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I am born in a poor country,
in a poor society, with a poor soul,
In a poor family, with diminished hopes of seeing the world.

But I am Icarus, and by 28
I would be rich, so ******* rich,
that I would hardly be able to count all the money.

I do not know how, or why, but-
I would be rich and young and beautiful as Nixon or Reagan, or Trump,
And, I would dream on. I would be here and over there, and everywhere,
For whatever it takes, to triumph over the world!

And thus the body decides to give flashes to these fleshy thoughts,
He reads newspapers and books and propagandas, which are hot,
He believes to make a difference in this world of men,
He hopes to try beyond the screen of hopelessness again.

But, These are just rantings of a beautiful mind,
Trapped in the vestibule of wriggling nets of upbeat thoughts,
And if he succeeds, he would be Icarus, someday,
Or if he doesn't he would be a candle to be burnt and charred away.

And you read and judge all poems and points,
For, The world moves between just these two paradoxes of choice.
Of virtues and vice, and to limit oneself within the membranes of such an obsessive noise.

For, The world but moves between these two points.

But I would love to die young and rich,
Before I sleep like an use less snitch.
crime, staring competitions, tears.

these small things that lead us further
into the fog, closer to the moths,
attached at the hip, nothing new.
nothing blue, always red.

your guitar rips through the
navy skyline, alerting the stars of war,
violet mornings creeping over the
trees as sleep envelops your eyes.
i've dreamed of something like
this, but i got more than i asked for.

i'd never go back.
i'd never go back to that place where you
don't exist, the dark, the damp, the treacherous.
becoming a threat, was the purple leaves and blinding snow.

but the next morning was lined with amnesia, we both forgave;

but we'll never forget.
 Sep 2017 Madelyn Landis
(work in progress)

The first love of my life never saw me naked.
There was always a parent coming home in half an hour,
Always a little brother in the next room.
Always too much body and not enough time for me to show it.

Instead, I gave him my shoulder, my elbow, the bend of my knee.
I lent him my corners, my edges, the parts of me I could afford to offer,
The parts I had long since given up trying to hide.
He never asked for more.

He gave me back his eyelashes, the back of his neck, his palms.
We held each piece we were given like it was a nectarine that could bruise if we weren't careful.
We collected them like we were trying to build an orchard

inspo// w.i.p :-)
No, you don't understand
you don't get it
I like being miserable
I enjoy being ignored
I don't like talking
making friends annoys me
pain is my inspiration
you're not that cool
get over yourself already
you are all annoying
your voice brings me headaches
your eyes disturb me
you're fake to me
and not that interesting
I don't want friends
don't want to party
I prefer being alone
I'm fine at home
I don't need sympathy
I don't need friends
or comfort, or happiness
Does this sound robotic?
that's because it is
this is a machine
this way I'm hidden
my tears don't show
may pain stays inside
keeps me from hurting
keeps my heart safe
I'm use to lonely
It's pain is comforting
way better than rejection.
Kyle Dee.
 Apr 2017 Madelyn Landis
at half time your words seep into my bloodstream as if they were a drug
lazy smiles, half shut eyelids and fluid movements result
now if my heart was a dancer it'd be the greatest

at double time you've upped the dosage of your affection
i'm elated, clumsy and just a tad bit smitten
now if my heart was a dancer it would be alright

at triple time your love and your attention are addictive, fatal
my knees are weak and my chest is clenched
now if my heart was a dancer it would be retired
based off of my experience throughout a toxic relationship i was in
 Apr 2017 Madelyn Landis
i want to memorize everything
that has to do with you
the sound of your laugh
defining home
or how flowers bloom
in your eyes when you smile
possibly the greatest and simultaneously the worst feeling one can experience is the realization that you are starting to fall in love with somebody
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