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mark john junor Apr 2014
the second time i found her
it was in the midst of the grand staircase
she sat at the far edge overlooking the ballroom below
where many a face spun in wild dance
where many hearts fluttered on the verge of dreams

she cupped a single rose in her painted hand
its petals were cracked and dusty
and its scent had hints of rain
but she clutched it to her warm heart like adoration
saying softly that if she held it for long enough she could
give it life once again
i knew this to be true
but i feared the cost to her visionary soul
would it blind her to the tigers among the lillies in the ballroom
are we all not blind to the tragedy of happenstance

so i swept her up and rode into the night
to the shallow waters of the coast
where the salt of the sea could wash away the rose
cleanse the mortal wound that is such loves
but it was made of thicker smoke than that
and still you could smell a taste of rain on its dusty blue petals

i built a forest house that fall
and there i sat her to recuperate
but she only wanted to once again dance in the ballroom
with the faces of grandeur and the voices of naughty leasuire
'only a friend can debate you this tale'
is how i defended keeping her from that fate
once again we strove to gather words from the skies
as they fell like leaves abandoning their trees

once again she left in the spring
promising this time to take great cares with her pen and heart
i gave her a tender friends smile of my own as she had once done for me
and after she had faded down the summer road
i made my own way to the ballroom
because in secret i too longed to be lost in the swirling joys
the abandon of faces and names
of tigers dancing in the field of lillies
in a ballroom of trees
mark john junor Mar 2021
every night we dance under
the silver moonlight
every night we spin the tale
of friends lovers and delight
every night we learn the smiles shared
our joys take flight
every morning comes
our dreams bourne of night
slipway into the torn stars as they fade
till night again
mark john junor Dec 2013
the long moment holding her gaze in mine
and the oceans of worlds that passed between us
in just that timeless time
i lay down with her softness next to me
and spent the dark night
with the gentle dove of her heart
the quiet song of her lips
i spent years there in just that timeless time
the hours we spent laughing walking running
in summer meadows and country wood
hand in warm soft hand
for such a dream of timeless time
twenty years on she comes visits me
in my dreams
and i love her once again
for such a sweet timeless time
until the day i close my eyes forever
and i find her again
mark john junor Jan 2016
time moving....
twist the words into meanings
unkempt and strange
or simple and pure
twist them till you see yourself in them
then speak them clear and loud
speak in tongues if that spins your lily's
but make sure your heard
its not weak to be silent
but it takes strength to speak
to make yourself heard above the crowd
to get your point made
time is moving....
speak your hearts greatest dreams
speak the softest moment you once shared with a lover
there is such beauty in every heart
there is such beauty in every life
you only have to find it
in moments of compassion for the down trodden
in helping hand given to strangers
in the gift of a smile
like she gave me
time is moving...
but my time to write this poem has expired
mark john junor Jan 2016
beheld by the timid heart with hopeful intent
any life seems both bold and beautiful
seems to be the essence of perfection
desirable and meant to be bound up with true loves gifts
but such dreams are fleeting and swiftly abandon the dreamer
leaving the coarse and the cold reality's behind
but there is the crux of it
can the dream survive the dreamer waking
can the dream stand strong in the walking worlds light of day
when i held her as that dreamer i knew her
when i awoke her beauty still filled me
when i awoke my love for her overflowed my heart
such dreams heal our souls
such dreams give life meaning
i beheld with my timid heart a beautiful dream
and when i awoke that dream was alive
and kissed me
now my heart is bold
now i live
mark john junor Apr 2015
it was hot
makes you feel spent just breathin'
but she was comfortable as judas in hades
just like ice cool in the shade
you shout and dance about with all this jealousy
you are electric hot under the collar
but the winds are blowing in her favor
but the rivers are sweet on her lips
it was hot as death warmed over
not an ounce of inked shade to be had
and you got issues hounding your thoughts
beginning to feel like its a church to the
apostle's of rage
darken your horizons with her
like the universe is her little game
the wind walks its ignorant gesture across you
and that just fans the flames
after all she just acknowledged her divinity
its hot enough to cook my head
but you are wrapped tighter than a prisoner
all used up and jealous
key to surviving this day lay in her eyes
in them you see your forgiven soul
in them you see your salvation's way
if you can forgive yourself first
if you can grow that fast
mark john junor Oct 2013
her face turns to stone
as she comes face to face with her fear
eye to eye with her past
and she wonders as she is running away
you were supposed to be here to save her from
having to acknowledge she's just as
weak and vulnerable as any human being

she would pay big bucks
to have her face erased
to have her name steam cleaned
but you got to have solid ground
to stand on for that kind of silliness
and seems like she has only time
to sit and stare with open lust
for the guy at the carnival
with the funny oversized shoes
and clown outfit on
please call me tonight
she confides in him
that she would marry a real man like him.
given half a chance
he yawns and looks skeptically at her
******* the handle on his pearl revolver
one of these he's gonna shoot off his mouth
then they'll listen
half dancing
half shufflin he moves into the room
hoping that of he looks suave

now the time has gone by
and they have done little with many things
heads full of snow
his clown suit folded up and put away
her makeup neatly put on backwards
both standing hand in hand
in the doorway
of the last train
before the 'pocky-clipse
fore it all got blown to hell and gone

the door handle turned
the stage set and the actors rehearsed
everything primed and just the waiting
that pause before the plunge
that backwards glance
to say you'll never be here again
to think on regrets and fear
the consequences of what we do here
and then you take that step
take the plunge
and up off the floor you gotta come
after its all blown to hell and gone
after the whole ***** little
empire of her lies has collapsed
fore it all got blown to hell
and gone in the 'pocky-clipse
mark john junor Jul 2013
he rides his bicycle in the the
torrential rain
plowing a froth quick and fierce
through the rivers created

the cycle once bright orange
has patches of rust the size
of cantaloupe
and has a blue hoodie wrapped
round the seat which smells musty

