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Lorraine Colon May 2022
Take a moment and listen to the birds
Broadcasting their gossip in warbled words:
Shrill are their cries when danger's lurking near,
But soft and sweet when they've nothing to fear

Every creature, no matter its station,
Has its method of communication;
With awe I observe their ability
To make known their thoughts with facility  

But is mankind not especially blest
With the volume of words at our behest?
If there's a message we wish to convey
We need only choose from our word bouquet

How fortunate to have at our command
Such power to make others understand
The pain we feel when Life thrusts its cruel spears,
And the night finds us overwhelmed by tears

Or the joy when Love spreads its golden  wings
And shelters our hearts from Earth's loathsome things;
So if you're glad or sad, let the world know it --
You've mastered the skill . . . you're a poet!
Lorraine Colon Jul 2023
O, grieving heart, cheer up and sing
Though love only stayed but a short while;
Soon you'll be drinking again from love's spring,
Forgotten will be love's cunning guile

O,  abandoned heart, dry your tears,
Crying will not bring back a lost love;
But reflect on the bliss of bygone years --
Memories are gifts from Heav'n above

O, broken heart, it's time to mend,
In due time you'll come to realize
New love may be waiting around the bend --
Be alert for blessings in disguise!

O, wounded heart, don't try to fly,
Dare not venture forth on broken wings;
Though love's warm glow fails to illume your sky,
Somewhere in the dark a bird still sings

O, mortal heart, your pain will end,
And from Life's shackles you'll be set free;
So let dead love to Heaven's throne ascend . . .
For love has its own eternity
Lorraine Colon Aug 2019
This life's good enough for me,
My heart's happy and carefree;
A pleasant smile cast my way
Is enough to make my day

Or to see a daffodil
Swaying on some verdant hill
To beguiling melodies
Composed by the gypsy breeze,
That's enough to make me smile
And delight me for a while

Should a stranger tip his hat
And pause for a friendly chat,
I shall be grateful for that

Or if some tall shady tree
Spreads its arms to shelter me
From the sun's intensity,
Could a frown wrinkle my brow?
Surely not - at least not now!

Warbling birds and buzzing bees --
Two of Nature's symphonies,
How could this music not please?
And with Love close by my side,
I shall be quite satisfied

But should no one smile at me,
Nor one flower do I see,
And the stranger walks away
Without bidding me "Good day,"
If the birds forgot their song,
I'd forgive the silent throng,
If all Nature's wonders cease,
My gladness would not decrease,
For Love is life's true masterpiece!

So long as Love holds my hand,
I shall find life to be grand;
Though the gales blow wild and rough,
I'll know I've been blessed enough
Lorraine Colon Feb 2018
If I were on the shore, looking out toward the sea,
And from a distance, you beckoned to me,
Could I not tread water to reach you in haste,
To be held in your arms, and your kisses to taste?

If I were a garden wall made of rock and stone
And you, a vine, forsaken and alone,
How could I not invite you to boldly climb
Until I was covered by your foliage sublime?

If I were sure that it's my love you were craving,
And from a cloud, to me you were waving,
The embers of passion's fire having been stirred,
Could I not fly directly to you like a bird?

If you were to tell me I alone owned your heart,
How incomplete you feel when we're apart,
Even after death, I shall not be forgot ....
Would I love you, too? My darling, how could I not!
Lorraine Colon Nov 2021
If perhaps it were my circumstance
That misfortune pierced me with its lance,
And hunger held me in its embrace,
You'd not see tears running down my face,
For surely meager portions of bread
Might bring angst, but not be cause for dread

Or if the confines of my domain
Were bleak and dour, provoking disdain,
Though disheartened I'd not chastise Fate,
(Far worse things pass through its dreadful gate)
I need only ponder the sad plight
Of the homeless wandering in the night

But should I have no one to love me ---
I swear by all the stars above me
I would curse Fate to the depths of Hell,  
(Do you sense this tale will not end well?)
Better I be swallowed by the tide,
For life without love I could not abide!

Well, what can I say . . . I should have known,
Fate is callous, a rogue carved of stone!
This was a dare it could not ignore ---
Now love no longer knocks at my door.
Vanquished are the joys that once were mine.
**** you, heartless Fate -- you've crossed the line!
Lorraine Colon Mar 2019
Help me escape the cares of life,
Be the wind beneath my wings;
Dream along with me, what partners we'll be,
Together we'll do wondrous things

We'll be daring, but not foolish,
We won't fly close to the sun,
From Icarus I learned we could get burned,
For some things just should not be done

But you and I are not mindless,
We'll be daring, but careful,
I'll take your hand, but you must understand
When you lead, I'm always prayerful

You say you'll take me to heaven .....
Sky diving?? ..... how exciting ......
Sounds a bit manic, may cause some panic,
Even a little nail biting!!

What? How about deep-sea diving?
We'll go to the ocean floor?!
Just a suggestion ....  I have one question:
Have you ever done this before?

Now you're starting to frighten me,
Maybe we should think this through;
I'm not a coward, but I'm being devoured
By doubt, so here's what we could do:

We'll climb that hill and count the stars
That fall from the sky above;
Or, since it's so late, let's end this debate .....
Why don't we stay home and make love!!
Lorraine Colon Apr 2022
A poor wingless bee in dire torment
Sat brooding beneath the lemon bower:
"How shall I ever know the rose's scent,
And sample the sweet nectar of her flower?"

