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Black is the night
Black is the mood
Dark is the spirit
All evil imbued.

‘Tis now the zombies
Will walk the earth
Never finding peace
In their lifeless worth.

If they catch you
They’ll bring you down
Zombies live inside your mind
And not beneath the ground.

When did you first say "I love you"?
Don't worry, I won't care, I'm just
wondering...who first saw you bare?
Did you ever used to play with her hair
like you play with mine, did she
ever look at you, like I do, and just
think "He Shines" like nothing else matters.
Did your hearts patter as you physically
I won't be mad, I know you've had others, so
have I, it won't make me sad, but
I'm curious,
when did you first say "I love you"?

And did she ever brand your skin, were
you ever just a bit too rough, did you
accidentally wriggle within and make her feel
like she wasn't enough?
We've made mistakes, in the past, so
tell me quick, tell me fast, I hope we'll last,
but what made your past ones
and when did you first say "I love you"?

Because it's the quirks which make the mirth,
did you ever make her laugh, did you force
her lips to part when she told you to leave her.
How much did you grieve her? Do you still
do? And when you watched her leave, when
she watched you plead, did you mentally
whisper "I love you."

And when did you first mean, when did you first say,
"I love you"?
 Jun 2014 magikoopa ecto1
The words have been said,
Oh they have been said.
But theres so many questions still in my head.

I wonder, I wonder.
My mind trailing in circles like birds in the sky.
What if? What if? How can I trust?
And why?

Why, why why must I think so much?
For too much thinking makes me so out of touch.
Out of tune, like an old claironet, blaring and sounding in the off pitch sound of it.

So for now I'll write and compose.
Compose myself for who would ever know,
of the symphony of thoughts mixed up in my mind,
Waiting for that harmonized day where there'll be clarity I'll find.
They say the bells
Toll for
No man
But they will toll
For love,
For death,
The bells will toll
When the great pass
And when so many
Poor fall.
Will chime
With the falling
Of every hour.
The bells
Will toll
For everything
Except man.
 Jun 2014 magikoopa ecto1
it's not like i ask for much,
all i ask for is happiness,
plain and simple.

if i can't have happiness then i'll have distraction,
from all the bad stuff,
a way of coping.

and when i'm as far away from everything as i can possibly be,
distracting myself,
don't bring me back,
don't disturb me,
or i will get angry,
very angry.

and i'm afraid i won't stop smashing things until everything is destroyed,
like me.


— The End —