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Mohammad Skati Feb 2015
Undoubtedly if anyone asks me                                                                              A simple question about a thing                                                                                   I love in truth ,then                                                                                                         I am going to say poetry ...                                                                                        I love poetry and I insist that                                                                                           I love poetry in truth ...                                                                                                   My love never comes out of emptiness ,but                                                                Of course it's from something that boils inside and                                                       From something I see it clearly outside ...                                                                      My inner world works together with                                                                        My outer world to cook that thing deliciously                                                          In the form of poetry or in the form of poetic lines ...                                          Love is something great and wonderful anytime                                                        Simply because it's sublime and its sublimity lies in                                               In our loving of persons or something anytime ...                                                     Poetry is my love and it's my favorite simply because                                            I feel it inside me greatly and wonderfully together with                                        What I see around me in truth anywhere and everywhere ...
Mohammad Skati Feb 2015
Evil might creep in different forms                                                                           Depending on what's going on around ...                                                                                                         It might come in the shape                                                                                                       Of a hand-gun or                                                                                                         In other shapes ...                                                                                                          If it is a hand-gun ,then                                                                                                   It means satanic and ugly                                                                                              Simply because if it is in a coward's hand ,                                                                         It means there will an inevitable crime and                                                                       Innocent victims too ...                                                                                                All ugly evil-doers end in jails , hanged ,or                                                             In the corners' trash cans ...                                                                                       ____________________­_
Mohammad Skati Feb 2015
February is lovely and cruel                                                                                       At the same time                                                                                                         Simply because it's a jealous month                                                                         That makes its lovers think twice about it                                                                 Before they can judge it                                                                                            For good or for bad ...                                                                                                 Being out of control means that                                                                                 It's not friendly                                                                                                             Like we wish anytime ...                                                                                                    It's cruel in what it brings us anytime and                                                        It's pretty simply because we can not abandon it anytime ...                            It surrounds us with all of its cruelty just                                                                 To show us its red eye and its strong authority ...                                                   Although it's out of control ,but                                                                                We keep it in our hearts and in                                                                                Our minds as a reminder of a wintry February                                                     That brings us together around any fireplace anytime                                        To eat together those roast chestnuts and to eat all                                                Those wintry foods anywhere and everywhere ...                                                ___________________­_
Mohammad Skati Feb 2015
I stare at a pretty flower's pretty face                                                                      With love and with admiration                                                                               At the same time ...                                                                                                  That pretty flowers stares at me                                                                              To pick it to those whom                                                                                          I love in truth ...                                                                                                        I hesitate ,but                                                                                                            I come forward to enjoy its pretty smile ...                                                             It urges me again to pick it today                                                                           Simply because if I don't This then ,                                                                                                             It will get withered tomorrow ...                                                                          Nothing appears lovely and interesting                                                             Like that of a flower's smile anytime ...                                                              ___________________­_
Mohammad Skati Feb 2015
Her seas are greatly blue ,but                                                                                  They're deep and shallow at the same time ...                                                        Those who swim in her seas ,                                                                                   They will drown over there ...                                                                                  I love to swim and to drown                                                                                    In her seas ...                                                                                                             I'm drowning !                                                                                                          I'm drowning !                                                                                                          Help me !
Mohammad Skati Feb 2015
Any pizza can be round                                                                                          In its shape ,but                                                                                                        It should be hot ...                                                                                                     I don't know about a customer's liking                                                                   Of its inches,but                                                                                                       It depends ...                                                                                                             Cheese is main part in a good pizza ,so                                                                  What's your pizza today ?!                                                                                     _____________________
Mohammad Skati Feb 2015
A coin can be defined                                                                                               As double-faced anytime ,but                                                                                 It's greatly lovely to many people ...                                                                       It's money and it's evil,but                                                                                      Some kneel down to earth to get it ...                                                                     It's a bad master,but                                                                                                 Some are truly servants to it ...                                                                             That's a coin's truth ...                                                                                              It's all money .
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