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Faisal Ali Jan 2016
To whom it concerns , Life is so unpredictable and you never know who you will end up with in the long run. One year feels one day with you . Be in your side everyday feels like a refreshment in my life like a cold Sprite after some hot wings. Be in your side everyday feels like happiness and joy are pumping from each pore of my body . Eve thought you get under my skin and sometimes I get so mad that I just want to run away from you but for some reasons I can't cause I found that my love for you is unconditional and I can't get enough from you .
Credit goes to my girlfriend
Faisal Ali Nov 2015
My dad told me "Son, We all have experation dates".

That stuck with me for 5 years, I never knew what he meant by that.

Until one night, they gave my family 2 options. Pull the plug or continue his suffrage.
Life is pointless if you don't spend time with the people you love most.
  Nov 2015 Faisal Ali
I found myself by losing you. My heart doesn't stop cause we're not together anymore. Losing you was the worst thing that happened to me, but at the same time it was the beginning of a journey of finding who I really was. All these past years of searching who I was I found it when I lost you. I had to learn to live without you and start living for me. I don't need anyone but myself. I might have lost you, but in the process I found myself.
Faisal Ali Sep 2015
I am lost in love
The light turns bright when she is in sights
Our love emits white light
As I never felt love I always had to like
I was stabbed with a knife before I felt this bright light I lived a life of like so long that I never thought I would see love at first sight.
As she was the only person at the desk she would keep my life so bright.

Love was meaningless until I met that bright light that dawned on me every school night.
Faisal Ali Aug 2015
I want the best for her, so I turn dark so she will see the bright light glisten in the tunnel. She give me an etched pass of success but I choose to veer to a dead end. Contemplating on how things will end up I must not try to forsee the future because the tunnel has unexpected features
  Jul 2015 Faisal Ali
*****'s chasing dollars instead of change and wonder why we get treated the same
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