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 May 2015 epictails
A Watoot
The sky painted itself grey;
When it was blue seconds ago.

Then, rain poured down.

Seemed like I'm the only one in the street
Soaked by the sudden down pour.

I looked up and saw a rainbow.

Don't bother asking

*Because even the sky painted itself grey
When it was blue seconds ago.
Minds change like the weather.
When so much light around
but you say the dark
I could not understand
my top layer

When I was in the womb
Then, and not
But there was light
Then when I saw your universe that you have made
everything was there

My playing companions
The Sun
The Moon
My beloved,
And that delighted
Night's north star was
on her forehead  
Where all of my senses have
grown up

Then at one sudden night of the new moon
I saw a thick overlay on the sky,
between you and me
The North Star has disappeared

I think that you were true
In the dark I find my known world
One by one,
Trying out through the thick layer

It seems to cover the end
As light yellow yolk
See a light-colored tint
which awakens my sixth sense again

A shadowy obsession
Which has yet to create an illusion
@Musfiq us shaleheen
 May 2015 epictails
A Watoot
Sores of the universe
Come by me
Every string that I pluck
Makes a resonating sound

Hum with me, my dearest
Sing this simple song
And smile just because
Your sores will disappear

Sores of the universe
Don't hate me
Every string that I pluck
Makes a new wave

It echoes in the wind
Atomic clashes of matter
Alchemy of love
Oh sores of the universe

*Be gone now
Drawn to death like a sick moth to the flame,
The topic's toxic, turn and tossing,
Teeter totter for days,
It seems to follow me, a hollowing,
a carving of hearts,
Darkness trailing, gloom impaling me,
I'm falling apart.
There's art in death, not that it's pretty but well orchestrated
Amidst a somber tune, a hopeful light,
But in the core there's hatred.
An elegy of emptiness..
  A ghastly, dark symphony.
And when I die, please don't cry..
  Just sing for me.

I let the ink spill like i sliced an artery. Then i drink til, my mind's an anomaly.
I think ill, solitude's so ******* me.
On the, brink still, it's a lil disheartening.

But I keep writing anyways.
Believe me, there are many days,
Thinking of a way that I could find to cope with.
The fact I lost someone that I thought I would grow old with.
Sometimes life just isn't fair
And in it, there's no favorites,
Cherish every moment,
Smell the roses, you should savor it.
 Apr 2015 epictails
Jason Cole
To the wind
with the regal reticence
of unrequited love!
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