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 Jul 2014 Marley Jane
Poetic T
If I could **** time
Would I be the death of reality,
As with out time
We would be frozen in the moment,
Never to age,
Not seeing things anew
Just stagnant,
Of a time that is never to pass.
As it never moves on
I killed time,
But now I wish for time to pass
For the passage to move on,
The seconds petrified
Never to live,
Never to die,
I killed time and now I pay the price.
Sometimes life is strange
Leading us down dark paths
Where we fear that darkness
And can not see where we go

Then we find the words
That are written to read
Of a poem, or story that reaches out
Coming from deep within the soul

It leads us back in the right direction
For the poet and writer can touch us this way
That is when the reader finds the light
For they will always return once again

Sometimes the words are strange
They chill to the very core inside
Telling dark tales that dwell on fear
But we always need to read some more

The writer always feeds the imagination
Showing the pictures etched on the mind
No movie could ever match that skill
So we bless all the writers with gracious hearts
copyright Chris Smith 2010
 Jul 2014 Marley Jane
Poetic T
I Played cards with death,
He asked me to pick,
Pick what I said?
A card it shall teach you of life
I picked
Then two,
Lastly three,
Have you picked wisely
Death aske me,
Then the joker made three.
Who will live the longest?
Death pointed his ***** fingers,
I looked, thought who would it be,
I said the king or queen would be last
Death cold stare looked at me.
The king when visited
Did try to buy his life from death,
Death doesn't need gold you see
But I gave the king a coin
For the ferryman to take his soul.
I said the queen would be my second guess,
But again he looked coldly upon me,
She asked me to be her king
But I whispered I am the god of death
to be a king would be no use me.
She was taken again no use of gold
But I once again gave a coin .
It couldn't be the jester?
A creepy smile feel upon his face,
Death said, what is life with out laughter
I came for him, he made me laugh
He did an impression,
He impersonated me,
I laughed out loud,
I hadn't done that in
A million years.
So I told  keep others laughing
I will give you and those extra years
But like all I will come for thee,
So the tale was told.
Laughter is a way to keep life going
But everyone will be visited,
You and me*
*Just keep laughing it will add on years to your life.
 Jul 2014 Marley Jane
Poetic T
She was a creature of the sea
Half woman,
Half fish,
She wanted more to see, Than the fish of the deep,
She had seen the ships that sailed on by
Those that had sunken to the depths,
Tasted sailors hearts
As they sunk to the deep.
She had a Taste for those up above
But her father forbid it,
As she had tasted human flesh
She had been seen stripping it from the bone,
For the ships that sank
Where her doing to the depths they fell.
She enjoyed them warm,
Which she ripped out
With there drowning screams,
Then the let overs she feed to her
Friends of the deep.
She asked the witch, who knew her evil heart,
She said you have the hunger
I will help this once, a spell cast.
Black eels magic,
Eye of man,
Merman's gills,
Black death oil spilt,
What was once fish, make woman complete,
She woke upon a shore
A prince came upon, His heart she heard,
Then did awake, what is your name
She went to talk, but no voice did speak,
The witch had tricked her,
Curses spoke with no voice to speak.
She was taken to a castle, fed and dressed
Her clothes showed her womanly figure
Her ******* turned many a mans head,
For those that insulted,
There corpse thrown in to the deep,
But with one thing missing,
A hole where a heart did once beat.
She was of too ways she fell in love,
But the heart that beat smelled divine
Hearts beat,
A kiss would seal his fate, but the witch
Had taken the voice of the siren of the deep,
She used her womanly ways
There was more than one way to hook a man
With out speech.
So she did what she did and he was hooked
At sea they were to wed
Not one kiss had pasted there lips
But the day had come dressed in white
This sinful woman of the deep,
Vows were said
Man to woman,
Woman to man,
In life and death you are no both wed,
The kiss tasted sweet, she could taste it
She felt the heart beat against her *****
And to the bedroom they did retreat,
Lust and passion a new experience
To make love in water was wet
To be dry and wet beneath Satin sheets
He took her deep, she was in two hearts
As they came together screams heard
No worries to those outside
There vows were sown or at least you think
For the moment of ecstasy as both did explode
Under the sheets
She took his heart and devoured it whole
The look of fear left frozen on his face.
The ship did scream all through the night
As one after another, beats did stop there beat.
She went to the hull punched through with ease
Sea water filled as it sank to the deep,
Others finished what was started
But Ariel was holding her love in her arms
A tear on cheek, but not of love
Because royalty tasted better than any other
Stripped to the bone
His skeletal form lost to the deep.
She was now back in true form,
She was a princess a hunter of the deep
One last heart she did taste
Corrupt as hers
The witch had betrayed,
Now her essence is
Her power now Ariels
Beware the princess of the deep.
 Jul 2014 Marley Jane
Poetic T
Whisper in to my ear messenger of
Tell me of times once past
Was for living but that time now past
Fleeting moments, flashes of regrets
That where but know in the wind of regrets
Of mind no ill wishes, no regrets
It is the last time a laugh with last breath
The pain now gone, I am in eternal rest...
#death #love #life #peace #regrets
 Jul 2014 Marley Jane
Poetic T
 Jul 2014 Marley Jane
Poetic T
I Live in
A house
Of twigs and bark
But I like to play with fire
 Jul 2014 Marley Jane
Poetic T
I woke to find the world covered in white
I ran down the stairs,
Opened the door,
Running through the white ground
Sinking deep,
Lying  flat the ground beneath.
Vivid white,
It crunched under my weight,
I spread my arms out like wings
My feet spread
I moved them in sync
My head still,
As it sunk ever more deep
I lifted up to see what was done
A white snow angel
Pure as the snow that surrounds
I made a wish to the snow angel
Look after
Those in this house from now,
The hours past it went to fast,
I slept a deep sleep blanketed in the dark
I woke as light pierced the room
Shoeing the darkness away.
I looked out to the ground below,
Where once there was one
Now more did appear, encircling the house
Days pasted and the white did fade,
But the angels now ice
Not melted away,
The sun shone down,
The ice did gradually faded away.
I awoke to my mothers voice
Come look my child,
Wings spread,
Angels before my eyes,
What once was white
Its shadow in green,
They heard my wish
Though the snow had gone,
They were still here there circle of wings.
Here to stay to forever protect me
And  those who live in this house,
Each year it snows.
Vivid white,
The angels appear,
But leave a space, for my own angel to reappear
As I lie in the crisp white ground
Surrounded by my angels all year round.
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