you can feel him panting
bathed in sweat
as each hill retains more and more of
his hard earned pace
but mother nature is kind to her
strangest son
and every hill has a
fly by the seat of your pants
whoop whoop laughing
breeze in you hair bugs in your teeth

shift to vision miles distant from
that smile
the cycle lay in the weeds by the river
the night obscures
the riderless iron steed
its form twisted
it has expressions of pain in appearance
that paint cannot contain
pain for its own lost
freedom of the road
but pain for its rider

the years count on and on
from that downhill smile moment
that lives on in the heart
LOL...oh god, i have another editor :-) what is it with the women i bed, allways correcting my spelling LOL
mark john junor Jun 2014
im sitting here
staring down the past
waitin for it to flinch
waiting for something to give
waiting to hold her one more time
future keeps slipping away
but im just hanging on to her words she left
hanging on the cold september air
so who you gonna lay bets on
the past changing or me
sitting here in streetlight rain
sitting here in the small light of yesterdays smile
while tommorows slips away
while all my tommorows slip away
mark john junor Apr 2014
the silent witness washing
her truth in the forgiving rain
rinse away all the lies you convinced yourself with
and hope tomorrow wont remember
what today couldn't bear to believe
maybe if you feel it hard enough
you can be somebody new
with a new road to get lost on

she evaporates as the day drags on
cant keep up the purchased pretense
without a rationalization or blame game
she runs in a raincoat
but gets wet anyway
seems like its all for naught
gave up a bitter truth hiding her lie
for a reality of greys and endorsement of hand creams
grease the palm to ease the way
but it just leaves you hurting inside

she says turn me into a bird so i can fly away
a dark day calls my name
a reckoning for all iv done
this fate labored for
the one i sewed to my soul
spare me this weight
tell me i'm free to run far away
far far away
but she had left her last true companion long ago
and the shadows surrounding now
commiserate only with the tears of loss
and only bear the burdens that pay in silver and gold
she turns to meet the thunder drums
of the coming sun
to meet the maker of her design
and that mirror waits for her alone
mark john junor Aug 2013
the shuffling men huddle
in the lighted room
eyes glue to shoes
the miles a man treads
are the measure of his soul
and these worn feet are
men to move mountains
with bare hands

tinge the conversation
with the propaganda of innocence
priesthood of crafted reality
puts good and true men prostrate to the
graven images of a better world
when all that is accomplished is the slow decay
rotting fruit of our collective wishes
our collective hopes

a man on fire
his hand to the road
that i must travel
like a cool drop of rain in the blast furnace heat
like a woman's smile after years of being alone
like the taste of real hope
after the road has come here
this strange strange place
at the end of the world

one hundred and ten men
in this dark hall
waiting for the storm to let
waiting for the sun
waiting for a better world

one man waits
in the rain
surreal in his mind the day has evaporated
and as the shadows of night crawl into his eye
he dreams aloud that she has come home to him
that things never went astray
that we could be our happy little family again
i miss her and i miss my daughter
mark john junor Aug 2013
it was high summer nineteen thirty two
in the depths of Kansas backwood
that he drifted out of the heat haze on the
long thin road from Topeka
with her delicate face folded in his Sears Roebuck catalog
he strides casually along the ***** worn pavement
neatly stacked in his three piece suit
pressed and measured as his clothes
he is the image of prosperity and educated class
but the seething and vile is always just benith the surface
in such hot unforgiving places

he came walking slow ahead  of the rain
drifting in like a plague ahead of the cleansing
he came in like a figure out of the old testament
gonna break this place
gonna burn it down to the very last sinning soul
with this rusty blade i shall cleave you from this hell
with this choking dust im gonna lay this place to waste
and its gonna be steel water to get me on
gonna take hammer blow to wake me from this heat haze slumber

the metal rim glasses lay by the roadside
there was blood on the lens
there was a single fingerprint
like an admission of guilt or of hope

she sweated kneeling in the field
the crop wasnt worth bringing to market
but she had no earthly idea what else to do but try
but suddenly she felt it from miles out
it felt like the cold hand of death itself
felt like the broken scream of a million years of souls burning in hell
it felt like he was coming home

he quickened his pace
his tread now was stuttered thunder
on hardpack
like a pack of wild dogs
he strained at the leash to keep from running
he is so close
closer than he has been in a thousand years
closer than the day that young man died as a thief's death
closer than lovers
he could see her in the feild
she had just turned to run
and now the fire within begins
like a world of hurt
like a man on fire

we wait for him
we wait for them
in the Topeka sun
i met this girl...liz...LOL, dont say anything, i know....but she kinda hopeless aint i? girlfriend says I'm an incouragable romantic ***** old man....LOL she may have hit it on the head
mark john junor Dec 2013
her smile
and tortoise shell glasses
her picture perfect
delicious curves scented by parisian roses
she steps neatly into the bustling room
and with just a hint of a smile
she stops the room cold in it tracks
as all heads turn
and i must stop and smile to myself
even the other girls desire to be in her arms
even they dream for a moment
of dancing in bed tonight
she leans down and places a tender kiss on my cheek
and the room slowly drifts back to its own dreams
she a tender perfection worshipful and giving joys
she sits with me and
her tight jeans are soft and warm under my hand
and i find myself fascinated by
how she fills up my senses in a moment
i make love to her essence on the air
and passionately tenderly kiss her presence so near
to me that it sets me afire
she takes me
as i take her
mark john junor Dec 2015
my empty hands sprawled
the healers of magical minds watch intently
as i rush to speak all my madness thoughts
as i spill the visions and voices that come to me in the night
they pour out onto the madhouse floor
stained like blood red wine
sharp taste to the minds electric eye
wrap tin foil around your fingers when you type
lest the alien signature machine sees you in a dream

the healers of a magical mind
tell you of reality that you cannot see
they give you small pills to make it all better
to soak up all the fears
your magic mind speaks inside your ear
tells you not to swallow the pills
that they make your face look funny in the mirror
that they control you with secret machines
in magazines

sit on the bare floor
straight jacket wrapped warmly around you like loving arms
and watch the cursed moon rise neath the clouds
sing in a whisper to the voices in your head
your eyes wide open
to the magical mind
Slow crawl across
The new river
Currents pull me askew
Day unfortunate plays the devil
With my feet of clay
Stumble and recover
Is the method of my escape