"And what value do you place on these?"
Asked a wise old bee perched on a stone;
Suddenly there appeared a swarm of bees,
Eager to hear the wisdom of the drone

Cried the wingless bee: "My days are drear,
Longing for the rose's scented dew;
Without wings how can I hope to draw near?
How I thirst for her . . . if only she knew!"

"Climb, my lad," advised the wise old bee.
"Brave the stinging thorns and twisted vine.
Only through courage and tenacity
Will you savor the bliss of her sweet wine"

O, what angst now stirred within the bee
As he scaled that stem toward the sublime!
But what delicious hospitality
Awaited him . . . because he dared to climb!
Lorraine Colon Jan 2020
Whose arms will tenderly cradle me
When through Death's dubious portal I pass?
Whose heaven becomes eternal hell
When I'm laid to rest beneath the grass?

Whose quivering lips will call my name
As tears of remorse stream down his face?
Who will try to raise my lifeless arms,
Vainly imploring one last embrace?

Whose trembling hands will be joined in prayer
Seeking comfort from Heaven above,
While promising never to forget
His fervent vows of eternal love?

Who shall compose the final tribute ---
A sad farewell to the mortal me . . .
Perhaps a poem on a tear-stained page
That I'll carry through Eternity?

Who will mourn by my grave in Autumn
When the fading flowers give up their seeds?
Will I be draped in roses and ferns . . .
Or lie forgotten 'neath a pall of weeds!

Whose light will diminish the darkness
In my passage to Eternity?
If such love is never to be mine,
. . . then dead I would rather be!
Lorraine Colon Feb 2020
The morning's dew moistens my eyes --
No, these are not tears that you see!
(Cleverly we learn to mask our pain
When Love's not what it pretends to be)

A lonely wanderer, I strayed
Into a hopeless reverie;
So completely mesmerized was I
By Love's sweet and haunting melody

Throwing all caution to the wind,
I rushed where Angels fear to tread,
Ready to worship at Love's altar ---
What despair to find Deceit instead!

Yet, my heart cannot forget how
Deceit, in its cunning disguise
Took me in its arms and carried me
Through those golden gates of paradise

Now the moon says this day must end ---
Put aside those sad memories;
Tell me, how do I dispel these thoughts
That invade my heart like refugees?

A cold wind blew across my heart,
Then I heard an angelic choir
Prompting me to cast that tear-stained page
From the Book of Love into the fire
Lorraine Colon Jan 2022
The time had come to shed this loathsome cloak
Of life's failures, defeats and decay;
I knew, without further contemplation,
I had to give the wretched thing away

How appealing the oyster's existence --
Safely sheltered in its little shell;
And when life sends its messengers of doom,
He can just tell them to go to hell

You may think me crazy, but that's okay,  
I had to retreat behind these doors;  
If I had not created my own world,  
Long ago I would have died in yours
Lorraine Colon Oct 2020
If you care for someone, let them know,
Release Love's light, let it cast its glow;
This sacred fire was meant to be shared
So a heart in torment might be spared;
(How tragic when love goes undeclared!)

That flame of Love that is burning bright
Might fill someone's heart with hope tonight;
The roiling winds of despair will shift
When Love's guiding light presents its gift
To the unmoored heart floating adrift

Only Love can comfort and repair
A broken heart shattered by despair;
Love will rekindle the dying fire
Of mislaid dreams and hopeless desire,
As angels strike up the sacred lyre

But it is your love that writes the hymn,
Bringing light to eyes that have grown dim;
Rest assured your blessings will accrue!
Your days will wear a heavenly hue
When love you give is returned to you
Lorraine Colon Jun 2018
Loneliness, I need not speak a word
Yet you're aware of my wretched pain;
All through the night, your vigil you keep,
Hearing my heart call to Love, in vain;
Sensing my distress, you warn the dawn
To tap gently at my window pane

You know me so well -- my heart's a book
You've read many times, with empathy;
Steadfastly you watch, come rain or shine,
You stand at your post most faithfully;
I feel your presence in the darkness
When tears blind my eyes mercilessly

In a moment of false bravado,
I foolishly pushed you from my side
When I believed Love had come to stay --
A silly notion I now deride;
Somehow you knew not to stray too  far,
And when you returned, how we both cried!

Come, Loneliness, let's call it a night,
I'll discard these dreams, then we'll go home;
Once again we'll amble, side by side,
I have you ..... there's no reason to roam;
Tonight I'll raise my glass in a toast:
To you, friend, I dedicate this poem!
Lorraine Colon Feb 2018
Life chewed up my dreams, and then spit them out,
My passions quelled, overcome by doubt,
Trust and courage vanished from my world;
Now I walk with arms outstretched to the sky,
Not in prayer . . . Fate's prisoner am I,
See? my flag of surrender's unfurled!

The fight is over, it's not worth the pain,
A futile clash, and what did I gain?
A defeat greeted with taunting jeers;
And Life still goes on -- seasons come and go,
The rivers freeze, then the rivers flow,
Life's cruel pranks just aren't worth the tears

But tears are the toll that Life demands,
Tears and the labors of calloused hands;
So let me say a word to the wise:
Don't waste your time reciting fruitless prayers,
Though you may evade Life's quicksand and snares,
God has closed the gates to Paradise!

As I descend the crumbling steps of Time,
I wonder what lies beyond the twelfth chime,
Are there any prizes left to win?
With my last breath shall I beg God's pardon?
Might he then bid me enter His Garden,
Or, like a bug, spike me with a pin?

