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Marissa Rozas Oct 2017
I asked once
“Why did dad die young”
And I got this answer
“God wanted more angels”
Here’s the catch
He was Buddhist
I’ve wonder that for years now
What is the afterlife?
If there was heaven,
Did the people who didn’t believe
Get in heaven?
Or are they doomed
For the eternal flames?
I wonder some strange things
I guess you have to wonder
To get answers.
Marissa Rozas Sep 2020
I’m just like you.
And you are just like me.
How the ****
Aren’t we meant to be?

I like you
I’m not so sure
If you like me as well
But boy, you got me on your lure.

Dragged along
By your fishing line
Wondering and waiting
When I can make you mine.
Marissa Rozas Oct 2017
Why does he love me?
He deserves so much more
I can’t give him anything
I have nothing
I am nothing
Why me?
Why’d he choose me?
He could just want to waste time
Why would he waste time for so long?
I wish I could give him more
He does too much for me
I love him
But am I holding him back,
From his real true love?
Are we going to last?
I can only give him my heart
Which isn’t much
Considering how much
It’s been broken
I’ve dealt with loss
So much loss
I can’t deal with more
What if he leaves?
What will happen to me?
I need him
But does he need me?
all of these poems are based on my life, experiences, and just emotions.
Marissa Rozas Oct 2017
Toes in the sand
Hermit ***** scooting by,
Afraid to come out of its shell
The tide comes in
Burying the hermit ***** in its presence
The wind shaking each palm tree
I look out to the ocean
The water crashing on the shore
It first screams at me
Then it calms
The screams turn to whispers
The wind stops howling
Marissa Rozas Oct 2017
Is such a hard thing to follow
How can you be you,
Without breaking the rules of Him?
This is me
Cursing, offensive jokes, and sadness
Half of that goes against religion
Why can’t I still be me,
But still follow the religion I was born into?
What religion is true?
Will we find out when Death comes
Waiting at our doorstep
He’ll knock
And you answer
And he says,
“Here’s what religion is true”
And if you follow it, you get to live,
How your religion lives
If you follow another religion
You’re down in the flames
I guess what i'm trying to say is,
Choose wisely.
Again, I write what's on my mind so please tell me if you like it or not.
Marissa Rozas Oct 2017
Souls make people
Who they are
When we pass
Our soul wanders
Wondering what to do
They have always had some purpose
Now what?
Souls are seen even after death
Maybe it’s the warm smell of cookies
Or the salty smell of the sea
One thing
Makes every soul different
Makes every soul remembered
One thing
One word
This is an old poem I wrote...
Marissa Rozas Sep 2020
The grass against our skin,
We look at the clouds, and feel the wind
Behind those clouds, just in our gaze
A Strawberry Sunset is set ablaze

As quick as the day began,
Mother nature has a different plan

The Strawberry red, turns to grey
As more clouds roll in, ruining the day
We look at eachother, racing down the hill
Was this date worth it, or was this God’s Will?

As the rain comes settling in,
We sit together, and you start to grin.

I apologize, for the weather outside.

But you say to have no worries, because I’m by your side.
hey here's a song I wrote! my friends and I are in a band, and this is the first song I wrote. honestly really enjoying writing music
Marissa Rozas Oct 2017
I know everyone dies
It’s fate
But just thinking
Truly thinking about it
Can get depressing
Your friends
Your favorite actors
Your favorite bands
All one day
Will be gone
I guess we live life
And we either die
Doing nothing
Or die
Doing something
It doesn’t have to be major
If you change at least one person
One person’s heart
For the good
You did something right
With your life
You died a legend
To that one person
Marissa Rozas Oct 2017
So there’s this boy..
So there’s this girl..
He is such a sweetheart!
Her smile brightens up my day.
He is really funny.
She laughs at my horrible jokes.
And his eyes are brown, like bark on trees.
She always seems to get lost in my eyes.
He likes everything I like!
She actually likes things I like.
Who am I kidding
What am I even thinking?
He is just..
She is just..
Too good for me.
This is for my English class
Marissa Rozas Sep 2020
Beauty is subjective, yes,
But something is beautiful about you.
I find his laugh charming.
I find her eyes breathtaking.
What about me?

Why can’t I take that same practice,
And preach it to myself?
Sure, beauty is found within.
But what’s the point in that,
If in the end you still hate your looks.

We worry so much about others beauty
That we can never focus on our own.
Find something about yourself that is beautiful
Each day, for a week.
How much will that change your mind?
just some random thoughts that came out while I was hating my appearance. Gonna change up some things about myself, hopefully it'll help!
Marissa Rozas Oct 2017
Writing is the key
To the heart
Not only others hearts
By letters and love notes
But to your own
By spilling out everything
All the way to your fingertips

— The End —