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Lorraine Colon May 2018
And yet again the night finds me alone
As this day slips into tomorrow;
Though my reason for happiness has flown,
Missing him is a beautiful sorrow

It may seem quite a melancholy task
Carrying this lost love to my grave;
Strangely, contentment wears many a mask --
His memory keeps me its joyous slave

All my gladness now dwells in yesterday,
Love's blissful past rests in twilight dreams
Where golden bees still sip the flower's spray,
And wild roiling seas become gentler streams

Time has purified the love we once shared,
In this realm of dreams there are no flaws;
Love thrives with a certainty never dared,
And is governed by joy's eternal laws

I now see his love through a different eye,
It lends greater comfort than before;
And the fear that his love may one day die
Lies in peaceful repose forevermore

Until this clay frame sets my spirit free,
I'll have memories from which to borrow;
Though seemingly strange my utterance may be,
Missing him is a beautiful sorrow!
Lorraine Colon Aug 2019
It's a bit late now to search for flowers,
The summer is in retreat;
Soon the cold north winds will blow,
Carpeting the ground with snow,
As slurred prints betray my dragging feet

It's a bit too late now for dreaming,
I don't feel up to the task;
All my dreams have gone unsung,
Bitterness befouls my tongue,
At last, I see Life without its mask

It's a bit too late now to seek love,
I wouldn't know what to do;
Would I even recognize
That crown-jewel of Paradise?
How would I respond to "I love you?"

It's a bit late now to try and change
All the wrong this world contains;
I'll pass that torch to the young,
Now that my Swan Song's been sung,
And the life slowly creeps from my veins

It's a bit too late now for most things,
I've relinquished all to Fate;
Yet, I swear by all the stars above
I want to believe I may yet love!
But I won't ....... it's just a bit too late
Lorraine Colon Apr 2023
Candlelight illumes my dreary room
Causing shadows to contort and sway;
In my heart there stirs a deep unrest
As the past flaunts its seductive play

Merciful Absinthe! It's known to calm
Tortured hearts by helping them forget;
How the swirling liquids mesmerize . . .
Tears and Absinthe make a strange duet

But my reveries will not be scorned --
I must yield to their silent demand.
And as the Green Fairy warms my throat,
Memories unravel, strand by strand

I recall the little tiffs we had,
Sometimes ending in a full-blown row,
But with each sip that moistens my lips,
I swear, they seem so trivial now

As I drain the glass, warm thoughts of you
Fill my head, causing me to give pause:
Why in Heaven's name did we part ways?
Right now I can't justify the cause

And I miss the good times that we shared,
Not just romance, but the laughter, too;
I thought Absinthe would help me forget,
But tonight . . . tonight I'm missing you
Lorraine Colon Mar 2019
What joy when my heart took its ****** flight!
It soared with stars navigating the night;
Pledges of love were uttered with each breath,
Not once did I entertain thoughts of death

At last my lonely heart had been caressed
By love, and drawn tenderly to its breast!
Nothing could keep my spirit from flying,
Not once did I harbor thoughts of dying

The flame of love burned with a steady glow,
It seemed love's fountain would forever flow;
When love surrenders in totality,
What fear has the heart of mortality?

But O! how my world changed -- now I'm alone,
The fountain's gone dry, my heart's turned to stone;
Every day despair rears its ugly head,
What irony ........ how I wish I were dead!
Lorraine Colon Oct 2018
I must clear my mind and reclaim the peace
I lost amongst accumulated things;
Enough! This endless confusion must cease,
So to all sad memories I'll give wings

Like bats, let them fly to dwell in dark caves,
They've no place in a mind seeking the sun;
Or let them die and be laid in their graves --
I'll not grant refuge once this day is done

Reaching into corners long undisturbed
I find dust-covered memories of youth;
What comfort to find no expressions curbed,
But to hear tender hearts speaking the truth

Blessed were childhood's days, passing like a breeze,
But somehow ensuing years went awry;
Foolishly, I've harbored dark memories,
But now the hour of their fate hovers nigh

Good-bye to those who brought pain and deceit
To this heart that could never comprehend
Why, as their flowers lay withered at my feet,
Their deceitful love I would yet defend