No! I won't spend remaining days in fear,
I won't beseech a God that can't hear,
No longer on Defeat will I dwell;
I'll keep building my castles in the air,
Savoring fragments of love here and there,
As for Defeat ..... it can go to hell!
Lorraine Colon Jun 2024
Soon I'll set sail for an unknown shore,
So I've rigged the mast as best I could,
My destination's a mystery . . .
And I fear -- maybe more than I should

If turbulent waves capsize my boat
That would be the least of my fears,
For I've survived the vagaries of Love --
More than once I've drowned in my own tears

At times I've tripped on Love's tangled vines,  
So I'm not concerned I might fall;
Life's storms battered me relentlessly,
But I stood fast and weathered them all

Death may inflict nights as black as coal,
Freezing winds that could turn flames to ice;
But Life's fickle ways have tempered me
For just such reckless rolls of the dice

But who's to say what perils may lurk
In the darkness of Death's corridor;
Will peace prevail, or some unknown dread
When my eyes close and I breathe no more?

Knowing I must break my bond with Earth,
Just the notion shakes me to the core . . .
Taken from this world against my will,
Exiled from my home  . . . forevermore!
Lorraine Colon Jan 2017
It's time I set sail for an unknown shore,
I've rigged the mast the best that I could,
My destination's a mystery,
And I fear, perhaps more than I should

Blindly I've wandered, so what's left to fear ....
Another storm? I've weathered them all,
Love's tangled vines have tripped me before,
So it's of small concern if I fall

And should a wave cause my boat to capsize .....
More than once I've drowned in my own tears,
Then cruelly revived, against my will,
And so this is the least of my fears

I may encounter nights as black as coal,
Frosty winds that could turn flames to ice,
But should this come to pass, I'm prepared,
I'll recite his love poems, once or twice

And I'll stare at the sky's diamond necklace,
Recalling how we loved 'neath the stars,
O, when will I cease to yearn for love lost?
Old wounds hurt when you pick at the scars

I'm ready now to break the bonds of Earth,
Long enough on its thorns have I trod,
At journey's end, may I find my peace,
And forgiveness in the heart of God
Lorraine Colon Jul 2020
Tell me what things you've seen, Brother Moon,
From your outpost at the top of the world,
Stories of lovers' trysts cause me to swoon .....
Please relate how Cupid's arrows were hurled

But tell me Friend, what else do you see
When you scan the four corners of this globe?
Do you sigh viewing man's iniquity?
You've earned the right to wear the judge's robe

Does our intolerance cause you pain,
Does our wickedness ever make you cry?
A pity our dragons have not all been slain ---
You witness it all from your perch on high

But perhaps you might take a minute
To recall if you've seen my darling boy;
You know, my world's cold, there's no life in it,
Without his love my heart can find no joy

Please, won't you help me to find my man?
One winter morn he left without a word;
But how foolish of me to think you can
Possibly keep track of each fallen bird

O, let the stars tumble from the sky!
What do I care if the moon turns to stone!
Without someone to love what need have I
Of heaven's jewels if I must walk alone

Forgive me if I've broken the rules
By cursing the heavens for my despair;
Mortals are no more than a crew of fools
On a ship that inflates its sails with prayer

No longer will I burden the air
With prayers whose replies are long overdue;
But dear Moon, is there hope in my despair .....
Or will my lonely nights be spent with you?
And then the moon gently caressed my hair,
Reaffirming what I already knew
Lorraine Colon Jan 2020
So many words of love flooding the atmosphere,
Anxiously I wait, yet not one reaches my ear;
Endless tweets and emails go soaring through the skies,
Amorous verses, but none intended for my eyes

Charming refrains, scattering love all around me,
I just don't understand ...... why hasn't love found me?
Am I perhaps a spirit that no one can see?
**** you, Fate, for this unwarranted cruelty!

Empty arms abound, yet none offer to hold me --
What joy is found in an embrace! (so they've told me);
So many love-filled hearts, yet none to call my own,
A world filled with people, yet here I sit, alone
Lorraine Colon Jan 2020
Eight chimes of the clock announced the new day
As I struggled to get up from my bed;
Could this be morning? It's so dark and drear .......
But that's what the clock said

And so I arose, still numb to the truth,
'Til I heard the whisperings of woe and dread
Repeating "He's gone."  Words I can't accept .......
But that's what my heart said

At once, his solemn promise was revived:
"Our hearts, tethered by Love's unyielding thread
Cannot be parted," and so I believed .......
Because that's what he said

Love was the sum of all things beautiful,
Near my heart, woe and sorrow dared not tread;
And I know his love was deep as the sea,
Because that's what he said

