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  Jul 2019 Ann
The night you left
I burned to ashes

I am on the run
from my broken heart

Healing my burns
Collecting my wounds

Until the day
You set me on fire again
Ann Jul 2019
hi i feel like                                                    
a part of me has
sunken for couple of months.
sometimes i try to sleep
late at night, staring
into my dead computer screen
hoping for some kind of instant
fizz from my fingers to type furiously.
otherwise, it's all just one liners broken
off with a dead-end. i feel like i've been
stuck in a rut for far too long. trying to
get back into writing and hoping to
say a hey, hi, hello to the writer in myself
some time soon.
it's okay.
  Jun 2019 Ann
beth fwoah dream boleyn
summer buries her
golds and yellows,
opens her soulful eyes;

the running clouds
whisper to the day,
write love notes on the
parchment sky,

you remember our love,
brush my lips with
a kiss of rose.
Ann May 2019
hey you. why
do                          you
always                       want
to                          confuse

t      .      h
when emotions goes overboard. what do you choose more- listening to your head or your heart more?
Ann May 2019
she sits at the
back row of class. can you lov...

can you still love her?
the curly haired girl
who wears thick
black glasses. the one
with the dusky skin tone.
she doesn't have the
perfect thigh gap nor
does she fill her pores
with expensive makeup.
her friends are not the coolest.
reading and doodling are her
fav hobbies. would you still
be around her?
also she was never
popular like your gal pals.

can you
still love her?
Ann May 2019
(tiny crushes) from the top
on the first of may
sunny bright, blue skies.
you look at me.
with your slight cheeky grin
taking my fingers, slowly
t h e - d r e a m
trying to wake up from
the reality which was  mine
to begin with.
(until you cheated) now read from bottom
tried writing a reverse poem! hope it makes sense
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