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 Feb 2015 Ordinary
Nina Campos
I'm tired of finding a home and having it torn down while I'm chained to the tree in the yard and I can't quite meet the fragile pieces. My house was built on concrete and sinks like it was built on sand.
Maybe it's me who's built on sand, maybe I'm just designed to sink. Maybe I shouldn't be clawing my way up back to the surface. Maybe I should just be consumed.
my mind wanders
 Feb 2015 Ordinary
Nina Campos
Every fiber of you
       still lingers
          in every fiber of me.
I love holding your cold hands.
I woke up suddenly.
As I felt weighing pair of eye staring at me.

It was yours.

"Why?" I asked.
"Nothing." You replied cooly.

I want to go back to sleep.
Yet I cannot.
Your eyes, smoking.
With your hair messy like that.
Shirt buttons come undone.
Revealing the body of my beautiful man.

My breathing shallowed.
Your smile shadowed.

Fighting the urge to touched you first.
I lost the battle with your next words.
"Make love to me."

I reached out.
Aimed for your lips.
Breathings harder.

My alarm sounded.
It is morning.
Oh my.
Another helpless dream.
For the man who invaded my sleep by slipping into my dreams. Another sleepless night. (sigh)
My heart will not be denied
Soul, body, and mind
I will not be confined
I'll reach for the sky
This, I will live by

Even after I die
I will be immortal
My words have no goodbyes

**-Joseph B Schneider
© Joseph B Schneider. All rights reserved
 Feb 2015 Ordinary
Forest Fire
 Feb 2015 Ordinary
He was a forest
and I was the
that enabled him to
He burned
in his path, leaving
untouched by his
I blamed
for all the destruction he
even though he scorched
worse than anything.*

 Feb 2015 Ordinary
please, i beg you, take care of yourself. when your stomach rumbles, eat. when your eyelids droop, sleep. and when your voice quivers, find a comfortable spot and cry, cry your little heart out. but when you're done, dry your eyes, occupy yourself, and know in your heart that you are better than that. do not be sad, be angry. become a roaring fire and burn the memory of all those who have wronged you.
do not let the leaky faucets **** you. do not drown in a bucket of tears. light it on fire. pour it out. throw it. scream "*******" to sadness because you are so much better than it.
let it out, let it out, let it out, then be done.

because yes love, right now your sadness feels quite heavy but the truth is that it is just a paperweight. learn to turn the page.
A broken relationship
A broken heart
A broken soul
A broken life

A heart can be sewn
A soul can be mended
A life can be repaired
But a relationship takes two people...
And if one isn't willing
It will never be put back together...
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