I know that someday your eyes will be
Deeper than the ocean, a small oasis shining
Like a mirror for the Milky Way.
The Sun will paint your cheek with
Warmth and someone will think your hair
Looks more like a halo, shining
With gold, illuminating your mind
Like a crown.
Your smile will be fresh snow
At the genesis of winter, unable
To keep from basking in the sunlight
That drowns out the crisp sky.
Someone will know the brightness
Of your cheeks cannot be matched
To a rose or cardinal.
They tried to blind your hope of salvation with radiation
And burns thrown like envy
Against your heart, but the cross
That shields your spirit will never
Be used as a dagger against you.
Your laugh will ring like a symphony in their ears.
Someone will know the freckles
On your jaw are stars in the coldest night.
I wish I could say
Your arms are my security,
Branches bending away from the vastness of the universe.
But I cannot be the one who sees the glow
Of nature in your presence, still
Your hand upon my shoulder soothes
So I believe
That you will never leave me
And when the Sun blinds me with its gaze,
Melts its warmth into my skin,
I'll think of you.