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 Apr 2017 Madelyn Landis
i can only imagine
the lazy drip of affection in your voice
when you tell me you love me
at ungodly hours
with my skin
against yours

i can only imagine
the softness of your touch
lulling me to sleep
and stirring me out of it
twining your fingers
with mine

i can only imagine
the goosebumps on your skin
the electricity in my veins
when our lips meet
time and time
my serious long distance rship really stimulated my imagination and i found my mind wandering more often than usual
 Apr 2017 Madelyn Landis

and so even after
the sun goes down
and the stars
out shine the moon,
I'll still love you

*I'll still love you
"even after nights of breaking apart
while you were falling asleep,
my mind is still haunted
by all the memories --
of you, of me."

— The End —