Away with the tattered remnants of love
That once composed a lovely tapestry;
To the trash pile I'll send them with a shove --
No longer will they cause me misery

Upon the pyre dead flowers will be tossed,
But there remains one rose of fairest hue
My mind cannot dispel, at any cost --
The one love that has proved worthy and true

So I shall guard it deep within my heart,
Lest the failing mind let it fade from sight;
To all the rest I now bid them depart ......
Will the last to leave please turn out the light!
Lorraine Colon Oct 2022
His face is not one you'd call handsome,
Most women wouldn't look at him twice,
But should some rogues hold him for ransom,
I would gladly pay their asking price

They say he's devoid of all treasure . . .
No wealth or landholdings,  so I'm told,
But I find riches beyond measure
In his silver hair and heart of gold

His love is the fortune that I seek --
It's not found in diamonds or in jade;
Though our cottage be humble and meek,
No palace would I accept in trade

Vile temptations, your labor's in vain!
Never could opulence take the place
Of the man, who like a king shall reign
In my heart . . . though common be his face
Lorraine Colon Sep 2024
I heard the cries of his broken heart --
How it begged for the pain to cease!
So compelling was its lament,
I tenderly gathered each piece

The moon glowed with a pale radiance
As he revealed his doleful plight:
The scornful deceit of a woman
Caused hope and trust to take flight

Each word he spoke flew like a dagger,
Piercing my heart mercilessly;
My own despair, caused by cruel deceit,
Was a blight on Love's memory

In our pain we found a common link --
Hearts doomed to deceit's damnation;
But Fate's course was soon to be altered . . .
O, sweet joy of liberation!

Unhappy memories flew from our hearts
As if on the wings of a dove;
And deceitful lies melted like snow
Upon the sacred fires of our love

Now a joyous dawn greets us each day,
Pain and woe are in full retreat;
On this twisted, rocky path called Life
True Love's radiance now guides our feet
Lorraine Colon Jan 2017
Loneliness is a shadowy hand
That reaches deep into the night,
Clutching our hearts, awakening our pain,
Reminding us of our wretched plight
(Without feeling the least bit contrite)

What a cruel master is Loneliness,
Each night it connives with the moon,
Urging her to mock and deride our pain,
While we cry, and our hearts lie in ruin
(To our pain and woe they're both immune)

Born of an evil, uncaring source
Loneliness has but one intent:
To deliver its pain and agony
To our hearts, causing endless torment
(Turning a deaf ear to our lament)

Loneliness can change a smiling face
To one filled with panic and fear;
Tearful eyes that once reflected Love
Tell Loneliness what it longs to hear:
(We have lost the one we held most dear)

But Loneliness has one fearless foe
That always ensures its defeat:
Love appears, rendering its deadly blow,
Knocking Loneliness right off its feet
(What other battle could be as sweet?)

Alas! Loneliness will not be deterred,
It knows the ways of Love are fleeting,
How patiently it waits in the shadows  
To pounce when it sees Love retreating!
(And the dead heart goes right on beating)
Lorraine Colon Feb 2017
"Forever"  is such a foolish word,
To its promise we're held like a slave,
Too often love is vowed forever
And then hurtled toward an early grave

Without shame, "forever" deceives us,
For what it vows, it can't deliver,
Like a stream that can't float a dried leaf,
Yet, it boasts like a mighty river

Yes, "forever" is a finite word
Eternity must find amusing,
Just a carelessly shared expression
We mortals delight in abusing

"Forever"  derides reality
Even when spoken with good intent;
But only fools believe "forever,"
And soon discover its value spent

Yet, we need "forever" in our lives,
This word, uttered with bold endeavor,
This beacon that lights our darkest hours,
Can we just cast it aside?  Never!
Lorraine Colon Jun 2019
His footprints next to mine in the snow,
The wildflowers he picked for my hair;
The kiss we shared 'neath the moon's pale glow ....
That kiss that left me gasping for air

Those evening strolls down paths thick with fog,
The first time he whispered "I love you,"
A night bird perched on a fallen log,
The lone witness to our rendezvous

Nights when Heaven's gilded gates would part
To reveal a glimpse of Paradise;
His heart pressed firmly against my heart,
Seeing my reflection in his eyes

So confusing are these memories
That consume my every waking hour,
With such precision they taunt and tease,
As if commandeered by some dark power

Is it just my mind playing a cruel game --
Does loneliness prompt this strange duet?
Recalling a lover with no name ....
Haunted by a man I never met
Lorraine Colon Apr 2022
I put my mind at ease,
     banishing all things vile,
What good are memories
     that don't inspire a smile?

