If I close my eyes
Will life speed up,
Or will this drowning nightmare disappear?
If I stare longer into peaceful space
Can I take the place of that shining star...right above my head
Free of pain,
Free of aches,
Free of paralyzing thoughts,
Free to touch the skies?
If I close my eyes under falling rain
Will it wash away all the purple hues from my bruising skin?
Will the bruises vanish
Leaving me untarnished?
I will trust in You
While you're holding me
Bringing me to WHOLE
I will someday soar
Under golden skies
Once again to run
While the miles shrink
I will pass this trial
I will conquer all with YOU by my side
YOU will keep me strong
Help me face this thunder as I hit the floor
Tomorrow comes making all brand new
My body shall heal, so that once again I can run through rain washing all this pain
I will run through fields,
Fields of marigold, the scent of HOPE
Replenishing my soul!
hope* healing after a horrific car accident* under His protection//marigold...because they remind me of my childhood -my mom had them everywhere