Spare a dime brother
Won't you give to the crippled and poor
The Spend Thrift Scottish Way
Give a hand but never the word for the wise
Give leverage off your sickbed but never really leave it

The drunkard and the feeble share their thought
Boycott the Spend Thrift Scottish Way
Throw glass and nails on the path
We will sink them in our turn
Sly smile between brothers of the road
They have got you down
But they can't defeat you at your own game

It's a slow crawl across the New River
To see the King Of Clubs
But I have all day and nowhere else to go
Spare me a dime brother
Spare me the Spend Thrift Scottish Way
mark john junor Feb 2014
the moment fades
and you had thought to capture to page
but her rapid flow escapes your hand's words
and pen falters its speech denied
you find yourself on cold granite steps
to silent tower who skin garnished with vine
lending it a ancient aspect to its modern line belies

once taken to wing
but tamed by the confused winds
you falter back to the roost of your thoughts
to mend your plans and stock your blades
you eye the approaching storms
and gauge you delemias
once taken to wing a man can think of little more
once taken to wing a man will fight to the death
to reattain the air on wing
that ebb and floe that razors edge of death
that freedom of flight
it will gnaw his conscience
disturb his dreams
till he rides wind once again
ever eyes to the quick skys
ever one hand testing mettle
to take to the wing

your pen sings once more
its voice rising to symphony and igniting the soul
clear and true
by divine right
in the simple phrases of dawns early light
streaming in through the gate
the air cool with the heavy scent of summer growth
the mind giddy with the pleasures of
summers gentle grace
toe touch to the waters surface
spreads a whisper of a wave
across the mirror surface
across the lifetimes edges of dull grey waters
turn the word slowly
its face is its own not mine
its dull repetition is the hammer-stroke
the heartbeat
mark john junor Aug 2016
a breath of light
touched her towheaded son
as she reached out to find sunshine
in a moonlight song....
you can find beauty and hope
in the darkest places men's hearts can dream
you can be saved by the smile on your face
if you just believe
nothing can keep you from
being loved again...
she held her towheaded son close to her
as daybreak was outshined
by her joyful smile...
she had learned that lifes road
was hills to struggle up
with the sweat pouring from your labored brow
and the lighthearted dash
along a river of joys
she was alive with hope
and her darling baby boy
she will walk with him till he's a man
in this woman's heart
its her towheaded son that's her sunshine
mark john junor Aug 2014
there was a deep snow in the spring
we kept eachother warm in the night
and built snowmen in mornings light
lost in your eyes
wandered the joys of you
that laugh
and that kiss
i could see all my tomorrows with you
see it all clear as day
but then....
but then....
now i wander the ghosts of our yesterdays
stand in the summer night wishing for rain
all these yesterdays slipping through my fingers
all these beautiful glorious moments of you
spinning round in my heart
a hurricane of beautiful dreams like touching you
a thousand tastes of paradise in your lips
all these things and so much more in the
promise of your arms
but then...
but then...
mark john junor Dec 2013
synopsis of trajectory type tragedy
the day after the dreaded day
and the meals limp leftovers now
stuffed into the bulging fridge
our new neighbour taps at the door with a
synopsis of trajectory type tragedy
she spills her daily story with soft sounds
all over the living room glass table
and plays with its entrails
while trying with halfhearted desperation
to pry certain monies from certain people
without being too specific cause then that'd be rude or something
her projectile vocal charade slowly subsides
into a vapour trail of trying to get her get well
out of the spare change the sing flier has left behind on
the last beer run of the night next door
he is passed acknowledging himself
her feet ignite the carpet
when the bag achieved is glory in her ***** pocket
she cooks her dinner in a spoon
and the night is
spent chasing the fluff across the spaces in her mind
and deep in bathroom mirrors
fascinated by the focus
and delicate operations it takes to get
the place into what it shouldn't be
she falls asleep with her hand in some old mans pocket
as the sun creeps over the lost horizon
she admits in a whisper
that we have become the lost children
that we have become shadows of what we once thought so grand
filthy clothes replace
the latest threads from the fashion house
and the newest thoughts are fresh off the press too
the defend the empire of the needy
and require the few to to fend for the many
but the reality is
we live hand to mouth
day to day
desperation is measured in moments
that you cannot answer the tears in her eyes
she rattles around the kitchen
making me coffee
and two eggs over easy
but her own breakfast she cooks in a spoon
the projectile tragedy was the last
thing i wanted to relive
but here she is on my living room carpet
my ex chatting with my current
and im in the other room
out hope that someday you will cease
this and come home to stay
the candlelight denied its own shadows
it moved with the wind but resisted change
it was a late fall evening
and the wind had grown cold
with winters first touches
and there in the only light
she showed me her face full of trackless tears
and the troubled things that lay within her mind
the choice of changing words
never spoken clear never spoken quick
but the story they gave me was
a dark tale flowing from her past
the places she had been in the years
and how she was
hoping to come home at last
not going to delete...dont believe in censorship
mark john junor Jul 2013
my thoughts echo down upon silent wings
fluttering on the edge of utterance only briefly
set to disappear on the heat of expelled breath

they emerge fully formed on the daylight side of reality
far removed from their stone cold birth
and far from what i beheld when setting them loose
their meanings malformed into mystery
and they ellude me with swift confusion

the sounds uttered
transient upon the heavy air
swiftly seeks shelter in her mind
and in her eyes i see these ideas form
and grow like a forest of troubled thoughts
through which i can hope little for path or passage

