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 Oct 2014 Md HUDA
Sharina Saad
The Language of Your Body
Your body says its enough!
Your body says please stop!
Your body is telling you
It hurts... Its paining...
Don't ignore its pleas
It doesn't request in perfect sentences
It doesn't say in polite manners
Your body just shrieks and shouts...
Do listen to the language of your body...
when your veins scream in silence
when your muscles cry in pain
When your tendon rebels..
Do listen when your body talks
Before it expires...
in great pain...
Ohh... exercising is a must but please don't overdoing it....
 Oct 2014 Md HUDA
whiskey was never so tempting
   it was the magic of her lips
   love was never so alluring
   and when they were finally together
The Universe had Never been Happier
 Oct 2014 Md HUDA

so you want my heart?
can you perform

microscopic surgery?

catherine jarvis
(c) october 9, 2014
Actually I could have a great
Relationship with a man
We'd have to be friends for
Years FIRST.  Then a ring on the
Finger second.  Then the
Cerimonial I DO
 Oct 2014 Md HUDA
Sharina Saad
Why goodbye is always so sad..
The unspoken deep emotion
The longing hearts
The Endless sobs
The Pouring tears
The unanswered questions
Till the person you're reluctant to let go
is back..
Wrap tight in your hug again...

Don't ever say good bye then..
if it is too heart breaking...
to depart..
Just disappear in the thin air..
and never return again..
Just go missing somewhere far...
and never show your face again
so we do not have to bear
this costly emotional wound again...
 Oct 2014 Md HUDA
Princess Lynne
I was interested in someone once.
Interested in a way I wanted to know about his past,
The person he used to be
Know about every girl that broken his heart
So I can give him what he deserves
I wanted to hear all about his dreams and ambitions
Explore his favorite places with him
See old pictures from the day he was born to now
Even remember the wrinkles under the bags of his eyes
Or the number of eye lashes that curl up so perfectly
I wanted to know every little detail about him
From all the good to the bad, all the mistakes and flaws
I wanted to feel all his scars and let him know how I love them
How they make him human and imperfect
So imperfect that I've fallen deeper for him

You see I remember always wanting to be there for him
I recall taking the bus to his house to give him food
Because we all know food lessens everyone's stress - especially his
I forgave all his mistakes and sometimes even apologized for them
There was this one time he introduced me as his sister to his friends
I was so hurt, so hurt that I felt my empty within
That night, we talked things out and he said it was normal to be jealous
He said that it was natural for me to be jealous
He didn't apologize, instead I said sorry for the situation
Because I made him feel bad and that was the least I wanted him to feel.

I gave up so much and did more than I should have
Only to find out exactly four days later that he would leave
Leave me without even hesitating
And just like that he gave up on me
I think that was the very first time I felt disappointment and regret
I regret doing so much for someone who I felt didn't care enough about me
It was the night Angelo walked away from me.

The last night I'll ever mention the name Angelo
This isn't a poem, but rather a story of a person who broke an innocent girl's perspective.
 Oct 2014 Md HUDA
May Pamesa
My Life
 Oct 2014 Md HUDA
May Pamesa
Life is somewhat a complex word..
Like, it has everything in the world
People say it started if the womb;
And comes to an end in the tomb.

But it is not simple as that,
Yes, I say it's really not.
It's a mixture of everything,
Courses, whatever, or anything...

It's a balance of good and bad,
Maybe of faith and of a Great God;
About strengths and weaknesses,
Or of happiness and loneliness.

It may be full of challenges,
'Cause all things undergo changes...
Nothing's constant in the way;
In time, or in all array.

It is with us to pursue and endure,
No matter what pressure.
It's up to us to decide,
It's our choice if we choose to glide.

But for me, this is my life, my story...
Everything is up to me.
I should go on and recall...
'Cause life's a journey, after all.
 Oct 2014 Md HUDA
Michael Humbert
Her kiss flowed like ruby red wine,
Never have I known a sweeter narcotic,
Nor ever a deadlier poison
 Oct 2014 Md HUDA
Blood Moon
 Oct 2014 Md HUDA
Thee shall bleed
and seep through
the endless pitch black blanket
that will tuck in
the human race
in their beds tonight


*the first title of the poem was "Blood Moon (15w)" but I revised it and it reached 22 words sooo yeah
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