But now and then my heart
     forgets to lock the door,
And when the portals part,
     he's standing there once more

Of course, I can't deny
     him entry --- I'm too weak,
And yes, I know I'll cry
     with every lie he'll speak

It seems I never learned
     to let go of his hand,
Not all bridges were burned,
      love's flame might yet be fanned

O, foolish heart of mine,
     the truth is plain to see:
When love makes one resign
      itself to misery,
And every sleepless night
      is caused by love's deceit,
Can you ignore the Light
      of Truth there at your feet?

The time is long past due
      to set his memory free,
Let love's promise renew,
      let all sad feelings flee

Prepare the burial shroud,
      ensure the grave is deep,
Grieve one last time aloud . . .
     Now let the demons sleep!
Lorraine Colon May 2017
My days are tormented by longing,
So many dreams life did not fulfill,
Longing for the love that never came,
(Yet the gallant heart is hopeful still)

I'm longing to foresee the future -
Just how long will my loneliness last?
Old memories offer no comfort,
So I'm longing to forget the past

I'm longing to know if God exists,
In my mind it still remains unclear;
Who shall I praise for nature's beauty,
Witnessing its wrath, whom shall I fear?

Few praise God in all circumstances,
The faithful pay homage without doubt;
But I'm perplexed by the suffering
Born of disease, war, famine and drought

I'm torn between loving and hating
A God who cannot seem to decide
If wrath or mercy is deserving ....
So both arrive, with hope on the side

I'm weary of this life of longing,
I seek my refuge in solitude;
Abandoning unanswered questions,
I ascend to spheres of quietude

But end of day finds my heart longing
That just one of life's schemes be revealed:
Fearing the reply, still it inquires:
Will love be mine? Or has my fate been sealed!
Lorraine Colon Aug 2018
Alone ..... what a heart-wrenching word,  
Hope recoils in the face of Despair;  
The purpose of Life becomes blurred,  
A promise broken beyond repair  
Alone ..... riding the restless waves  
Of loneliness on this stormy sea;  
O, to send my woes to their graves  
And revel in Love's sweet company!

Alone ..... too much time to wonder
When light and dark converged into one;
Helplessly I watched Fate plunder
All I held most dear under the sun

Alone ..... I knocked at Heaven's door,
But to my anguish no ear paid heed;
Yet, in dark hours I still implore
Heaven to commute what Fate decreed

Alone ..... now facing Life's twilight,
Straight to my heart panic flings its spears;
What once was deemed a sorry plight,
Has become the sum of all my fears
Lorraine Colon Jan 2019
As the twilight slowly fades to dark,
The impending gloom ignites a spark;
I raise my pen and begin to write:
"Once upon a long and lonely night ....."

With such ease the words begin to flow,
Like the rush of Springtime's melting snow,
Too often these words have framed my plight,
Sketching every long and lonely night

As the clock announces each grim hour,
The moon keeps watch from his lofty tower;
Like a sweet embrace he lays his light
Over me each long and lonely night

Thank you, friend, but in moments like these
Only a man's embrace can appease
This longing of my heart to take flight
From another long and lonely night!

In some distant tree a night bird cries
His sad anthems to the darkening skies;
Does he not know his laments invite
Yet another long and lonely night?

With such recklessness I assign blame
For this cruel torment that shows no shame;
But how can a doomed heart be contrite,
Awaiting a long and lonely night!
Lorraine Colon Jul 2017
The fountain's gone dry, now withered leaves blow
Down the path where we walked side by side;
Faint echoes still murmur in the wind:
"God is Love" ..... but O, how they lied!

Two loving hearts always beating as one,
If separated, would bring great pain;
And heaven cried "Lord, if you take him,
Such love she'll never find again!"

