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 Sep 2016 fm
 Sep 2016 fm
roses are red
romance is dead
i wish that my boyfriend
would give me head
 Sep 2016 fm
storm siren
Will you love me
when you figure out
I'm not as perfect as you thought?

will you love me when the panic
keeps me from breathing?

like right now?

will you love me
when I cry for no apparent reason?

will you still love me
on the days
I'm more broken than usual?

will you love me
when I try to mend the hurt
parts of you
with all the love I have in me?

will you love me still?

when I am old and grey?

will you love me
when my tattoo fades?

will you love me
Everything is bad
 Sep 2016 fm
 Sep 2016 fm
I've been a lot of things in this world;
Taken for granted, the one that got away,
the achiever daughter, the sympathetic friend.

I've been complimented a dozen times, and probably have been criticized double.

I've felt emotions, both raw and silly.
I've felt the sadness of failure and the joys of success.
Cried tears for things sometimes deep, other times petty.
I've felt love, both real and conditional.
I've been hurt, accidentally and otherwise.

But I'm still a lot of things in this world.
You are too.
Not one thing can stop you;
from being the best version of you, for you.
 Sep 2016 fm
The Poetic Architect

I have been grieved by numerous trials
My faith, You've tested by fire.
You revealed Yourself,
And I came to know You
More than Your Name.

I love you,
Though I have not seen you.
My belief was kept in my innermost self,
And You filled me w/ Your glory.

I was so ignorant, that was the former me.
"You shall be holy, for I am holy," You told me.
Make my heart pure, overflowed by Your love
To obey Your truth, for I have been born again.

As the grass withers; as the flowers fall;
Your Words remain in me.
"The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God endures forever." - Isaiah 40:8 (NIV)

For, "All people are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall, - 1 Peter 1:24 (NIV)
 Sep 2016 fm
Nicki Mngadi
I just had an epiphany
a collective angry symphony of poetry
My words want to escape and spiral into existence
Grow feet and  wings
and  be the comfort of my mother
words   teach my brothers
I want you words be as a forgotten zygote
shouting with my CAPITALS
and hyphenate their sorrows and thanksgiving

words be as incense
soaring to the ends of the world
bow down in front of the creator
My words and I are messengers
 Sep 2016 fm
E C Vadnais
You expect it to happen.
Oh, how much you want it to happen.

But because you are not blessed
It will not happen to you.

It will happen to him.
And all the good in it will flow to him.

Without plan, without intention, without effort
He will gain at your loss.

So listen: Dance with the dream
For it holds everything you gave up for him.
 Sep 2016 fm
Christian J Torre
If I could look into your eyes, I would tell you how I feel.
If I could look into your eyes, you would see that I'm for real.

If I could look into your eyes, you would see I adore you most.
If I could look into your eyes, at the same time I'd hold you close.

My heart is a lock, but my darling, you are the key.
I admire you so much, you just don't know what you do to me!

Tell me what you want. Your wish is my command.
When the chips are down, then by your side is where I'll stand.

I don't care about your present. I don't care about your past.
All I want is a chance to be with you is all I ask.

I watch you from a distance. I desire your affection, but when
you look my way I have to look in another direction.

I try to gather my thoughts. I try to make a way; but when I
see you, I loose control, not knowing what to say.

How could I come across to get my point of view?
I wonder if you even know that I have a crush on you.

I adore everything you do. I cherish everything that you say.
You make me blush, smile, laugh, and surely make
my day!

My whole day could be bad. I could be sad and blue,
but you change it all just by simply looking at you.

So I hope you get this letter; being with you is my only
wish. I will now close this letter and I seal it with a kiss.

Please accept my letter, for your affection I desire.
Signed, sealed, delivered, it is I, your secret admirer.
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