the leaves drift downward
in a silent symphony of movement
as morning becomes substantial to my senses
its heavy air laden with rain
we spent the night in eachothers arms
very little spoken
waiting for daylight to reveal something
our eyes could not find in each other

the dawn hangs low on the horizon
shaded by the years
into the dark corners
where the shadows dance upon the leaves
the sounds reach me and through them i learn
through them change is possible

she is gone these years
split the poem 'reflections..." up because it was too explicit...and from the peices got this poem and 'the soft cotton...'  fixed the was better when i had an editor, well, maybe not
mark john junor Apr 2016
transient light begins to fade from the winter sky
i reach up with all my strength
but i cannot hold back the failing daylight
cannot cease its awkward stumbling into night
but as its last vestiges slip away a song comes to my heart
its words inked in my very soul
all the joys and true beauty of togetherness shared
that all of these loves iv know and nurtured
have not been in vain
that as i stand alone in the gathering shadows
i will never really be alone
for there are hearts out there who still cherish me
i am not forgotten
a rich tapestry of images my heart brings back to me
the smiling faces of the people in my world who have shared
warmth and love with me
are with me always, forever
tonight i may sail a dark sea
but i am anchored in the safe haven of another's heart's dream
so as the transient light fades from the sky
i have no fear
i have only love
mark john junor Nov 2013
she paints her smile on
and turns her weary thoughts to the
sunlight streaming weakly through the open door
she hesitates on the cusp of her movement
and carefully considers stepping out there
but is instead captured by
the motel balcony's chipped concrete features
it powder's the mind with years it has seen
the nineteen sixties frat boys
and the seventy's hard hitters
but that train of thought evaporates into the
open sound of his shouts from the parking lot below
she lays a trembling hand on her bag
and casts an attempt of deep gaze around the soiled room
for lingering pieces of their adventure
before stepping into the light furnace of day
the sudden appearance of the highway near at
hand tumbles into her field of perception
tonight they will be hundreds of miles north is her thought
she checks the doors lock and half stumbles to the stair
she dreads the events to unfold
dreads the hours of engine noise and his muttering
the mindnumbing noise of the radio
and the etched features of roadway benith wheel
somewhere up the road this will end
that knowledge is secure
all things change
but enduring is the cuckold of thouse who
thrive on the grieving of the unbearable
she leans her frame into the car
its japanese pleather is sticky
and she by pulling the door shut acknowledges
her departure
they move to the road
with seeming intent
a backward glance of longing is her only consolation
they are travelling once more
mark john junor Dec 2013
and scrawled spraypaint messages of
young summer love
litter the sky
she comes to mind as the humid dawn approaches
and the birds strike up their morning song
she is probably up north serving food
in some greasy spoon
or sitting quiet lost in her sweet thoughts
at the counter of some comfy
mom and pop hippy coffee shop with all natural herb teas
she is someplace safe i think to myself
i just know it
someplace she is loved
and that enough for me
it was so many summers ago now
im sure she has forgotten me
but i will never forget her
tortoise shell glasses
and a cup of coffee in a denver coffee shop
while we tread in civil gardens
and shared ice cream cones
mark john junor Jan 2015
revisit the lonely girl now in your mind
her alabaster face just a vehicle for those lovely aftermath eyes
her lips painted delicately like danger
she moaned a few wary words into my weary head
that i should fear for her fragile heart's dream
there are tears in unseen places of her innocent soul
that i should tread with angelic care in the gardens of her desperation
where she is tangled with unease and misgiving
she is lonely

visit your image of the lonely girl 
revisit her in her darkest hour
comfort her with your kindest words
she moaned a few wary words into my weary head
her forgiven lover an apparition of her yesterdays
but still carries her soft wet lips warmth
carries the dire need of her dark desire 
she is a woman of warmth
waiting for spring
waltzing with a winter rain
she is lonely
mark john junor Sep 2013
the days all seem to blend into one
long song of regaling minstrels of mixed temperament
and poets of a different tongue
all she can say to you as she shows you the door
is that she wishes you well
and hopes you enjoyed the ride
cause you know its the right thing to do
and she kisses your cheek
out into the night you shuffle
you wander the carnival of the city streets
and wonder at the creatures of night
who don't need a home to know who they were born to be
who don't need directions to know right from wrong

the passive shadow
retreats across the floor
as the day slips
my gaze rides the rays
out the window to
breathtaking panorama of sky
but after few moments
the skies silent awe evaporates
as day crowds back in

these are days in the length of my years
that i pause to ponder the small ripples
the slight thing that becomes a tidal wave
later in life
sets in like the worn heel
of favored running shoes
its bitter dregs taste sweet in comparison
to the taste of her eyes as she rejected the venture

its a fine gift
like a box of gold
like a treasure of the soul
but it is not real
it is not true
it is simply a feeling of comradeship
a heartfelt desire that things could be different

late afternoon sunlight
through the narrow window
falls on the burnished oak
bringing to life the the beloved scents
of childhood home
my parents library
of books spread through the house
and all that knowledge that once thought was so precious
has turned into a phone that dont ring

the passive shadow
retreats across the floor
as the day slips
my gaze rides the rays
out the window to
breathtaking panorama of sky
but after few moments
the skies silent awe evaporates
as day crowds back in

and i remember that i was once a footloose son
and once danced in the dust of a summer sun
with a girl wearing a rose printed dress
and all seemed so right and true that day
and it was
and it was

these are days in the length of my years
that i pause to ponder the small ripples
the slight thing that becomes a tidal wave
later in life
these days are long gone before they ever came
aint that just like her
mark john junor May 2014
the trees give way to large open space
with a road running its center
fields of wild grass and shrub border its sides
above the sky has forgotten the sun
under the swift grey silent river of storm clouds
it will rain any moment
the air is thick with its taste