No, dear reader, his love was not fickle,
He now sleeps in Heaven's celestial bed,
While I share endless nights with Loneliness .......
Because that's what Fate said!
Lorraine Colon Dec 2017
Today the sun rose in a peculiar way,
As if it were afraid to announce the day;
First, with a cautious eye it scoured the land,
Coy, with a fear of unfounded reprimand;
Slowly its ribbons of light were unwinding,
But so pale, they could hardly be called blinding!
What could be the cause of the sun's hesitance?
What could possibly be prompting this reticence?
I wonder, did the sun hear my idle threats?
Last night, missing you, I was filled with regrets;
As the pain in my heart began to accrue,
I dreaded facing a new day without you,
And as the morning dawned, I said foolish things:
"How dare the sun rise, knowing the pain it brings!
Has it no compassion, just heartless cruelty?
I wish the sun would drown in a stormy sea!
Its flames be extinguished, leaving but embers,
Crying for the past glory it remembers.
What I wouldn't do to make the sun depart,
Too long it has thrown flaming knives at my heart!"
And so for my grief I cast blame on the sun
And wished for the day to be over and done;
Regretting my folly, I now realize
My words, spoken in angst, were cruel and unwise;
Fear not, Sun, nothing will harm your dazzling flame,
For my pain and loneliness, you're not to blame;
So rise, dear Sun, fill the world with your glory--
I'll reproach the Moon for my purgatory!
Lorraine Colon Mar 2019
I run out of patience, I run out of time,
Life's clock tells me I'm running out of years;
When my mind's weary,  I run out of rhyme,
Why is it I never run out of tears?
Lorraine Colon Aug 2018
False prophets never weary of their task,
Their stern warnings shrouding us in gloom:
"Implore God's mercy for your evil ways,
They're the cause of misery and doom"

But Life has always held suffering and pain,
Long before the term "sin" was defined;
Most of what we do is ingrained in us,
Meaning this is how we were designed

How could a creator not be aware
Of each imperfection, each defect?
Let us lay the blame right where it belongs:
On the shoulders of the Architect!

We steal, we hate, we **** for no reason,
And so we must don the judge's robe,
Enforcing our laws, rendering punishment .....
We're the stewards of this hapless globe

Fear's ponderous stone must be rolled away
Before your thoughts can exit the door
Of the prison that holds your mind hostage,
Granting it swift wings to leap and soar!

I've been in that tower, shackled to lies,
Anointed with the oil of deceit;
But Truth kept vigil with me all the while,
Waiting, curled in a ball at my feet

It cried "Unfold me, pick me up, hold me!
I'm the key that can unlock your mind,"
I heeded the voice, then ran from my cell,
Leaving fear and deceit far behind

Then I saw life for what it really is:
Random happiness and random grief,
We laugh, we cry, we suffer, then we die,
Only in love do we find relief

So don't preach to me of sin and God's wrath,
Such idle threats trouble me no more;
And to discourage future intruders,
I've hung "Do Not Disturb" on my door!
Lorraine Colon Nov 2022
Love's ecstasy flew on gilded wings  
To this heart laden with woe;  
Like the buds of Spring my dreams unfurled . . .  
And then Fate dealt its cruel blow.
Now I walk that lonely path again,  
But I'll forget him . . . just don't ask when  

How does a shattered heart find its way,
Deprived of its guiding star?
How long will it take before it heals?
Do wounds this deep leave a scar?
Though my world is crumbling 'round me now,
I must carry on . . . just don't ask how

Trying to hush echoes of the past,
Alone I bitterly weep;
I've climbed the Hill of Sorrows before  . . .
But it's never been this steep!
Each day dark clouds are filling my sky,
And yet, I still hope . . . just don't ask why

But should abandoned hearts dare to hope
Lost love will return again?
Last night as I prayed I thought I heard
Crying angels sighing Amen;
Now I bravely flaunt this smiling mask,
But do I still miss him? . . . Please, don't ask!
Lorraine Colon Jul 2017
Do you remember when we danced on clouds,
And when pelted with the dust of Mars,
We sought shelter in the Milky Way,
Where you wove me a garland of stars?

Do you remember when we hugged the moon
And its rays of light spilled from our eyes?
We woke curious angels from their sleep,
Watching their shadowy forms arise

Do you remember how you held my hand
When life delivered its harshest blows?
You showed me how to avoid the thorns
While reaching for the loveliest rose

As we floated on rivulets of dreams,
We broke all bonds tying us to Earth;
Finding comfort in each other's arms,
Days of sorrow became days of mirth

Do you remember the day your love died?
You dimmed the light, then dampened the flame;
Fantasies and dreams were laid to rest
In a tear-stained shroud bearing your name

Do you remember how much I loved you?
Now passion's fire is just an ember;
I know the flame can not be relit,
But I wonder ..... do you remember?
Lorraine Colon Mar 2017
Pursue your elusive dreams of love,
Rig the mast, set sail this very night,
Forge ahead, though the darkness blinds you,
Don't wait for day to restore your sight

You do not need to see things clearly,
For dreams are not beheld by the eyes,
That fire in your heart will be your guide
To find true love, wherever it lies

Dream of Eden before the gates closed
And two people sealed the fate of all;
Imagine the love that dwelt within!
(The secret still lies beyond that wall)

When the moon hides, don't curse the darkness,
Dare to steer your ship without a star;
Your dreams will guide you to love's fair shore,
Though the journey be tiresome and far

Take all your fantasies to the brink,
Let nothing inhibit your desires,
Stir the embers of your dying dreams,
Igniting all those forbidden fires

For dreaming is so much like praying -
Your heart cries out to some higher power
Begging for love you believe will come,
Though you know not the day nor the hour

And when your house of cards has fallen,
Don't let your heart sink into despair;
Remember, your dreams are what guide you,
So keep dreaming .... love will hear your prayer!
Lorraine Colon Mar 2021
No fancy clothes have I ever desired,
Yet, in Nature's splendor I'm well-attired;
To my lips red roses bequeath their hue,
While morning bathes them in its pearly dew;
My lips quiver, awaiting unknown bliss --
They're dressed for love, but there's no one to kiss

My heart is clad in the latest fashion:
A cloak of dreams, sewn with threads of passion;
Love is embroidered into every fold
With tender warmth for when the wind blows cold,
Come, lonely drifter, come find sweet repose!
My heart's dressed for love, but nobody knows

