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 Nov 2018 Anastasia
The uniVerse
Beauty lies bereft and bound
it cries for help but utters no sound
mascara kisses fade from your lips
etched by lovers worn fingertips
purple rings around sullen eyes
the broken skin it never lies
fists of thunder make not the man
nor the swift strike of back of hand
a thousand apologies can never repair
the displacement of a single hair
for she is not an object for you to own
she is a Queen that deserves a throne
and if she allows you to enter her chamber
it's also her decision if you should remain there.
her beauty is boundless
and cannot be tamed
all those who try
should be shamed

***** I have shared my poems on this website now since 2015 and this is my first daily, it has been a privilege and I appreciate all the lovely comments <3 *****
 Mar 2018 Anastasia
 Mar 2018 Anastasia
I have always been bad
at making decisions
from the small ones t
hat will fade after a breath
peach or plum or neither
while I watch the sunrise
to the ones that will follow me
if only in my heart
do I kiss her do I run
doest it matter so I stand still
until either the wind chooses for me
and I am left to make due
with what I am given
or the oppotunity slips from my fingers
and I am left to make due
with what I had before
I know I cannot live spineless forever
but changing takes deciding to do so
and so I am standing still
 Mar 2018 Anastasia
just go!
 Mar 2018 Anastasia
i talk about leaving in a whisper, like i
shouldn't raise my voice too loud and jolt my
self awake in the process.
in secret, hiding in the corners that you
blocked off in red tape. you dont need
this anymore,
you scribble out pieces and
make me look more like you. you dont need
any of this.
you dont need this. you
have me.

behind closed doors, i try to gather my strength
to break down the frame. i press my palms against
the wood and check the lock.
i talk about walking away and my feet are planted. i tell
everyone that i am moving, but they can see my stillness.
what's taking so long? over and over, like an alarm clock
to my sleeping figure, what are you still doing here?
i talk about leaving, but i can't hear it without freezing.
eyes wide and stunned, i can't hear it without trying to
hide inside of myself.
it's just leaving, but i can't stop my voice from wavering.
it's just leaving, but my fists don't make the door budge.
it's just leaving, but it circles around my brain like a fish
trying not to fall down the drain. trying not to break down
the door.
it's just leaving, they tell me,
i am anchored to my pain.
where would i go? i reply.
 Mar 2018 Anastasia
what is love
 Mar 2018 Anastasia
they say when you meet your soul mate
you will know instantly
but how do we decipher in that very moment
the difference between love and lust

in those few seconds our eyes meet
how are we suppose to know
if this is a devil in disguise
i do not want to be deceived again
 Mar 2018 Anastasia
with his hair styled back all neat
his eyes bounding universe and galaxies
and the freckles on his face animating his emotions

he wrote down words and read them aloud
focusing on his enunciation and delivery
as if his next moments depended on it

he dressed for the occasion in fancy attire
sipping on a glass of water
awaiting the answer he yearned for

in the end i told him i would do the same
that i would always be on his side
and that he was my answer to everything

the joy overtook every inch of his face
his smile appearing grander than the cosmos
and he was the most beautiful thing i’ve ever seen
we’ll be alright
and i’m trying to not write your name,
you never appreciated my rhymes
maybe that’s why your name doesn’t rhyme with anything.
and i’m thinking of someone new,
someone better than you
i swear just one more drink then i’m through.
and i’m out of my mind,
head over heels for someone who’s not even mine
and once again i’m forced to leave you behind.
and your name makes me sick,
you’re such a
and i’m beyond over you and your heartless tricks.
and she makes me feel like i’m in heaven,
thank god you showed me hell
thanks to you my swollen heart's getting well.
i realize it all now but it’s too late,
you’ve already played your promiscuous game
thankfully she told me she loved me and stayed.

(god, in five minutes so much has changed)
it's a vicious cycle you see...
collecting hearts to mend your own
 Mar 2018 Anastasia
Jasleen kalra
And if you are to love,
Love as the moon loves.
It doesn't steal the night,
It only unveils the beauty of the dark.

And if you are to love,
Love as the rain loves.
It doesn't wet the bodies,
It only washes the sad dirt of the souls.

And if you are to love,
Love as the wind loves.
It doesn't drift away,
It only cleanse you to the core by invading through each pore.

And if you are to love,
Love as the sun loves.
It doesn't radiates heat,
It only pours its warmth on you to enlighten your way.

And if you are to love,
Love as the star loves.
It doesn't delightfully twinkles,
It only reminds you that not even death can separate two hearts.

And so forth,
if you are to love
Love as the whole universe
& not just a part of it.
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