a mass of small birds suddenly take to wing
moving as one swinging up into the treeline
the silence implied is full of birdsong
and the wood sounds
we walk hand in hand through the grass
to the cracked and **** strewn road
that has not see a soul in years
she stops to pick a wild rose
and we resume walking while she holds it with gentle care
like a kitten she is taking home to feed warm milk

thunder rolls off just to the east
we have crossed the road and plunge back into
wild grass and ****
passing the rusted skeletal frame of some car
engulfed by a small tree
i pitch a rock at the hood and with the rewarding metal retort
press on to the far side of the clearing
the large oaks looming in our path
seem like ancient sentinels guarding the gates to eden
we pause as we reach the treeline
i look back
i will never forget the beauty of this day
with my sweet lover
and this quiet peaceful place
mark john junor Nov 2015
a slow slipping into the dark abyss of thinking
such dark wicked thought twists
on the vines overgrowing the living breathing edge of perception
its hard white metal edge baking in ever present sunlight
like wine i am a drunkard of the softest touch
i am a ***** to the sweetest line
master of none...fool for some
its all a memory a moment after it happened
so why am i so glued to the window paine
staring into the brief bright glitter of passing time
staring into the abyss

her eyes slowly scattered across my form
as her words escaping in rapid succession
splatter the cold tile like breadcrumbs for the miserable beast
the trail of which is lewd in my mind like razors
her reservations slip back into her lips past thick gloss
her dire predictions limp hollow into the
heavy thick humid florida air
laughing like a mad mad woman
like a mad mad man

teeth gritted and hands contorted to the form
of the pill bottle long empty
the headache has returned to her lips
spew itself across the dim room
leaving splashes of hand wrought pain
leaving traces of hand carved memories
her tricycle broken and burning
her doll sitting in darkness
she weeps
i sleep
mark john junor Aug 2013
darkness at the very edge
its bold
and far from silent
it has a vast sound at the verge of hearing
soft and insistent
clinging to you like a frightened child
you chase the source of light
seeking comfort in its warm familiarity
through the supermarket
where housewives steal trinkets of food
where men loose spare change
through the well traveled rail station
where men in long coats await the rain
where women of dire straights await rescue

clean the razors determinations
and know that the fine line reached
is the one between her mocking you
and the reality of your cold naked bleeding in the rain
no sweeping music can change the mistakes
no well placed words can undo the changes
and everyone may pretend not to see
but they all know
and they all lied

she awakens before dawn
standing at the kitchen table
holding a paper doll
inside she screams and screams
inside the tears are an ocean of death
but to the mute world
her stone gaze fixed out the window
that in her mind is forever as shattered as her
to a world that to her is forever winterbound as her cold heart
she walks into the depths of her home
neatly pressed in her grey dress
line perfect down to makeup
but there is a steady whisper of terror leaking out of her lips

darkness has many faces
hides in plain sight
in full on sunlight
has too many names to be recalled
its lusted for and held up in praise
but it is no hero to me

she is just one average face
just one average set of fingers
looking for a trigger
looking for a thing to bury herself and blade in
and regardless of what they say
she is my only hope
i cannot be the one to bear this burden anymore
i cannot carry this awful memory any further
i want to be rid of her and her kind once and for all

she stands in her silent dark bedroom
razor in her cold fingers
thin smile on her thin lips
shes waiting
but im never coming back
i will never open that door
never free her of this hell she created
if it was anybody else i might feel
anyone else it might matter
let her rot
mark john junor Jun 2013
just a wave of the hand
just a casual thought to bind you to
to this fate for eternity

because you
thought it would be all like yesterday
but the road never remains the same
you can retrace your steps
but you can never go back once you've gone
never be where you once stood
and she looks at you different today
she looks like a stranger to me more and more
as her own road has become strange to her

today was filled with finding ourselfs a new home
but its really a search to find the old one
to try and recapture what we had
the world is before me
a new sky
a new sun
even the air is strange to me

three am
we find a parking lot
and just for a quick laugh
we find a shopping cart
she climbs in and i push faster and faster
trying to catch the stars aflame
trying to beat the rust that moves over the heart
trying to beat the slow misery of moving apart

she wont bed anyone but me
i will never speak to the girl she hates serenity ever again
we fell asleep after making love
slow and careful love
careful to show each-other we haven't lost each-other yet
i love you
edit: ditto
mark john junor Mar 2014
she pours me a glass of wine
and with overgentle hand caresses my cheek
tells me a tale from her long ago
in a strange voice like smoke
tells me me of a love that chimed like the bells of spring
rang straight and true
like carefully crafted glass slippers on the night dancer
like all the comfortable things that she keeps
in the closet of her heart

pulling out the decorations in dusty celebration
of the summer night years past
with the photographs sad with their smiles
that true love of her girlhood
standing in the dusk holding his hand
and the kiss like a king and his blushing princess bride
she was so nervous she left her shoes on the lake shore

