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 Jan 2015 Mike T Minehan
Let's make love with the stars,
lay **** on sandy shorelines of
a midnight escape.
Let's be young again, care about nothing.
Dance around the fire of the dreams we burned
of the dreams we shared
of the dreams we believed
of the life we dreamt of.
Sing the night away, burn the pain and the regret
leave the worry at the door and turn towards our silhoutte.

Let's be young again,
build castles from the ashes of those dreams
tell the world we won't care if it ceases to exists
tell ourselves we'll remain constant in the debris
of the collapsing world around us.
Take another gulp of life
and hold the weight of the world inside this
smoke filled lungs.

Let's be us,
just this once more;
Young and breathless
but never hopeless.
By Arcassin B & Creep

Same thing happens every other time,
Blue mist in the grape vines,
Holy cross played a part in my blurred lines,
But love the hatred is a crime,
That's a hate crime,
But with repetition of actions,
Comes a pulse within,
Hate crime or not.
It dances like lights
On cerulean waters,
Emotion on faces,
But there is no justice,
So what are we fighting for,
Law enforcement do nothing,
But even the score,
Like why do you have that badge for ?
The badge?
Nothing but a show
Of power over the people.
We are young!
We will not be contained!
We refuse to let our wings be clipped,
We shall fly!
Same thing happens over and over,
Maybe some need for disclosure,
Better quit while your ahead,
Like they told ya,
Or you'll end up in exposure,
The pigs,
Better look for closure,
But exposure is what is needed.
We need to be stripped of
These styrofoam wraps
That suffocate us
Slowly, surely.
They will **** us in the end.
Society today,
If I can find a guy who will watch "When Harry Met Sally" with me, without complaint, and will be okay with me talking through the entire movie, at 1 AM on a weekday even though we both have to work in the morning with tea, chocolate, and a fuzzy blanket, while I wear ugly sweats and an oversized hoodie with no make up and messed up hair, and somehow, if he can still find me beautiful at that moment, I know I've found the one.
that won't happen, of course.
Forget "If..." more like "if only..."
just a nice fairytale impossible day dream,
and I really love that movie.
I awake on a ship that
Can sail upside-down;
The bellhop shows me
With a click of his feet.

"You're stuck in time"
he explains, "somewhere
Between four and forty
Years" and I am twenty.

I look around, surrounded
By all different eras while
He leads me to a space machine.
"Your destination, miss ception"

"Is a time machine" says a lady
In yellow. "Step in, no need to shy"
She means to stay with me, I can
See, but the rocket doesn't agree.

Neither does Time, I guess. I landed in a
Movie theater with old books on
Shelves in the side of the room.
I think it was supposed to be a memory.
It's about a dream I had last night.
I am mad,
and I hear
her voice
about the fool
inside my head.

And she remains
the recesses
of my skullcap,
for taking me
to a sweeter place.
She disappears,
in a burning haze,
streaming away,
another frontier
& the loss
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