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 Dec 2015 Langit Mara
Dear stranger,

     I led you on, up and down the emotional roller coaster.  You were my secret.  A wise girl kisses and doesn't tell.  I almost loved you but I had another lover.  Stranger, I am sorry I was wrong.  I look back and see your love would have been pure not tainted and twisted like his.  Stranger I truly miss you, we never slept together or had anything more than a friend ship.  But I see you with her and i envy her, I am jealous for all I lost but never had.
I loved a friend and he loved me but i was blinded by a love I never had with someone else.  And then when your love for everything falls apart you see what was real.
 Dec 2015 Langit Mara
 Dec 2015 Langit Mara
/                                  /             /           /    /           /    /
/             /                       //          /        / /        /
/           /     /    /             /                       /        /       /    /
//               /        /     ••        /               /    / /
/      /           /      •••   /                 /   /
/            /         •lift me up over-          /             /
/      /    head•for i only seek to shelter    /      //
          you•from the sun who'd scorch you red          /
•from monsoon rains that'll chill you blue•you
may at times think i'm cumbersome to carry•when
the winds of change put you in all kinds of weather•
but i can collapse and fold... i stow away easy•keep me
close and i will spring to your aid... whenever, wherever•
such           is my           pro-   ••   mise           to...           you•
•                   •                  •       ••      •                  •                   •
•••            cta-                   
•••          ble                 

soon you'll find my words to be true•
that i'd forever be your brolly
For my family.

Concrete Poem 22 of 30

Tap on the hashtag "30daysofconcrete" below to view more offerings in the series. :)
 Dec 2015 Langit Mara
reality bends and shakes
my perception. my skeleton
rattles. honey sticks to skin.
my survival came from a
dream. silence the thunder of
girls and coffins and the sea.
dressed in light, no longer
afraid. we chase the romance
of ticking clocks and haunted
hallways. how long have I
lived without wings?

You are YOU
It be not because I think of you
That is why you are the best
It is because you are the BEST
That is why I think of you

And it is because you are the BEST-EST
That is why I LOVE you

I'm proud of your success
Your success is my success

Our Relationship is
Support plus inter-exchangeable
Celebration, Delighting
In what you choose to do
Thoughtfulness towards your work
Honor and dignity towards each other
Making mutual choices of
What you really want
I am Subservient
Nothing bad when you are my leader
Losing power is the key for me

Losing masculinity & femininity, gender roles
Adds that respect and
Develops material & Paternal feelings
For each other's needs

I ask:
Does your privilege position
Maintain our relationship?
Absolutely NOT!

We value professional and
Personal submission to each other

We have decided to throw out
Defining labels, being judgmental
of any type towards each other
We accept each other as we are

With existing self-contentedness,
Self-egoism in individuals and society
Such relationship Wont survive selfishness

Respect, trust, communication
Drives our relationship
We invest in future together
NO NO to money when in
Comes to our relationship

Our last words:
Keep up with LOVE
Interdependence, Equality,
Fulfill LOVE
Ode to #100women #100womendebate @LucyHockingsBBC @BBCWorld on Relationships debate on BBC dated 1 December 2015 16:30 hours (GMT)
 Dec 2015 Langit Mara
She's a beauty
I am her breakdowns.
She smiles,
I turn it upside down.
I am a force that can't be taken down.
Yes,I lied.She cries
Broken necklaces and rusted rings.
I tell her we'll be all right.
Broken, yet she sings.
She's a beauty.
I am her breakdowns.
When the world's screams,
I will drown the sounds.
 Nov 2015 Langit Mara
how sweet it must be
to feel all the pain at once
      then, never again

─ m.j
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