and when he was gone to the distant winter gate
she lingered by the icicle window tracing with
a finger hearts with his name
she laughs with a ghost of a tear
over how silly she had been
her first kiss hadn't been with such fanfares
and flowing silken robes
but with some handsome lad
who is now lost to the vastness of years
but she still has the picture of her in that dress
standing on the lake shore with shoes in hand
while the carnival spun in the background like a drunken man
whos song has given way to his lament
mark john junor Jan 2016
never before let it blossom like
roses in such fairest sunlight
he was a man of wilderness
strong and sure in his way
a creature of knowing and doing
a stranger to this game of light and shadow
of loves falsely promised and tenderness teased
of loves true touch tenderness felt in unison with another soul
a man of the hunt for wild beasts
he sought to ensnare her in traps of logic
but any fool knows there is no logic to the heart
and its romances are all she knew
such is a fiery burning bright and true to the heart romance
such is the knowing a woman's deep hearts desires
he calls out in moonlight her name
and she comes to him
and they share wild hours wrestling
body and soul
this is the true spoken word
there is no life without love
a man of the world now
no man can stand without a woman's hand
mark john junor Mar 2015
there are more dreams in a moment of sunshine
than a century of night
mark john junor Jan 2016
in the spanish quarter
her eyes fixed on the dim light passage
as she awaits the coming hand of deceptions
with her recital of whispers like a prayer
she sweats openly
to her its a pressure point at the breaking
its a devils delight in the black heart of evil men
so as the wick of her flame clings to its purpose
as it burns true to pure
as you knew it would
you sit by her side
wait out the hours
forsake the dawn it never comes to this desolate place
forsake all trust love hope
they fled this desolate place
stand for who you are
stand for rights victory over wrong
truth even if it means your death
mark john junor Feb 2014
the branches silhouette against the sky
spiderweb of leaves and wood
against damp cool air
languages spoken by the world around me
words in tongues of the mysterious night
the dreams that come into focus
are ones that vividly center on moments
never truly lived
conversations that should have been
love made but never shared
the branches silhouette against the night sky
watch slow procession stately and pure
as the web woven by branches and leaves
gives slow silent birth to a tree in dawns
revealing light
so it is with you and I
look at me silhouetted against the
darkness of her words
wait for dawns light to show the truth
you already know
for Liz
mark john junor Oct 2016
the brave look to the dawn to
see the fruit of their endeavors....
the frightened look to wash clean the awful marks
of their fear from their faces before the
dawn exposes their true nature......
she looks to the dawn with her hopeful heart
still wrapped in her lovers scent......
he looks to the dawn as the embers of
the camp fire still glows with the
memory of the nightwatch
lonesome with his horse as silent companion.....
the wise man can read the days true face in the
turbulent clouds of daybreak.....
while the fool sleeps soundly in the
shallow waters of delusions warm and
comforting dream.....
the drunkard stumbling homeward
in the mist of his mind
looks to the dawn's glare with a tired yet
often muttered prayer that this be the last day of his suffering....
the wholesome man already taken his place in the factory line
see's a splinter of the dawn in the poisoned air in this dark room
quickly returning to his labor lest he loose all he has gained
and wishes for better days to come....
each of us must look to the
breaking dawn
with what truth or lie our hearts yearn
what strength or weakness is in our soul
each must find a path in the breaking dawn
hand in hand with another
or strongly by our own
and see in dawns turbulent clouds
a bright future to kiss us upon the cheek
mark john junor Nov 2013
hall pacers dominate the morning
sandle feet shuffle back and forth
eyes cast down travel the floor seeking the droppings
of the pacer before
the riches are in the mind
baubles of plastic and paint
the remains form a graveyard
bone thin white shards baking in an
imaginary summer sun
the unshaven huddle in the corner
watching with avid eyes
watching for the silence that follows
like a shadow... like a sad memory
weaving rhyme spoken at first attempt
he stands perfectly still in the midst of
all this random wandering
staring out into the distance of his mind
eye on the devolving thoughts
of her turning to go
turning to go
to go
mark john junor Jul 2013
twelve days in july
and i carry tokens of each of them
in the pocket of my filthy jeans
each has a face
each has a story and its own trail
of rages or tears

she danced alone in the room
of the redhouse bodega
a spanish tune twisting slowly from the player
its sound thin but the song robust
spinning spinning round and round
she was shadow and light
flashes of rich color
in her best dress and boots of leather
hear them still hitting the hardpack floor
like thunder
she was a goddess that night
she was the worlds that night
let her stay there forever in the limelight
happy in the moment

he waited dressed in his finest clothes
pressed and neat from head to toe
with a single rose
in the moonlight a mile down from the redhouse
in his heart he sings that song to her
in his heart he holds her in his arms
theres nothing that will stop us he says
theres nothing that will ever stand in our way
and his heart dances thru all the days with her
that he will love her
that they will share
there in the moonlight a mile down from the redhouse
singing a song in his heart for her
let him abide there forever
happy in the moment

i see dawn sneaking in the window
pull the blanket from my shoulder
shake off the chill
cough the sickhouse regret and
feel my lungs fill with  slow death
twelve days in july
but i keep dreamin of one night in febuary
a shopping cart and smiles
i could use some
all the places i could have ended
did not see this one
alone in an empty broken room
an empty broken man
dont leave me here alone
in this moment

she lay in the grass
public park just before dawn
looking up at the stars fade
holding a small budda
rubbing the belly
smile on her face
but thoughts run deep and swift
with one finger she traces the edges of clouds
in her heart she paints masterpieces
she illustrates the world with a carefree hand
and is loved by all who behold
in her heart
the last sliver of moonlight is hers alone
on the road from the redhouse
an ambulance ride to saving
a quick journey to hope
on the road from the redhouse
she just wants to stay here where its safe
where nothing dangerous can get at her
in this moment of moonlight

twelve days in july
seem like years to me
where am i bound
will i make it
i just want that night
shopping carts and smiles
just a glimmer of hope
intent on the time
know it travels close at hand
it reduces all my empires
to brittle shards
i worry the clock with glances
rubbing it worn edge with my eyes
all hangs in the balance
of its small noise motions
tick tick tick
mark john junor Feb 2016
requiem for the immaterial man
his pauper pockets clean but empty
he stitches his threadbare life with a careful hand
this is the latter half of the twentieth century man
and his well spoken mind sees the writing on the wall
knows the disease of market minded wall street dreamers
and the throw away class of the poor stranded in jails

he watches with dismay the evening news
the tale told of hard times to come
he embraces his family unit with
courage and trepidation
this wife and child are his universe
love for them wells up from the center of his soul

requiem for the immaterial man
he is spread thin and feeling the pressure
but its for his loved ones so he will hang on
but its for the long haul so he will make due

will you please spare him some thought
when you go to the hallowed halls
when the republic calls you to cast your vote
for the fool who will sit in the oval office
for the king billionaire who holds our fate in his lunatic hands

