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 Jun 2014 Margaret
you used to be my light.
I wear sunglasses now.
 Jun 2014 Margaret
Just Melz
My three children,  my world

My first baby girl,  Krystalyn
Strong willed and full of heart
She's quick on her feet
And for just six,  she's very smart

My other sweet little girl
She's an angel,  my Klairety
Five years old,  so innocent
And nothing compares to her beauty

And my precious little baby boy
One and half,  always with a smile
So curious,  and so full of joy
KJ makes everything worthwhile

My three children,  my world
To me they are everything
I love them more than life
I love them more than anything

My three children,  my world
Please check out this link, any help is appreciated.
 Jun 2014 Margaret
At home all alone
No one I can phone
Bread is now toasted
I'll just eat instead

Bread in place of love
If push comes to shove
Beers will be my pals
If there are no gals
written under the influence
 Jun 2014 Margaret
My inner poet asked me
just the other day
what would I do if she left
would I feel alone and afraid

I begged her not to go
to think about it first
How would I arrange my
Where would I display the hurt?

All the varied emotions
that build up inside of me
wouldn't have a place to go
no haven to leave them be

I cannot store them all
inside my manic mind
they need to be released
and quite regularly I find

I love the arrangement
of words in line, after line
my thoughts are then clearer
creating space for me inside

In systematic order
they often gain new meaning
but when they are scrambled up
I'm not sure what I'm feeling

Penning everything in lines
for my inner poet to see
she gazed at the rows of words
and said poetically

I'm here with you now
and will probably always be
trust in you're thoughts and feelings
and reveal them for all to see
 Jun 2014 Margaret
The first verse is the sound of your groans from the kitchen during your failed attempts at making lasagna.

The second verse is the sound of your laughter while you're watching your favorite comedy movie for the fifth time.

The first chorus is the sound of the creaking floorboards as you walk towards me and join me in bed.

The third verse is the sound of your heavy breathing after we made love.

The fourth verse is the sound of you typing on your computer; all focused with a creased forehead, and occasional lip-bites.

The second chorus is the sound of you trying to explain to your four-year-old niece where babies come from.

The last verse is the sound of you saying 'I love you' on our first Christmas morning together.
 Jun 2014 Margaret
Danny Hefer
At the end of the show
After the final theme, there is another song
For nobody to hear but the ones expecting
there will be something else
After the last flicker
of the projector's light

As the music fades out, the screen is turning blank
Nothing is left but eyes, locked into a last gaze

At the end of the show
After the ending theme, a song plays for no one
Two voices, harmonies still ringing in my ears
Slightly out of tempo
Chords on the minor scale
Stop before the chorus

As the music fades out, the screen is turning blank
Nothing's left but the room, and the ghost of a tune

As the music fades out, it's the end of the show
But the show must go on,
but the show must go on.
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