Dawn's first blooms offer themselves for my crown --
How they complement my gossamer gown
Made of moonlight, and embellished with stars,
(I'll not be constrained by propriety's bars!)
But from my eyes tears fall like melting snow,
I'm all dressed for love ...... with nowhere to go
Lorraine Colon Dec 2017
With faltering steps, slower grows my stride,
Kicking stones, I stumble on my way;
Walking such wretched paths, God knows I've tried
To rise above all this Earthly fray

Sadly,  the heavens are not mine to soar,
Mangled pinions make for hopeless flight;
Only in dreams am I raised from Earth's floor --
To remain earthbound is my sad plight

I've been told lovers walk among the stars,
But the heavens are not mine to fly;
This Earth, this prison with its accursed bars
Is my domain 'til the day I die

The Fountain of Hope can no longer sate;
Sands of Time spill from my dimming eyes;
I spend these days reflecting on my fate,
Struggling to sort the truth from the lies

Yet, I still reach for what I cannot gain
While ghosts of a sad past surround me;
Heartless creatures! While they scoff at my pain,
I cry for Love that never found me

O, Fate, at times I find your style profane ---
Cold as ice, unmoved by my despair;
But the hour is late, no doubt I'll remain
Earthbound, never to breathe Love's sweet air
Lorraine Colon Feb 2017
I remember when his love died,
With care, I buried each memory,
How could I know echoes would escape,
Bringing to my heart their treachery

With cloud drifts, his words come floating,
On the wind, close to my ears they glide,
When the evening spreads its purple cloak
I run underneath, trying to hide

But I find no sanctuary,
Everywhere I go, an echo strays,
Echoes of pledges made by our hearts
Are searching for those happier days

Echoes stir the sleeping fragments
Of a heart shattered by a cruel blow,
Tell me, in what way have I wronged Fate
That it chooses to punish me so!

I'm a prisoner of his echoes,
They keep me chained to his memory,
His words crash and break like crystal waves,
Pounding my heart's shore endlessly

I don't know how such things can be,
All my days now in darkness are clad;
Slowly, but surely, haunting echoes
Of his love are driving me mad!
Lorraine Colon Oct 2018
What happiness I glean from these hours
Strolling Eden's garden with you;
Severest storms become mild showers,
For all tempests are now shared by two

Two fraught hearts, weighted down by the chains
Of loneliness found each other
Amidst the dust of love's remains,
Igniting sparks Fate could not smother

Drawn together by despair's drear pain,
Our hearts met on that rocky cliff;
No longer would solitude's rain
Overflow and sink our fragile skiff

Timeworn remnants of two shattered hearts
Reassembled, beating as one;
O, what joy, the sum of all parts!
Such love's seldom seen under the sun

Two frail hearts altered their dismal Fate,
Love's light now dwells where darkness had been;
How blessed was the day that Eden's gate
Opened widely and welcomed us in!
Lorraine Colon Jan 2020
His tender words flowed so sweetly,
Like honey dripping from the comb;
How quickly the seeds of love take root
When they're scattered upon fertile loam

So precious to me were his words ---
What passion they stirred in my heart!
But Time proved to be their enemy .......
In dismay, I watched them fall apart

How frail and brief their existence ---
Transparent as the ocean's spray;
And much like feathers borne by the wind,
Love's empty words tend to drift away

Empty words of love can't endure
The tornadic winds of the heart;
But for a brief while what joy they bring
As they practice their deceitful art

So let them fly -- set those words free!
Like weary birds with restless wings,
They'll find refuge in my lonely heart ---
Those false lyrics, bound with golden strings

And the next time such words drift by,
Like a child in a candy store
With unbridled greed I'll grasp for them,
Then devour those sweet lies yet once more
Lorraine Colon Apr 2017
Shadows lengthen, day is almost done,
Laid to rest are dreams of tomorrow;
Flickering embers of a dying sun
Seem to mock my unrestrained sorrow

O, Life, how falsely you've dealt with me!
Starving for love, I feasted on lies;
When my head was bowed in agony,
You sent more woe, dressed in hope's disguise

With hands wrapped around an empty glass,
Waiting for someone to pour the wine,
Through tear-filled eyes I watched the years pass,
Each night praying that my star would shine

Enough! My eyes gave their share of tears,
(Though some higher force may disagree,
But I've moved beyond those threats and fears,
Dismissing that which I cannot see)

My feet will no longer tread this path
Formed of craggy rocks, nettles and thorns,
Designed by some Power, wielding its wrath
On beings it designed, and now scorns

My heart and I have suffered enough --
We long to lie 'neath some ancient tree
Where the woes of this world we'll rebuff,
Basking in a long-sought liberty

Every tear from my eyes has been drained,
My life, to the last, remains unblessed;
Has not enough suffering been ordained?
Enough!   I've earned my eternal rest!
Lorraine Colon Dec 2017
When the heart refuses to forget
A love that left it in disarray,
And memories come knocking at the door
But the heart cannot turn them away
For it still worships at that secret shrine,
Try not to despair, everything will be fine

When petals fall from the withered rose,
And from its face fades the morning's glow,
The grief-stricken bee fondly recalls
The sweet nectar that once used to flow;
But when a new rose invites him to dine,
What bliss! for he knows everything will be fine