the latter half of the twentieth century man
carrying his lunch in a pale
walks slowly home from his busy workaholic day
the burden on his shoulders plain
but he is a strong man after all
a better man
spare him a thought
for his loved ones
mark john junor Apr 2013
twenty years ago

her loose strand of hair lingers over her face
i brush it back gently
and a tear slips free
i can see in her eye
that she wishes that somebody would stop her
that she could escape this charade
i can see its bitter on her lips
i can see it makes her feel so small

so we escaped together
and found ourselfs a happy home to build
a future she told me, a future she promised me

the soft hand slips in
and the next line writes itself
its her that im living for

its her smile that that makes it bearable
its her her loving words that make it understandable
its her eyes that see me
its the future that she promised me was coming
its the future that she promised me was coming

why isn't she saying anything
why are her eyes dark and distant

short lived in this half-light serenade
the tide has withdrawn
leaving me in the cold spray of a winter rain
silence in her eyes
silence on her lips
its so cold here...why wont she speak
why do we linger here

i wish someone would stop me
wish that i could escape this charade

and she died there twenty years this day
at the spring tide just at dawn
she will never speak the world to me
will never smile the day for me
never whisper the love with me
LOL...relationships...she keeps deleting this poem, i keep putting it back up...Babe, i write em, you read em...not i write em, you delete em... :-)
mark john junor May 2014
a hurricane was treading on the world around us
sounded like it was gonna come apart at the seams
but all i could see or hear was you
as you held my hand laughing at the silly world
as you captured me and
held with tender embrace
your more than some mere force of nature

to look at you seem just like a girl
but iv climbed into the furnace of your heart
iv lost myself on the milk white sea of your warm gaze
iv wandered the echo of an endless summer night in your voice
your all the lost days found once more
your all the hopes
wrapped up in a tender kiss
more than some mere force of nature
you are natural to my heart

let your hair down my lover
breath easy tonight
as the sea rolls out the moonshine just for you
let your twilight eyes close to dream
cause ill have you safe here in my heart and arms
cause i know at long last that i'm home
with a woman who is more than a mere force of nature
you are natural in my heart like you always belonged there
my sweet lover
mark john junor Oct 2021
It isn't the quality of the words that measure truth
it's the men we all see with such clear eyes
Two brothers trapped in a pitched battle
echoes of their roots displayed in a contest of wills
two brothers follow the same dream
two brothers dance the same songs
We can never stop being who we are
we can grow thriving under a perfect sun
but our roots forever spread from the single source
our birthplace and home
Two brothers trapped in a pitched battle
find peace at last in each others truth
we are the same inside the dream
we are fellow travelers
whose nature it is to find hope and love
in the cloudiest of days
mark john junor May 2013
bobby's mind wanders
his momma said hes a good boy
but he has grown to be an old man now
and there is nobody left to gauge if hes still good or not
he gathers himself in the bus stop corner
out of the rain

he scans the ground for dropped coins
and his gaze falls
on a crumpled bright paper
one corner shows a crinkled face
its a sinister face
he unfolds it
and unfolds the paper too

all the years fall away from his eyes
troubles slip away into the darkness
all the things that
he should have, could have, disappear

the paper leads him to the tower
and the wretched machine spins slowly back to life
he takes his place
in the dusty room slowly turning the hand crank
unfolding two hundred sinister faces
unleashing two thousand bare feet knuckling
the threadbare carpet leading to sunshine

it isnt what you think that traps you
its what you feel
its the past you have not faced and defeated
its the things you fear
its what they make you feel

unfolding two hundred sinister faces
and they feed on his weakness
by making him feel strong
eats at the scarred surface of his soul
part two of "100 sinister faces" which i wrote 5 days ago...but the poems dont really have much in common..about two very different subjects... they are, if you will pardon the pun, two faces of the same words.
mark john junor May 2014
he hungers for the fruit of the vine
he thirsts for the supper of the earth
his blue skies face crumbles
when he sees the dead field
fragments of his bravery litter the sand
while he sits in the harvest field
moaning in the tilled earth
fingers entwined in the roots of dead growth
the bounty of the earth is gone
leaving only this desolate dirt
his lament loud and wild
reaches her
and she is compelled to join him there
naked to the whip of the sun
leashed to the soil with thin golden chains
where they both lay mourning
like two insane birds
prisoners of the open sky
longing for the freedom of dirt
mark john junor Apr 2015
the two women sit in
absolute silence
worlds apart in the small room
they look at the polished wooden floor
and wait
she shifts in her seat
nervously looking at her watch
while the other woman plays on her phone
each had taken time to be here
each had a role to play in this daydream
she gets up
and like an obscene gesture walks to the door
a thousand eyes film her as she leaves the silent room
a thousand wishes embrace her as she leaves the silent room
the other woman flinches back into
the confines of her chair
and puts away her phone
she glares at the door
wishing for the courage to escape
knowing nothing would try to stop her
except her own fear
two women sat in absolute silence
only the younger fled
the older woman trapped by her own mind
waits for rescue that may never come
the mind is a dangerous place to wander
too easy to become lost in its maze of reality
she waits there
mark john junor Feb 2014
the unattainable girl in cotton dress with her untouched hands
her perfections body and soul are store purchased at trending boutiques
she illustrates the room into vivid colour with her casual presence
she becomes the motion in the still life drawing you live
she is the utterance of everything to be attained by dreaming
by hope
for you
the unattainable

she leads you through the broken gate
a backyard overgrown and
past the rusting skeleton of a child's swing set
night has rendered it life
and it looms large in the minds eye with terrible
wrath for its cheated years
inside the bare room
streetlight filtered by the boarded up window
sound is muffled in here
her voice strangely stagnant and heavy
as she clumsily removes her shirt
laughing a small embarrassed laugh
so unlike her cool and convincing hardcase appearance
the two of you rest a few hours cupped in eachothers arms
till daylight leeches your sleepyheads of dreams

