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molly Jan 2019
breaking up is like getting baptized
it's like becoming brand new
you were the sinner and I was Jesus
ready to forgive you
we'd say some words
and cry some tears
until things were okay
i dunked you under water
washing the mistakes you've made away
but there's a problem with new beginnings
the ending is the same as it was before
being forgiven for everything
is just reason to sin more
molly Sep 2016
before you hurt her
please remember the moment
that you knew you were in love.
you couldn't even breathe because the feeling overwhelmed your lungs.
the first kiss, the first touch, you couldn't get enough
even the fighting was alright because at least you were in love.

before you touch that other girl,
remember the one you have
the way she sleeps so peacefully
and the way that she makes you feel less sad.
remember her smile when you make her laugh, and the way her eyes look when she cries. the way she talks about the things she likes, the way that she kisses you goodbye.

before you get in bed with that stranger, remember the way she writes. the way she blows out cigarette smoke. the way she always tried to be nice.
remember the way she looks at you, and even the way she complains. remember the way the seasons changed but the feeling seemed to never fade.

and when you hurt her anyways, say she's not to blame. remember that when you break something it doesn't work the same. remember that loud silence, the way that she couldn't look at you. the way you couldn't breathe, the things you wish you could undo. hold her one last time, say goodbye with a hug. It's when you hurt her that you'll finally remember that you are still in love.
molly Oct 2015
whenever I smoke,
the cigarettes all feel
like you.
with them I can't breathe,
yet smoking's all I
wanna do.
molly Oct 2015
red is the blood on my knuckles
when I get mad and punch
the wall.

yellow is what I see when I
close my eyes and listen
to a happy song.

green is when I'm jealous
and I have to bite my tongue.
and then we're back to
red, red, red
as I taste the blood.

blue is when
I'm all choked up
and trying not to cry.
But blue is also serenity-
the ocean and the sky.

pink is how I fall in love.
and how I dance and ride my bike.

grey is when I'm inbetween
the colors black and white.

black is when I've sunken deep,
and feel that no one cares.

and white is when I first wake up
and see you laying there.
molly Oct 2015
I blame it on the easy things,
my parents,
past relationships,
black holes.
But it's always been me
that's been in
Deciding to stop
when they told me to go.
Screaming out "yes"
as I was choking down "no."
Pressing the pedal
when I should've gone slow.
My actions and my words
never quite match up.
Saying I'm healthy
as smoke fills my lungs.
Calling myself an atheist
but telling it to God.
Sitting here wondering,
When will I stop?
I can blame it on the easy things,
a chemical imbalance,
the doctors white coat.
But it's always been me
that's been in
molly Oct 2015
we come into this world crying
as if as newborns we're already aware
of all of the suffering
and people dying.
of all the genocide and ****.
of how the love doesn't outweigh
the hate.
put me back into my mother
and my mother into hers.
let's go back until there's no one left.
just one boy and just one girl.
tear the fruit from her hand,
and tell her it's forbidden.
tell her about the outcome,
maybe this time
Eve will listen.
molly Oct 2015
Burning down buildings,
with the fire in their eyes.
It's not about beauty,
nor about size.
It's the unspoken passion,
how easily they lie.
Being kind and charming,
but still making boys cry.
Some love sports,
and others- hair bows.
Both are still lovely
from their head to their toes.
Each one so different,
but all of them smart.
3 billion exist,
this Earth's full of art.
molly Jul 2016
You took a trip with Lucy,
to leave a world of pain.
She showed you a kaleidoscope of colors, but just left you feeling insane.

And then you danced with Molly, under the flashing lights, but all that did was make you sleep with a different girl that night.

This girl was named Addy, you thought you'd finally found the one. She made you feel so motivated, like you could get anything done. Then she left your heart racing, and made sure you couldn't eat. After 3 days you finally left her, because she'd never let you sleep.

You met a girl so opposite, she went by Mary Jane, with her you felt so at ease, she took away the pain. But your mother didn't like her, and neither did your dad. After awhile you realized that she didn't make you feel any less sad.

So you run back to the other girls,
although they never left.
They aren't too hard to find
when they're always sleeping with your friends.
Just one call and the girls will be back into your bed.
They're hard to get rid of once you let them in your head.
molly Oct 2015
You said you need somebody
that's warm for December.
But I've been freezing
for as long as
I can remember.

Fire and blankets
don't keep me warm.
I shake like a dog
who's been out in
a storm.

I'm rushed to the hospital
to find out what's wrong.
Sitting in the waiting room,
"The doctor won't be long."

They cut me right open,
and look in my chest.
"She doesn't have a heart!"
Just like everybody guessed.
molly Feb 2016
I remember your eyes, but I don’t remember the color.
The snow on the ground makes me forget about summer.
I remember the sinking feeling, deep in the pit of my stomach.
I remember the sound of glass breaking, I don’t remember what caused it.
When I was a little girl I colored so many pictures,
I can’t remember what of, I probably should’ve kept them.
But the things that you keep don’t matter as much,
we forget what’s in front of us trying to remember what we lost.
molly Feb 2016
All I really wanted was a sign.
I just wanted somebody to tell me to try.
And then when no one did,
I realized that only I could decide;
to either live my life or just wait to die.
molly Sep 2018
I look at you and I feel so safe
I’ll give you the credit cause I’ve never been brave
I’m being brave now cause you scare me so bad
But I can’t run away from the best thing I’ve ever had

I might mess this up but you could too
Living anywhere but in the present is a dangerous thing to do
Looking behind always makes things seem better
And looking ahead is like predicting bad weather

So I stay in the present and I breathe in your skin
You can always read my mind like a Siamese twin
Our eyes are so innocent but our bodies are not
We could create a whole universe with this love that we’ve got
molly Jan 2019
It wasn’t love at first sight
only because
I know that in past lives
we have loved each other so many times.
molly Oct 2015
I've never cared for money.
Even less for politics.
All of the lies and the chaos
always seemed to make me sick.
I hate going to school,
but I guess I'll play the game.
Or maybe I will quit one day, sellout,
and chase the fame.
I can solve a math equation,
so people insist that I'm smart.
But it's never felt like much to me,
compared to others art.
Others tell me I'm slow
and lack common sense.
But common is boring
so I don't take offense.
molly Jan 2019
this country would be so different
if we built a mirror rather than a wall
we could see that our reflections
aren’t so different after all
molly Oct 2015
Sometimes the things I say
don't match up with
what's in my head.
It's kinda like
how our blood is blue
but when we bleed it's red.
molly Oct 2015
"You are blind to what you hear,"
A wise man once said.
So I keep my eyes wide open,
even when I'm in my bed.

Tell a kid anything
and they'll make sure to listen.
Whether it's the boogeyman,
or politics,
or religion.

Let's teach children to dig deeper,
to find things on their own.
Words will just brainwash them,
and stay with them
until they're grown.

Show them how to trust themselves
and help them with scraped knees.
And if they still want to
read the Bible,
let them do as they please.

"You are blind to what you hear,"*
A wise man once said.
So I'll keep my eyes wide open
and I will until I'm dead.
inspired by a quote I once came across.

— The End —