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He said goodnight
As he lit his cigarette
The smoke drifted up
Maybe it reached the stars
The night had a chill
But he didn't feel the cold
I watched him walk away
Until darkness swallowed him
The mud beneath my boots
Squelched as I moved on
But the night made a noise
A sound we knew to fear
In slow motion moved my feet
Until I saw him on the ground
A bullet had sought him out
Maybe by a cigarette glow
Another soldier of the trenches
Gone in an act of war
But I can still hear his words
He said goodnight
Copyright Chris Smith 2013
How can I do this alone?
Each time depression hits
Leaving me inside my head
Praying someone understands

Making me feel if I'm trapped
Everywhere seems always closed
Copyright Chris Smith 2014
In life we are all living in our own reality show
Flowers, we both cried,
Because tears were not enough,
Petals cup the rain.
 Jul 2014 Marley Jane
Poetic T
Head between the legs,
Lips smack juices flow job done,
Green paid delightful.
 Jul 2014 Marley Jane
Poetic T
You think you know me
Think I'm the joker of the pack,
Reading me isn't easy,
Many faces do I put up
To hide the many cracks that rise,
But I hide behind laughter, anger just below
I have to keep control.
Never to lose an inch, never to explode,
I am a puddle, calm on the surface
But turbulent under that,
I am a shallow lake
But all you see is a refection
Not really seeing what stirs beneath that,
Do not
Think you know my troubles
That lie just beneath the cracks,
Deep breaths,
Holding the tears back,
I wish to put it behind me
But times it runs, comes from behind,
Hitting me hard in the back.
Winding my emotions
Tears and rage flow
Take control
You stole a part of me
Something that even with time I can never get back.
Sitting on his white horse
did feel his mind slip
and at that did fall off
hit the sand
with pain and puff
his leg broke right off
bouncing up into the surf
and swim away
from his now disconnected brain
he lay and did pray
now I need you
to fix my leg
and make it swim back
so i can have two feet
dear knight
jesus did say
how can I do that
your leg
has already swam a mile
another 400 yards
and your leg will be in Guinness Book OF Records.
Surreal poem 53    P@ul
 Jul 2014 Marley Jane
we slept in.

deeply in love

now sit
in pj's and robes.
on the deck
with bacon eggs
and coffee.

looks that suggest
we play hookey,
from the world
for today.

no child.
no nanna.
no responsibilties.
of each other
and snoozing.

what a
wonderful way
to spend
these stolen hours
 Jul 2014 Marley Jane
Poetic T
Fire burns bright
Protest, with out
Flames can be seen
By all, the message
Was heard through
The screams of the
Fallen said more than
Any word.
Some people make the ultimate sacrifice to be heard
 Jul 2014 Marley Jane
 Jul 2014 Marley Jane
Caught within a nightmare deep
Broken chains of sad regret
Locked behind these bars of steel
Darkness every corner wept

Walls of stone now caving in
Running at a quicker pace
Drowning in the stench of fear
Lies I wish I could erase

Only but a tiny light
Shines beyond this cavern long
Hope defies my every view
How could one man be so wrong?

On my knees of shredded flesh
Pleading words on weary breath
One more chance I beg this day
Or this end shall be my death

Falling fast and fading far
Pain collects my shattered mass
In a heap my world does lay
Waiting for this life to pass

When a hand appears my sight
Gentle as a fluttered wing
Upon a breeze of whispered air
Warm as any day of spring

Then your perfect face I see
“I’m sorry,” cries my truthful word
“I forgive you” floats my way
The sweetest sound I’ve ever heard

Joy does calm my beating heart
Lifted now I stand so free
Every prayer my mind had found
Answered when you came to me

Lead me for I follow you
Take me from this desperate scene
End this nightmare born in hell
So I may live within your dream
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