but the tattered cover of your romance novel
is by no means a feat of strung out fairy's on a mission to condemn
they only want recompense for the time they spent wrapped in the
soiled leather sheets entertaining some middle aged naked man
and his sole desire to be pretty
she sees all this
she sits in the dry corner
eyes wide but unseeing
a song of terrors paused on her lips
the reality's of reality has not yet sunk in
but its soft spoken voice is whispering to her now
it sets its christmas card well wishes on her mantle
it lays its warm gifts on her bed
careworn toys of her bitter embraces
sit in the grey snow abandoned like her lovers
now that she found her nirvana

she will spend her days
in hard red leather and fishnet
plying the flesh pots and the mystery's exposed of naughty naughty
the unattainable girl is just a photograph now
one dimensional image of a four dimensional demon girl
mark john junor Sep 2013
fingers unchained by her frame of mind
do little dances on her skin
the soft hair
the thin scatter of line
slows me to ******
and it becomes honey to the mind
thick and sweet
slow and hot
and i cannot withhold
my heart thunders in my chest
my head is full of noises nasty and swift
full of things that overtake all my senses
and she smiles so wicked
she knows that without having to even lift a single delicate finger
she is the only picture in my gallery
she is the only sculpture in the hot garden
in the long night of
the beginning
she melts onto the bed
flowing out over me
golden dreadlocks
and the musty perfume of her lust
i am hers
she is mine
unchained by her frame of mind
we sweat the sheets
bounce the kitchen table across the room
get the bathroom soaked
and laugh carefree
its a reason to
just a moment longer
before you go back to your day
before somebody calls you away
nurse your man back
from the edge
strip off all that gear
come here
you are mine
i am yours
mark john junor Nov 2013
a fire breaks out in his pants
whenever she walks into the room
but she just laughs
at how quaint he is
she has eyes only for the old man at
the end of the bar
his beat era leather socks are just up her alley
his pocket protector lifestyle is just
the thing for her wedding plans
she could always see herself
with his type of narrow shoe smart fella

he leaves her and her lover
at the dark bar
and wanders the lobster cages
looking to trap the feelings
that made him feel like
unconquerable king john
with his magna carta series pen
but this night is too full of babe sweet
and her pocket protector cowboy
so he goes home
to lay on his bed on imaginary nails
and suffer all the trials that good men should
wants to be worthy for the pay off
wants to be in line for the pearly gates

babe sweet and her man
live up the coast now
they own a bed an breakfast catering to the insane
who write great novels
on the walls in crayon
and spend their nights
hanging out on the roof singing ballads
to babe sweet
and her cowboy who lasso's the moon
its a wonderful life plays on the tv
every night year round
cause thats the dream they are sellin
that if you work hard
someday itll pay off

jerry garcia's picture hangs
in the lobby
he looks out at the changed world
with the shocked expression
of how did all these people miss the point
as they just go on beating eachother up
and crashing the gates
he is in the back room of babe sweets place
hiding from all the gretchens
and trying to redraw the lines of reality
we all got lost out there
gotta reinvent yourself
before the gretchens and the hangers on tear it all down
gotta bend the road before it bends you
just like unconquerable king john
mark john junor Oct 2017
A single page of her
fills her lover's world
ardent appetite to be cradled like the  
adoration of a mortal unexceptional goddess
who sometimes has high-heeled shoes of clay
leaves her and her lover to waver among
joys shared blissfully diffused by tears shed quietly
A single page of her is written
with the fundamental spirit of a lust for love
an ambition to live loves dream
which is central to every man and woman's heart
A single page of her is provender for the soul
with a common language of immortal romantic notions

A single page of her
just a human being
a lover of another human being
just an exceptional love within an uncomplicated heart
a softly written cage open to lights of loving warmth

A single word of her
fills the canvas with brilliant colors
takes on the shapes of this feverish love affair
takes on the hue's of these hearts at ease
that wrestle each other's naked souls
then cleave to each other with a dire thirst
A single word of her statuesque illustration
histories and futures softly spoken in the animated night
expressions of this average celestial throne
this world of exceptionally average simple beauties
A single word of hers
that I have never actually heard
but knowing its there unspoken in her eyes
just a human being

A single picture of her
fills a poet's hands with rich verse
words laden with potent essence within their expression
as wild as the wind in the deepest part of the rain
as enriched as breathing exaltation and splendor
her photograph pasted to the mirror's edge
as if she were a reflection of dreams
as if perfection had a name
A single picture of her
embroidered by a light that shines
only from some souls
a warmth that greets every passing stranger
an intensity that verges on fire

A single moment of her time
leaves impressions upon you that will breathe within you
growing in the remembrance
like roses upon the vine
interwoven and lovely in the warm light
just a human being
but she will always be
just Kristen
© 2017 mark john junor all rights reserved
mark john junor Jul 2014
sweet summer thick with late day sun
all the the children running with laughter's an joys
the men plowing in the rich soil
the women hands to hips all the washin to be done
hear em singing as each stitch laid to cloth
hear em laughing under the beautiful sun
aint no living to be done till you lived
natural on the land....
sweet summer thick with late day sun
walking back now to gather for supper
hear em singing with joys bounty
aint no living to be done till
ya come live under a sweet summer sun
all the children sleepin under the night sky
all the folks dreamin wonderful lives
aint no living like under the natural sun
mark john junor Sep 2014
my hungry heart came looking
but my foolish head had me thinkin'
so round and round i did flow
trying to hide my heart from my head
playin hide and seek with my soul
trying to find a way to have both these loves
trying to give all the love my heart dreams
trying to be the best man i can be cause you deserve nothing less
round and round shadows play
light is a grace that she would grant me
forgiving my hearts infidelity
because i did not cheat...did not stray
so i stand here with tears a-flowin
trying to let go of such a lovely
trying to make my heart unfeel true beauty's smile
never wanted to give anything so beautiful away
my heart wants to be greedy
my heart hungers
but my heads thinkin'
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