"And who will cherish her as he has done?
Love this faithful is so hard to find";
And heaven cried "Lord, please reconsider
This notion that's clouding your mind!"

But, sadly two hearts were torn asunder,
And heaven cried "Lord, what have you done?
You've torn apart the most loving hearts
That ever beat under Earth's sun!"

But Divine will is not to be challenged
Or questioned, though caring angels tried;
And with heavy hearts, they bowed and said:
"Thy will be done" ..... and heaven cried
Lorraine Colon Apr 2017
Rays of a golden sun greet the day,
A warm breeze brushes my cheek in its play,
Fragrant flowers bloom in radiant hue,
Amidst this beauty, I think of you

A wandering bird in hectic flight
Searches for shelter before fall of night,
Then sanctuary comes within view,
When I've lost my way, I think of you

Amorous waves hug a lonely shore;
As avocets scavenge the sandy floor
The moon and stars keep their rendezvous,
In this peaceful realm, I think of you

A dove woos his mate high in a tree,
Together they warble love's symphony
As bees sip the rose's velvet dew;
Seeing love fulfilled, I think of you

Though life may demand its daily toll,
Your love guides me toward my journey's goal;
And when despair spreads its darkest hue --
Love's flame kindles when I think of you
Lorraine Colon Jan 2018
Rays of a golden sun greet the day,
A warm breeze brushes my cheek in its play,
Fragrant flowers bloom in radiant hue,
Amidst this beauty, I think of you

A wandering bird in hectic flight
Searches for shelter before fall of night,
Then sanctuary comes within view,
When I've lost my way, I think of you

Amorous waves hug a lonely shore,
While avocets scavenge the sandy floor
The moon and stars keep their rendezvous;
In this peaceful realm, I think of you

A dove woos his mate high in a tree,
Together they warble love's symphony
As bees sip the rose's velvet dew;
Seeing love fulfilled, I think of you

Though life may demand its daily toll,
Your love guides me toward my journey's goal;
And when despair spreads its darkest hue,
Love's flame kindles when I think of you
Lorraine Colon Oct 2018
Why is it that petals fall from the rose,
Leaving only thorns upon the stem?
And why do lilies bend low to the ground?
It's so out of character for them

Well, roses know when love has deceived,
The petals they let fall are their tears;
Strangely, flowers can sense love's fickle ways,
In their own way, they vent mortal fears

And when lilies are seen bending their heads,
You can be sure they're in deep despair;
Love has once again shattered someone's heart,
Setting dreams adrift on sullied air

But Love will not be held accountable,
A free spirit -- thus it must remain,
Bringing unbelievable happiness,
Or rendering unbearable pain

And so I just glue the petals back on,
(The rose thinks my tears are morning's dew);
While I run a wire through the lily's stem,
I lift its head, and say "This love is true"

O, I'm aware such folly has its price --
Pretense stains life in a somber hue;
But when Love dons a dark, deceitful robe,
Just what is a broken heart to do?

So I start each day with my hope renewed,
Yet, anticipating old sorrow;
Full well I know as long as this life lasts,
A new love will find me tomorrow

And my life goes on - it's a brand new day,
Another rose is starting to bloom,
As I wait for petals to fall -- and they will,
I'll plant more lilies -- just in case -- if there's room
Lorraine Colon Jan 2019
Dear fellow traveler, do you feel lost,
Are you blindly searching for the way?
Then take my hand and come with me,
This is the start of a new day

Are you bewildered by life's purpose?
Well, I may have some good news for you,
And I'll be glad to share it now,
But there's a few things you must do

Clear your mind and forget what you've learned,
Old ideas never served you well;
Some questions must go unanswered --
A hunger we're not meant to quell

Now let your mind see things from all sides,
You have to consider many views;
Your heart and mind must sort through facts,
Only then can you wisely choose

Seek the pure joy of friendships and love,
Cherish these moments when they appear,    
Treasure life and its mysteries,
Don't let death burden you with fear

When love reaches out, take hold of it,
For to conquer all,  love is the key;
It will be your sword and your shield
When you're facing adversity

Though you're passing through here this one time,
There are wondrous things for you to see;
Look with your heart, not just your eyes,
Don't focus on eternity

I implore you, think of the present,
We are the guardians of this gate;
This life, this moment here in time
Will be lost if you hesitate

Someday you'll thank me, dear traveler,
That day when you're taking your last breath,
If you've faced the truth that is life
And thought less of life after death

And if there's an afterlife, you'll know,
For now, don't let it cause you distress;
Your life now is reality --
What follows is anyone's guess
Lorraine Colon Apr 2018
Though he's gone, life goes on as before --
The rising sun still announces dawn;
At night the moon paces my bedroom floor,
But now my lonely heart cries out "Begone!"