When dreams grow weak and struggle for breath,
In angst we cry "Why must it be so?"
But never discard your dying dreams --
Gather them close, and don't let them go!
Though in defeat we're tempted to resign,
If we persevere, everything will be fine

The mind and heart are but mortal things,
Subject to erosion and decay;
The haughty will is conquered by Time,
Old memories die and fade away;
But once we've made it to the finish line,
Peace awaits there, and everything will be fine

And the loved ones we have missed and mourned
Will bear witness to a simple truth:
Love does not die, but is eternal,
Like the golden fantasies of youth;
We'll witness Death's role in this Grand Design,
As angels chant "You're home now ..... everything's fine!"
Lorraine Colon Sep 2017
I've grown accustomed to Earth pulling at my chain,
Seldom have I questioned the laws that restrict me;
Yet, for adverse reasons that no one can explain,
On some unknown date Death will come to evict me

I'll object, maybe even kicking and screaming,
When I'm told that it's time for me to move along;
For what purpose was all my planning and dreaming,
And all the knowledge I gathered from Nature's song?

I watched Time flowing at its pre-determined pace,
Believing in the promises of tomorrow;
Though at times quite overwhelmed, I ran a good race,
And kept the faith amidst challenges and sorrow

Now I'm being warned the day of transfer is nigh.
How can I leave all the wondrous things I have seen:
The ever-changing blues of the sea and the sky,
Earth's velvet mantle in its many shades of green?

Mesmerized I've stood watching the tide's ebbs and flows,
It was the blackest seas that reflected the stars;
And when held captive by loneliness and its woes,
Love sent its brightest rays through my heart's prison bars

So familiar with this Earthly home have I grown,
How can I leave all I love so far behind me?
Catapulted to some distant orbit unknown,
I wonder, will memories of Earth still bind me?

Will I miss morning's dew sating the thirsty rose,
Or a sudden winter's gale, blowing wild and rough?
I've had my share of anguish and pain, Heaven knows,
But my deepest regret:  I was not loved enough!
Lorraine Colon Mar 2017
Drifting like a feather in the wind,
Being carried here and there,  
In love's windstorm, around I'm spun,
Just a prisoner of the air  

Floating and tumbling in turbulence,  
Once more  being turned around,    
At any time expecting love      
To cruelly dash me to the ground  

Dancing like a feather in the wind  
With no solid ground to tread;  
While floating over restless waves,  
It's the cross current that I dread  

A feather.... just floating.... in the wind,  
How I fear the hurricane! 
The raging  winds of love's deceit  
That would see my hopes and dreams slain

Twisting and turning, out of control,  
Surrender the sole recourse;    
Let the winds of love have their way,  
Blustering with their awesome force!  

Just a feather carried by the wind,  
Sanity becomes a blur;
I rise, then I fall helplessly
While begging the wind not to stir!
Lorraine Colon Jan 2023
Rarely does someone knock at my door . . .
It may be the darkness that they fear;
Through the open windows my voice resounds,
Perhaps they're startled by what they hear

I do tend to rant in mournful ways,
Maybe at times, a bit too robust,
But this is my voice, and these are my words,
So maintain your distance, if you must

There are those who commune quietly,
Speaking of God and his loving ways;
And those who reminisce about their youth,
Recalling scenes from happier days

But never has God come to my door,
So I have no divine tales to tell;
My youth was simple, passed with nonchalance,
So on this theme I've no need to dwell

But I could speak of cold, lonely nights
And the anguish of being alone;
How adept I am at nursing  love's wounds,
Yet, I never learned to heal my own

More than once, rough winds have ****** me down,
And Time had to re-feather my wings;
I've been neglected, abandoned and lost,
So I tend to dwell upon these things

You'll not hear a cheerful melody
Streaming through the broken window panes,
There's no roaring fire blazing on the hearth,
Just smoldering embers of love's remains

Skies become gray, and clouds tend to burst
When they pass over my little space;
Perhaps this is why guests dare not linger . . .
Too daunting and dismal is my place.
Well, then be off with you, and quicken your pace!
Lorraine Colon Apr 2017
Standing at the footbridge I kept watch each night,
My lantern raised high, with its brilliant light;
I helped him pass safely, one side to the other,
Only to see him fall into the arms of another

Now my lantern is cold, no flame burning bright,
No more do I search for those lost in the night;
Next to the hearth, on pillows strewn o'er the floor,
I sip wine with whomever finds their way to my door
Lorraine Colon Apr 2019
I observe the world through tear-filled eyes
As deceitful bounders don their disguise,
Pretending to care for the down-trodden,
Their pledge of compassion soon forgotten

But I cannot help but answer the cry
Of the hopeless whose lives have gone awry,
Marooned on Life's sea, left with but one oar,
Why am I compelled to pull them ashore?

It pains me to hurt any living thing --
Rather than **** a bee, I'd let it sting;
In my heart I know this is who I am ---
A willing martyr, a sacrificial lamb

Can this be choice? The instinct is so strong,
This astute awareness of right and wrong;
Perhaps in my reasoning I'm blundering,
But such principles leave me wondering:

Kids who tear wings off of butterflies ----
Is this a behavior they can revise?
Is this really free will, or do you suppose
Just inherent traits that we can't oppose?

