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 Mar 2017 McKinley
Jack tierney
Thankful for Lexi
Thankful for Kevin
Life is growing
I am settling
I am growing

Thank you Lexi
You bring light to darkness
Thank you Kevin you bring Hustle to laziness
Thank you sun
You bring joy to pain
Thank you running
You bring ease to mind

Thank you bukowski
You bring words to life
Thank you Hemingway
You are brilliant
Although you do still bore me at time. (still thankful tho)
Thank you mom
You taught me who a women is
Thank you father
You taught me who a man is

Thank you god
You saved me from abuse
Thank you Mary
You showed me kindness
Thank you pope Francis
You showed me mercy

Thank you fish
You taught me peace
Thank you bed
You taught me everything

I love life
I love this life
I love growing
I'm making the right steps in life
I'm making myself best
I'm investing in myself
I love myself

But baby I love you more

I still have not met you
But I love you more than all
You are my happiness
and until I meat you
Fine will be just that

I won't see sunny days until I see you
Forever a rainy day will be my favorite

That is until my ray of sunshine shows me the joys a light filled day has to Offer

My love I hold you endlessly in my heart,
I pray for you daily sweetheart and I can't wait to meet you

As I lay in bed I hold you near
And until then
Be well
I love you
I'm making myself best for you
for junior
For everyone

Goodnight my love. I'll be seeing you
 Mar 2017 McKinley
Sophie Hartl
Almost two years ago I wrote about how he told me
that we always had to question ourselves,

Almost two years later I read about the works of
Descartes, Aristotle, and other influential philosophers,

I begin to question all I know,
from whether the finger I write with writes what I or what it wants,

I’m skeptical of whether I am;
If I am, why? Why me?

I also realise how irrelevant it is
for me to worry about feelings and love and pain,

Almost two years ago I wrote daily
about myself as an object with experience

Now I write with skepticism
What’s the point anyways?
Currently discovering that studying for my philosophy exam makes me want to procrastinate, go figure
 Mar 2017 McKinley
Little Bit
external validation
it's your drug of choice

it starts with
gold stars for
good behavior

the seed to please
it just grows and grows
into a wild jungle vine

gold stars turn into
compliments and "likes"
it feels so nice
but it's not

because you
need it
more and more
you have to
win the award

it controls you
and you don't
even know
who you
are anymore
written 3/25/17
 Jan 2016 McKinley
Jacob Traver
Yearly, yearly I knew you dearly --
Watched you blossom and sincerely
Hope to be more than merely
A seed without the sun.

Yearly, yearly I held you dearly --
Sown deep in the ground and growing nearly
As stretched as the sky and you now clearly
A seed within the sun.

Yearly, yearly I loved you dearly --
Nurtured as nurtured rarely austerely
Intertwined as death lets us be
Two seeds beneath the sun.
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