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 Jun 2018 mera
Kurt Philip Behm
Compression ingestion
The world to implode
The numbers decreasing
—all resistance explodes

From diamond to carbon
Wheels spin in reverse
The groundhog, the treadmill
—new millennium’s curse

(Brooklyn, New York: March, 2016)
 Jun 2018 mera
 Jun 2018 mera
There is nothing worse than
feeling chained and trapped
in place where the sun don't
Depression and anxiety... such a toxic mix that feed off each other.
I applaud those strong enough to deal with them and still go on to succeed.
Be back soon
Lyn ***
 Jun 2018 mera
Doug Potter
Hello short darling
I would plow you
like spring earth

but your husband
has only been
dead eight

eight months and I
fear the shiver of
my thighs

would be a cold
cold reminder
of him.
 Jun 2018 mera
Deadwood Haiku
prostrated by the
agonies of the ******, a
molar rotted through
 Jun 2018 mera
Walter W Hoelbling
without "art"
is just "eh"
A graffiti on a street in Canggu, Bali, Indonesia.
 Jun 2018 mera
Eleanor Rigby
She moaned the most painful moan
Drowned by the sound of laughter,
Veiled by always looking happy
And nobody heard it.

 Dec 2017 mera
 Dec 2017 mera
What is this?
What is this feeling?
It tingles,
it feels warm;
so comfortable.
I could snuggle in it forever.

Now it used to feel warm.
Now it used to be comfortable.
It feels cold.
Colder than absolute zero.
It hurts.
Hurts more than a thousand gashes I put on my arm
What mysterious pain;
yet forlorn.
I shouldn't be making a poem when I'm supposed to do homeworks
 Dec 2017 mera
 Dec 2017 mera
if i were the sun,
i’d paint you the warmest dawn
in hopes that you will feel
my amber embrace
yesterday—nothing but a trace

if i were a song,
i’d wish to taste your lips
settle on your tongue
keep you humming, dancing
by my side, swaying

if i were the moon,
i’d guard you as you sleep
an angel for an angel
a goddess watching her god
the clouds—they watch, fond

if i were me,
and you were you,
i’d want nothing else
but your hand safe in mine
as the stars fall in line
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