I can't help but think choice is preordained,
At birth some dark souls with evil are stained,
While others carry their cross up the hill.
Do we really choose . . .  do we have free will?
Lorraine Colon Jan 2020
This thing called Death is but a return
To the soil from whence we came,
The soft clay of this Earth, our components,
Formed into shapes, then given a name

The dust we see floating on sunbeams
Is the soul in disarray,
But when arranged in the proper order
Molds us into who we are today

How we cherish these bodies of clay,
Though we don't get to choose them,
Defective or whole, in sickness and health,
When Death calls, how we fear to lose them

Proud as the peacock we wear our flesh --
Fine particles of matter!
But Death carries us all to the same fate:
We rot, and the particles scatter

Our value diminishes to naught
When we realize this truth:
"From dust we came, to dust we shall return."
(Though you may find my ramblings uncouth)

And those who shed tears at our graveside
Cry for their own destiny,
For well they know that they too shall become
A speck of dust in eternity
Lorraine Colon Feb 2017
From my window I gazed on a lily
That had been denied rain and sun,
Always looking heavenward with trust,
Pleading for mercy . . . but finding none

From my window I watched a grieving bird --
Strong gales had swept over her nest,
In vain, she called to her loving mate . . .
Morning found his tattered wings at rest

From my window I observed a woman,
Lonely tears channeling her face,
Every day she walked her path alone,
Feeble and unsteady in her pace

A reassuring word might sustain her,
As I hastened to draw nearer,
It was only then I realized
That I was looking in my mirror

The slighted lily, the forsaken bird,
How devious the mind can be!
My own pain, so cleverly disguised
Fills my mirror, staring back at me

From my window I watch life passing by,
O, these eyes, how they have deceived!
But blessed are they who cannot discern
What is certain from what is perceived
Lorraine Colon Oct 2021
My mind's like a seafaring vessel,
Ready to sink with an overload
Of volatile rhymes that scuffle and wrestle
And at any moment may explode

Heaven knows I've tried to stem the tide,
But every thought turns to poetry;
I fear, while interred on some peaceful hillside,
I'll be rhyming through eternity!
Lorraine Colon Oct 2018
Never again will I say "I love you,"
Feeble was the passion returned;
But I swear by heaven above you,
I'll regard this as a lesson learned

Maybe I will miss him from time to time,
But he'll never hear it from me;
Perhaps I'll cry at the midnight chime
For this pipe dream that could never be

But for a brief time I flaunted a smile
Dismissing those dark hours of tears;
Happiness walked with me for a while,
Erasing the pain of lonely years

Why do hearts engage in such foolish games?
When someone wins, someone must lose;
And when our dreams have gone up in flames,
Self-reproach comes to collect its dues

Then Hope raised its head and spoke to my heart:
"If you don't play, how can you win?
Forget the past and make a fresh start . . . "
Oh, what the hell, let the games begin!
Lorraine Colon Jan 2018
God knows the ocean needs the waiting shore
To welcome the tides as they flow;
God knows the birds need their wings to soar,
Is He not aware that I need you so?

God knows warmth must follow Winter's harsh reign,
On Spring, nature's sweet song depends;
God knows sunlight must echo the strain,
So I need the warmth and light your love lends

God knows when each star tumbles from its berth,
Or when a leaf falls from a tree;
God knows our miseries suffer no dearth,
So why is it you are not here with me?

God knows laws of nature must be obeyed,
First comes the bud, then the flower;
God knows, for I've told Him as I prayed,
I need your love to guide me through each hour

God knows I'm determined to stay this course,
No one will I place above you;
God knows that my heart has pledged to yours
An eternal commitment to love you

God knows without air and water we'd die,
God knows each heart must have its due,
God knows without love life goes awry .....
But does He know I can't live without you!
Lorraine Colon Feb 2020
How little I care for rubies and pearls
Or the sparkle of a diamond ring,
But when a man speaks tender words of love,
These are the jewels that make my heart sing!

No matter the obstacles in my path --
Be they copious as stars above me;
All I ask is that at my journey's end
There'll be a man waiting to love me

Now I've heard women say in angry tones
When with their lover they have just tiffed:
"He thinks he's special, God's gift to women!"
Well, I think of each man as a gift

His lips, his arms, every part of a man
Are all treasures that women adore;
What else do we need on a stormy night,
Or when winter's winds howl at the door?

Yes, I see each man as a precious gift.
(Perhaps I'm being foolish) ..... yet still
I know of nothing more divine than love,
And a man's touch -  an undefined thrill

With proper intent, I love every man!
(Forgive me if I seem indiscreet)
But God's wisdom shines in His grand design---
Without each other, we're incomplete

And when lonely nights prove unbearable,
We then see the glory of His plan:
Man will rush toward woman with arms outstretched .......
For woman is also God's gift to man!
Lorraine Colon Oct 2024
They say 'tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have known love at all;
They have no clue what this sampling may cost . . .
Love can cause empires to rise and fall!
A heart, once content, becomes tempest-tossed,
Each little cloudburst feels like a squall;
I'd rather my lonely sea not be crossed ---
My heart won't be a fickle love's port of call!
Lorraine Colon Apr 2019
A confident smile rests upon your lips,
A surge of  light radiates from your eyes;  
Like a happy child, your heart jumps and skips --
Wild expectancy is hard to disguise!  

Somewhere from the darkest depths of your soul  
Come the sweetest notes of a singing bird;
Woe and despair have relinquished control --
Within your tortured heart new hope has stirred

Has the voice of hope not deceived before,
Whispering such sweet lies into your ears?
And that cloak of joy,  flung upon the floor
To absorb the streaming flow of your tears?

