  Jan 2021 U Mims
mind in wonder contemplates 'the eye'
and 'eye' never tires of looking-
reading the mind of others-
while watching their manifold actions.
  Jan 2021 U Mims
I know you.
Sometimes you say things, expecting that I won’t understand, and I think it’s strange because
I know you.
That’s what this is. I know you,
And I want you,
And I care about you
I want no one else.
You might not know me,
The stanchions you use to prop yourself up eating all that I have fed you,
In the darkness,
In the night,
But I know you.
And I want you anyway.
  Apr 2020 U Mims
A Lopez
They promote themselves as magician's
And only give us pain
They remote us in a kitchen
With a apron on, and say 'hey babe'
They try to take our moolah
And spend it on high cost drugs
They wear pants like their ten again
Wannabee southern thugs
I  gave him my all
Had a beautiful girl from the mix
But in the mix he did not check out
He showed noone respect
So I will show him nothing back
He doesn't deserve no kiss
It's better to move on happy with me
And my daughter who he dissed
But I will let him see her
Because that's what mothers do
Because I love my ballerina
My daughter, I do love you.
  Apr 2020 U Mims
when water

fathoms itself--

does it freeze

or flow?
  Jul 2019 U Mims
Pagan Paul
My love and I went out a'walking,
that is when we both ceased talking.
Loving, being free and alone together
despite the rain and inclement weather.
Yes the rain fair soaked us through
but it felt just like a shower for two.
All of this along with chirping birds
the moment we stopped using words.

© Pagan Paul (17/07/19)
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