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 Feb 2015 Mishal Nadeem
Leia R
My darling girl

You're not happy with yourself,
It begins to affect your mental health

My darling girl

You lose weight ******* and then your concert tees don't fit anymore

My darling girl

You say that you want to heal
But how then? If you cannot feel.

My darling girl

I have nothing left to fear
For you my dear, a silent tear.
Please contact someone for immediate help if you are experiencing any symptoms of this serious illness.
 Feb 2015 Mishal Nadeem
 Feb 2015 Mishal Nadeem
 Feb 2015 Mishal Nadeem
I want to feel.
I want to feel you,
your arms around me,
my arms around you,
us holding each other.

But I don't know you,
or who my "you" is.
I'm just feeling
a tad sentimental
for things I've never had.

But dancing under
the brilliant stars,
to our favorite songs.
This is what I would
fall in love for.

Simple things,
and simple words,
I'm easy to inspire,
with loving words
and loving hugs.

I feel nostalgic,
for things I
haven't experienced.
But that's all I have,
feelings and love for "you".
I'm just feeling romantic for some reason. I don't expect this poem to be liked as well as some of my other poetry, but like I said. I'm feeling sentimental.
What's been missing in my life is you...
But being me I was too afraid to swoon.
'If I fall will he catch me?' And if he doesn't where would I fall?
But if he does, my God, if he does, I could quite possibly be the happiest woman alive.
Instead of falling I ran
Into another guy's arms
His aren't as warm, his voice isn't as soft, and his word doesn't really mean anything anymore...
I could've, should've, would've done
A million other things. And if I could go back I would...
But our love is forever baby, always has been.

Always will be.
Give 'em a try, and feel the rush!
    Virility and skittish flight
Are pent up in their potent taste—
    Like a billion bunnies in a bite!

^ ^

— The End —