Is the purpose of my tale clear to you?
(I'm not sure how some minds will perceive it);
When hope delivers its deceitful cue,  
Think twice whether you'll take it or leave it
With the first breath that you draw
I'm there to take control;
Servant to a higher law
I'm dealt a daunting role

I am Life! My cosmic dust
Now courses through your veins;
**** and curse me,  if you must . . .
You're now bound by Earth's chains

I know of your strengths and flaws,
Your notions, good and vile;
For each tear I know the cause,
And all that makes you smile

I'm the one who tolls the bell,
Inviting you to prayer
When the pain you bravely quell
Is more than you can bear

When I give you cause to grieve,
What scorn you bring to me;
Yet, when I threaten to leave,
O, how you cling to me!

When love's absence dims your eyes
And causes tears to pour,
Please know that I empathize,
But I can do no more

I'm  bound to a charted course -
Not of my own design;
Someday you'll join that same Force,
But right now, you're all mine

Though my methods may be spurned
And known to trigger strife,
This is how lessons are learned
In classrooms taught by Life

I'll be told when to collect
The total debt you owe;
(There's a harvest to expect
From every seed you sow)

And when your account comes due
I'll siphon your last breath,
Then safely deliver you . . .
Into the arms of Death
Lorraine Colon Apr 2018
For what purpose has morning come again,
Did my cries awake the sleeping sun?
As dawn tolls its bell, the moon bids farewell,
And the sun's rays unfold, one by one

And still no response when I call to you,
Can your ears not hear my mournful hymn?
Now through tear-filled eyes I watch the sun rise,
And so begins the day, bleak and grim

How does Heaven justify such cruelty,
Taking from me what I most desire?
With a searing flame, Death's cruel arrow came
And pierced your heart, setting my world afire

Reluctantly, birds gather on branches,
Sadly, to sing their songs they decline;
While I cry for you, their cries are heard, too;
O sing, faithful friends, this pain is mine!

A lonely wind now surges through my world,
Missing you cuts my heart like a knife;
My heart's in tatters ..... nothing else matters,
It was your love that defined my life

Now shadows lengthen as the darkness falls,
And tomorrow's pain, well within view,
While I hold tight to your memory tonight,
I may smile ..... but then I'll cry for you
Lorraine Colon Apr 2017
While I wait alone for Love to come,
When I add all the parts, but can't get the sum,
When life overwhelms and I finally succumb .....
I dream

When I see no end to lonely days,
When rainbows are colored in black and grays,
And to the Lord of Love I can give no praise .....
I dream

When I call Love's name and no one replies,
When I look for you through tear-filled eyes,
When even the wind feels pity and sighs .....
I dream

When morning comes and the day is new,
But the pain is old, and I'm missing you,
When the sky won't don its cloak of blue .....
I dream

When I wish on a star and its light grows dim,
And birds no longer sing their evening hymn,
When the world is looking hopeless and grim .....
I dream

And I keep dreaming until my spirit soars,
Until my spirit reaches Heaven's doors,
And when there's no answer, although it implores .....
I dream
Lorraine Colon Jun 2018
If I could hold your heart close to mine,
I would know what sorrows you bear,
And I would claim your pain as my own --
All that you'd allow me to share

If you could but let me hold your heart
Through the dark hours that plague your day,
I'd gently restore your trust in Love
That waves of deceit washed away

If I could keep your heart for one night,
So attached to love it would grow
That should you attempt to reclaim it,
It would shout a resounding "No!"

If I could lay your heart upon mine,
All your woes I'd seek to smother;
Maybe, just maybe, your pain and mine
Would annihilate each other

If I could hold your heart next to mine,
Dreams long dead would once more take flight;
Will we deny our hearts their last fling . . .
Or let them soar in wild delight!
Lorraine Colon Apr 2017
When doubt and fear attack my heart
My world adopts a somber hue,
As the battle rages, I panic,
But then I find my peace in you

When I can no longer believe
That God's mercy will see me through,
You come to me, rewriting my faith,
And I find salvation in you

While the unending jolts of life
Keep me mindful of pain and rue,
I know wherein lies my remedy:
I find healing comfort in you

At times my sun sets too early
And the darkness obstructs my view;
My feet may wander dubious paths,
But I find forgiveness in you

O, keeper of my troubled heart,
With each day my hope you renew,
Please, never unclasp your hand from mine,
For I find my guidance in you

Though my words be inadequate
My dear one, know this to be true:
Whenever I'm lost in life's travails
I always find myself in you
Lorraine Colon Mar 2017
The sun rose, its duties to uphold
In its usual, most resplendent manner,
Spreading glorious rays of orange and gold -
Proud it rose, wildly waving its banner;
I was not stirred by this gaudy display,
For I find no joy since he went away

Listen to those songbirds in the tree,
You would think they'd find something better to do
Than to warble amidst such misery
On this Earth, overgrown with weeds and rue!
O, forgive my tone, so doleful and grim,
But I find no joy being without him

And why does the moon glow so brightly .....
Does it not know darkness helps me to forget?
Was ever a lantern so unsightly!
Throwing its rays without any regret;
Such indifference causes me agony,
For I find no joy since he's not with me

But life goes on as it did before,
And Earth will continue to orbit the sun,
And my heart will break just a little more
Finding myself alone when day is done -
Peace and hope no longer in my employ,
Being without his love I find no joy

Love, fly homeward to my heart once more,
Come wash away the memory of the day
You left me standing alone on Love's shore
While Sorrow's ebb tide swept my joy away;
Should Angels whisk me to their sacred lair,
I'll find no joy unless I find you there
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