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We are not born
to just





and die
But yet it happens
Here's to the kids
getting high off music
and drunk off books

Sometimes, these good drugs
are the only things keeping
them alive.
Drugs ain't good either way :p just all in your head
My decisions
are always visceral.

***, love, don't eat meat.

Empathize until it hurts.

Go here, and there,
but stay home most of the time.

Feel feel feel.

It's all visceral.

I don't use my head
or even my heart,
I use my gut.
I grew with roots
planted firmly
inside my mother
and when those roots were ripped,
and I was pushed into this world

I screamed and cried

And every move since then,
every change,
every uprooting,
I've behaved the same.
all these guys approach me
but they're not you
and it's funny
because i don't even want you
i  just want to see you happy
and it seems like
you're actively doing
you can to hurt you and me
at the same time
so congratulations
on breaking my heart
for the 3rd time
and officially giving me a reason
to tell myself
i don't need to need you
i just wanted to
She was an art,
but she wasn't the type
you'd find in museums
or the type that would
make you feel profound things
in your chest.

She was an art
tucked in hidden pockets
of a faded yellow dress.
She was an art,

slowly sketching herself
out of existence.
If someone were to ask me
what my ideal world would be
I wouldn't be able to answer.

There are no words to describe
how the rain fell that night
the bitter sting of hail on bare skin
summer attire.

That moment
that memory
is what my ideal world would be.

The overwhelming sensations
the sting of the harsh wind
the fireworks exploding behind my eyes as our lips touched.
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