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Jun 2021 · 361
Lougene F Jun 2021
Late afternoon, the darkness is about to steal the light
We are about to head back down the mountains of Mindoro
A fire and smokes all over the trees, a "Kaingin"
we encounter a family of three camouflaging the forest
Looks like "Mangangahoy" making charcoal for a living

A heart-crushing-afternoon scenario
There is a man, who looks like the father
An old woman seems to be the grandmother with a little kid,
small and as cute as a button
We barely see them as they're covered with dark smokes from woodfire

Our truck stopped, offering them a ride
The father loaded the sacks of wood
The little boy trying to lift it with his bare little hands
so small but he seems can carried heavy loads
It's almost dark
we sat at the back of the truck cargo bracing ourselves
praying not to fall on a bumpy mountain road

This little boy is beside me
I look at his adorable-plumpy-little face covered with dirt
Eyes glistening with innocence
A little jungle boy
An angel of the forest
he reminds me of Mowgli

This bambino inhaling wood smokes daily
working at a young age is a definition of a heartbreak
something made me tear up inside
it comes to a point where you don't know what to feel at the moment
Reality is hurtful
and the hardest part is handling your emotions

This kid deserves better
every kid in the world deserves better

Circa 2019
This might be the saddest part of my outreaching journey
I don't know what to feel that time.
And I realized that moment, this is the reason why. This is my purpose.
Mar 2020 · 127
First Heartbreak
Lougene F Mar 2020
All night shivering
can't breath
no idea why
And it seems that these are the signs
so this is how it feels like

It's happening
I am too late
I am so selfish
Never got a chance to
make you feel loved

I focused on finding myself but
I ignored the fact that
you are looking for me too
Today, I hold you into my arms
My last chance
I breakdown

You told me not to let
anyone break my heart
but it turns out
you're the reason behind my first heartbreak

Hurts for real
I am holding onto this pain
because it's all I have left
I love you with all my heart
Forever and always 😢💔

March 16, 2017
Feb 2019 · 3.1k
Lougene F Feb 2019
Ice-cold Orange juice
with a teaspoon of
Brown sugar
sipped with my
Red-matte lips
under the
Yellowish-tuscan sun

Thinking of those
Little White lies
tossed with
a Grey stone
sunken deepdown
the Blue lagoon
lost in a

Purple thoughts
Pink-positive thinking
with a Green tea
on the side
Hoping for a slight chance
of Rainbow after
this storm
A quick thoughts
Dec 2018 · 183
Lougene F Dec 2018
Wind blowing through tree branches
I was running way too fast
following the light from the horizon
I can hear the twigs cracking
on every step I made
Nearly dark, tree shadows covering the sun
Lots of bright mini holes
from leaves as I look up

My heart beats so fast
I can't breathe
My pace so fast
I can't stop
I was being chased
by a big dark shadow
trying to get me
Trying to get away
but it was following me

Suddenly I opened my eyes
but I can't move, I'm sweating
Teardrops on my eyes
I was scared
needed more oxygen

It was all a dream
a nightmare indeed

and the stress
that comes with it?

xo, Lougene
Sleep paralysis
Nov 2018 · 518
Lougene F Nov 2018
I wish I could tell you
that it goes away
but it actually gonna get
bigger and bigger

Bigger than my unbruised ego
and you'll gonna start feeling
smaller and smaller

Smaller as a piece of junk
feeling nonsense
breaking heartbeats
and smiles

Smiles, a defense
used to disguise
covering faces
hiding these cries
Oct 2018 · 824
The walk
Lougene F Oct 2018
I never really get tired
of long walks nor mountain hikes
But I needed to stop
every once in a while
to catch my breath
and eat pies

When I stop
it doesn't mean I'm done
this is when I get ready
to pack and run

stroll up by myself anywhere
looking for a mystery
wandering to find
a hidden gem
wondering if you'll follow me
I always get tired when do much but I am not stopping for what I do. I rest and go again. #randomthoughts
Aug 2018 · 325
Breaking dawn
Lougene F Aug 2018
I lost control,
mischief can't manage
Am I bleeding?
put on a bandage
and this dull ache
must be locked in a cage.

No worries,
your insurance
will cover the damage

Roll of your sleeves
and fry a sausage
Fix yourself,
get on the stage
Brows up,
wear some courage
Turn the next page
and try not to become savage

xo, L
Aug 2018 · 355
Mawning Ride
Lougene F Aug 2018
As the thin wheels keep on rolling clockwise
there is a scratching noise that annoys me
"There's nothing wrong, it's not broken"
I told myself and choose to ignore
Placed my feet back on the pedal
I kept going

Sunny side up straight gawking at me
I looked back and stare
I must be seeing blind and lured into oblivion
It was an awesome sun-shiny day!
Suddenly, I stumble upon this momentum
while "Tickets to Ride by the Beatles" playing on the background
I hit the ground and rolled

Almost passed out, invisible bruises all over me
I feel pained
Pain all over me like I was going to be forgotten
lost in space, eaten by a black hole
then spit out by it

Everything in slow motion
like in a matrix action film
My consciousness is beginning to
regain little by little..
Little did I knew that little things can hurt you
Split-second imposing wonder turned into chaos
but it comes to my mind that
it's so awesome to be hurt in order for me to grow stronger
Yesss, positivity at its best
I get back up again
and chose to keep going
What a ride.
Random thoughts on how we get hurt so easily.

— The End —