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Marieta Maglas Jan 2015
Extraterrestrial humans have traveled through a warp,
Galactic gate to this world wanting to engage with us.
They sought treaties with our United Diplomatic Corp.
'Mayan descendants coming from Nibiru', wrote the press.

'On 5000 BC, that earth map had big continents.
During the time Of Moses, strange Mycenaeans appeared
Having an alphabet for hieroglyphic documents,
While an alien space from Atlantis, for sure, disappeared.'

'Thutmose had a place of the ear for Amun unique god.
For 2000 years, human societies have been like tides
In revolutions of states continuing to maraud.'
'Our telepathic thoughts keep all your historic asides.'

'That Atlantic civilization described by Plato
Disappeared in water together with its continent.
The Aegean islands formed by Santorin volcano
Have been subject to that historical change consequent.'

'Some underground bases with space gates to other planets
In Egypt, Siberia, Germany, China and States
Can be built by us.''This is not foretold by our prophets.'
'The strands of DNA are the same, thus we can be mates.'

'Anunnaki are described on Sumerian tablets.
They crossed the asteroid belt having shipped to reach us.
The Earth slave labourers looked like being chained black rabbits.
Human rights can be assailed.There is nothing to discuss.'

'The origins of the Illyrians remained unclear.
Unlike Dorians, they disappeared into Slavic zones.'
'It's all hooked up with the Illuminati, and it's clear
That with this pass, Nibiru cracks its planetary stones.'

'There's too many of you here, when you are teleported.'
'This unseen infrared planet is ours, though you see us.'
'Vatican knows this, and to keep the secrets they ordered.'
'You need knowledge to survive.''This thing we do not discuss.'

'We belong to this dual-binary solar system.
In the Oort Cloud, there is a large low-mass aborted star
Making our planet orbits be elliptical. Listen
To the interplanetary plasma that breaks so far! '

'Odd records around these times of comets and disasters
Lead to the disintegration of civilization.
This old world sows confusion due to our last massacres.
Many birds, animals and people die from starvation.'

'We're not those lizards, or those giants from your Vedic myth.
We represent the Federation of Living Planets.'
'For us, to celebrate Life with Peace means a Holy gift.
You are near our thermonuclear reactor blankets.'

'Your refusal leads to intergalactic incidents.
Our friends traveled through a spatial wormhole to be with us.
Does the Six Day War support 'elongated' imminence? '
'In front of St Thomas Aquinas we stop to discuss.'

Poem by Marieta Maglas
Marieta Maglas Jan 2015
While the bud butterflies melt their wings
Within the light red poppy chain,
The pink-gray clouded, sad sunset rings.
In this lost sky, the sun's light vein
Is almost thrown in a ****** rain.

The leaving sun abandons the sky
For the moon, and in the cricket crawl
The leaves of the oaks whisper 'good bye',
While the coming night has a dark shawl.
She looks at the stars with a black eye.

The sun and the stars find synergy,
In the regolith on the moon,
But with helium fusing energy,
This moon looks like a big balloon,
Or like a fragile, silky cocoon.

And like those thoughts enveloped in words,
Or like angels carrying their pure love,
Are the Feathers of the Holy Birds
In that rain dropping the divine globes
On the strong souls needing love rewards.

Any epistemological sphere
Is pouring up to the Holy Book,
Or is falling down to disappear.
The reverse arch gets a killer look.
Tries to provide fragrance of fear.

The fluid, wicked waves draining in sight
On Earth to meet at infinity
Are like the dark rays in the pure light.
Light rays are arches of Trinity,
While dressed in wind seems to be the night.

Stars are candles and night lights them all,
The colors withdraw in the last light.
In the black darkness, they look so small.
The dream seeds germinate for a fight,
Becoming real while breaking their wall.

© copyright Marieta Maglas
Trinity,God, butterflies, poppy, sun,sky, rain,night,light,eye,helium,regolith, word, love
Marieta Maglas Dec 2014
You gave me your love,
while that night was pouring down.
I thought it was in Eden, or in dreams.
I could hear the rain whispering your name.
Someone had bled somewhere-
wounds to be sutured.
They weren't lips.
I had learned everything about lips.
I heard the whispers of the White Tree of Gondor.
You kissed me for
kissing, kissing, kissing.
You gave me your blue love,
and I understood that you were mine.
I had you, and I could be myself
(lips- kisses within) .
Someone had bled somewhere-
wounded lips and
lips, kisses within.
I stand near you, touching you
and I wanted to stay that way forever.
You didn't ask me to stay
never to leave-
walls, walls, walls.
'Twas for eternity
our love.
You couldn't ask me to stay
again and again.
You gave me your love
again and again.
I waited for the blue rain to whisper
again and again,
You didn't let me wait for my rainbow
again and again,
again and again,
again and again,
again and again,
again and again.
Once more,
'twas the night.
No more,
'twas no more night.
You gave me your love.
Poem by Marieta Maglas
Marieta Maglas Dec 2014
This angular house
is flooded with silence and solitude
the blue of his sad face
is a photograph
hidden in the darkness,
whether 'tis love
in my dreamless sleep
or 'tis suffering in my sleepless dream...
Marieta Maglas Dec 2014
There is the fifth day of December.
The Saint brings us Holy gifts of love,
Now, the fire is but smoke and ember.


My darling, wherever you may be,
Come with blue bows for my Christmas tree!

This night, even the moon is limber,
And Saint Nicholas comes from above.
There is the fifth day of December.


My darling, wherever you may be,
Come with blue bows for my Christmas tree!

Make me get sweet dreams to remember!
These angels of love don't ever shove.
Now the fire is but smoke and ember.


My darling, wherever you may be,
Come with blue bows for my Christmas tree!

This waiting time and scents of amber!
I need you as the hand needs its glove.
There is the fifth day of December.


My darling, wherever you may be,
Come with blue bows for my Christmas tree!

Come, breathe sweet kisses in our chamber!
Love flies around like a milk-white dove.
Now the fire is but smoke and ember.


My darling, wherever you may be,
Come with blue bows for my Christmas tree!

In our little house, made of timber,
Angels come, great is the light thereof.
There is the fifth day of December.
Now the fire is but smoke and ember.
Marieta Maglas Dec 2014
An all-seeing eye of cosmos opened
within me having an epistemic sense of
power. The rain trickled down the oval-shaped

wet window. 'Twasn't a blue eye, yet 'twas bluing.

The blues of the stars
were trickling
out of their core. Over
your tasting part of the tongue full of sensations
about itself, suffering words
struck the silence between us. I could not
comprehend their sense- their meaning

sank in the sadness of the rain.

The blues were absorbed by this rising dreariness.
I couldn't see you. Nor could I
achieve the tranquility of mind. However,
I might presume that God might see this.
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