We've been down this road again and again.
Dreaming with cold sweats, the pain is driving me insane.
My words have filtered the essence of authenticity.
This road has so many twists it appears so tricky.
Let me ease the sorrow by tomorrow.
By re-leaving all the stress.
No more trying to shine or to impress.
I do not know how to let these words out.
Can we please share dialogue, darling please don't shout.
Just hear my actions, and allow them to move your core.
Wearing a darkly tedious coat, our love is now bore.
Oh wait, do you believe all people should get another chance.
We've all been there and done that, trying to balance within the same stance.
It doesn't mean anything anymore.
I'm slowly loosing the one and only.
She looks at me now with empty eyes.
I look up on this evening.
Tonight revealed how the sky has become starry.
To be enlisted as I repeated constantly through this eternal sorry.