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Mark Wanless Oct 2023
the best way to sabotage
success having unrealistic
Mark Wanless Oct 2023
there was a time long ago in the future
of humanity that folded minds into light

the stars were bright and meaningful
to all who knew the words gone past

history of dreams dogma far exceded
walking backwards into the present

what else is there but we be here now
imagine a life that is imagined

call the spirits call the gods definitions
concepts of the creator weakly shared

ignorance is exaltation wisdom is bane
yet the sky is blue sometimes or pitch

no one exists or ever has a being
we see smell hear taste and touch

a dog is always here for some reason
and will tell me what is true perhaps

the corps on the ground is my own
i turn away and travel a stagnant path
Mark Wanless Oct 2023
Zed Alph Alpha
Bravo Charlie
Whiskey Whiskey Delta
Mark Wanless Oct 2023
words words words
   heard them all my life

just reflections in my mind
   a distortion of time

life of my creation
   here i am now

walking forward slowly
   into a future dark

to change this time i can not
   think of what to do

'cause i am thinking outside
   though inner is the cure

time for hate is over
   hating far to long

time to create the next life
   master of the song
Mark Wanless Oct 2023
learn from the past no
learn in the present and we
remember the past
Mark Wanless Sep 2023
heard a noise
inside my head
sounds like heaven
sounds like hell

don't know where
i'm gonna be
i just know
gonna be free

killed old memorise
in my long lost mind
always been there
no place to hide

just gonna be
a newborn child
talking new
speaking wild
Mark Wanless Sep 2023
the crickets in the
night out the window create
patterns of peace mind
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