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  Jan 2015 Mohammad Skati
Gul e Dawoodi
When*   I  wake  up  and  get  ready
For  a  new  day­  to  start
You  kiss  my  forehead  and  call  ­me,  "My  son!"
Mother  I  know  you  love  me
­And  I  am  your  only  star
I  know  you  are­  afraid  to  lose  me
And  father's  heart  throb­s  too
But I  have  to  go  outside  and  Learn­  something  new
I  see  those  protectors  who  ­beat  the  blinds
I  see  those  protectors  who  ­beat  the  children
I  see  how  they  protect  ­us
And  perform  their  duty
Mother  don't  be  a­fraid  of  this
To  die  is  my  duty
You  can­  not  protect  me  outside
They'll  beat  me  too­
If  I  fight  for  my  right
O  Mother!  Hug ­ me  tight
Because  God  knows
This  might  be  ­my  last  *night!
Protector here means Police.
Pakistan's so called Police is also no less than terrorism itself.
Mohammad Skati Jan 2015
I wish I have wings to fly away ...                                                                           I don't have - regretfully - wings to fly away                                                         Like all birds ...                                                                                                         I am not a bird ,but                                                                                                  I am just a human being whose pains and whose sufferings                                Make him looking for anything to fly away ...                                                      I can not tolerate seeing those innocent kids dying                                               Bitterly in front of my naked eyes                                                                          Without even doing any little help                                                                                                                             To save their innocent lives ...........................                                                 I feel that I am guilty I can not afford any help , so                                          I am looking for wings to fly away ,but                                                             All in vain ...................                                                                                          Yes , all in vain ......................                                                                               I am very sad ...                                                                                                    ___________________­_
Mohammad Skati Jan 2015
لايمكن للثلج ان يكون الا بلون ابيض ناصع                                                             ­                  و كقلب ابيض ناصع ...                                                              ­                                       يسقط الثلج الابيض                                                           ­                                                فيثلج صدورنا بجماله ...                                                              ­                                      احيانا يسقط الثلج الابيض                                                           ­                                         في الصيف                                                            ­                                                         ليزيد دفء                                                              ­                                                        المكان و الزمان ...                                                              ­                                              و لا يتوقف الثلج عن السقوط                                                           ­                                     فوق الجبال العالية ...                                                              ­                                               _____________________­
Mohammad Skati Jan 2015
I stand a little far from                                                                                             That pretty horizon that is located                                                                          By the pretty sun's side looking at things                                                               Wonderfully and beautifully ...                                                                               I am directing myself towards                                                                                 That far and pretty horizon                                                                                     To know what's going on with                                                                                Those who left us for ever and ever ...                                                                     I am completely having faith that                                                                                                                           Our loved ones will be back homes                                                                 One day ...                                                                                                            Their short trip is temporary and                                                                        We long for them anytime ...                                                                              Their home is the only home and                                                                       We all love them ...                                                                                              ___________________­__
Our loved ones traveled to many destinations and they're scattered now . We have a pretty hope that they will be back to their homeland one day . Thanks .

— The End —