Without him, seasons still come and go,
Callous Spring comes strewing her flowers;
I pay no heed to Nature's to and fro,
In despair is how my heart spends its hours

Since he left, the joys I knew have flown,
At once, like startled birds taking wing;
The last of the summer's roses have blown,
Not a trace remains of our fairy ring

When he left, he took my hopes and dreams,
Strange, he was so different from the rest;
Now my abandoned heart silently screams
While I stare at the sun like one possessed

O, yes, I know his love was not real!
Just a seed sown by a desperate hand,
Expecting to harvest my heart's ideal --
A castle of dreams built upon quicksand

Well, now there are no seeds left to sow,
But in failure I have found meaning:
Imagined love can never thrive and grow,
And grants harvests too sparse for the gleaning
Lorraine Colon Feb 2017
I could count the grains of sand on the shore,
Through a straw, I could drink the sea dry,
But never could I stop loving you,
If commanded, I could not comply

I could move a mountain that blocked your view,
I could rearrange stars in the sky,
But never could I stop loving you,
It would be foolish for me to try

I could change the song of the birds at dawn,
I could dance on the flames of the sun,
But never could I stop loving you,
Certain deeds simply cannot be done

I could walk on water to come to you,
I could do anything that you ask,
But never could I stop loving you,
That would be an impossible task!
As I gaze into Life's sea of tears
Mine is not the only reflection;
Many hearts loiter in darkened spheres,
Wandering with no sense of direction

So when heartache starts to overwhelm
(Consequence of Love's sly trickery)
I find respite in a phantom realm
Of ploys mimicking Love's ecstasy

Night may find me trekking paths unknown
With only the moon's glow to guide me;
Pity me not, thinking I walk alone . . .
My shadow's always close beside me

In a bottle I place love letters,
Then I cast them to the restless sea;
Wretchedness frees me of its fetters
When the tide brings those words back to me

I shout "I love you" to the distant hills,
Then listen for my echo's return;
I stand in awe as Hope's chalice spills
Forth that vow for which lonely hearts yearn

I'll admit, these are weird strategies,
So why do I use them? you may ask;
Desperate hearts seek desperate remedies . . .
Love's indifference groomed me for this task!
Lorraine Colon Jun 2020
Blithe and carefree as a wandering cloud
He drifted one day into my life;
How sweet were the hours Heaven allowed,
Tranquil - even though misery was rife

At times I'd been blinded by the sun,
But in his shade the path became clear,
No regrets appeared when day was done,
Joy, even hope, dared to draw near

Life is such a melancholy thing
When the heart is denied what it craves;
Now at Love's throne I was worshiping,
Dead dreams resurrected from their graves!

Like dormant seeds in a Springtime rain
My heart was awakened from its sleep
To welcome Love to its new domain.
(No longer would Heaven watch me weep)

But Heaven scoffed at my happiness!
Once again, Fate bared its ugly streak;
A brewing storm foretold my distress,
And in an instant my world turned bleak

Restless gusts were rehearsing their flights,
Like fierce gales that form upon the sea,
And as clouds often do on starless nights,
True to the wind, he drifted far from me
Lorraine Colon Feb 2018
What fires burn in this feverish mind!
And from the ashes spring ardent words,
Like the phoenix rising up to heaven,
Leading flocks of diaphanous birds

Mimicking the tides, thoughts ebb and flow
Ceaselessly, as those of the ocean;
Like one possessed, I surrender control,
Jotting down every whim and notion

Angst and rapture mingle together
As I ponder each new assignment;
Vague concepts, dispatched from a remote source,
Invade my mind, seeking refinement

Transient verses perch upon my pen,
Now my minions, I must guide them home;
With care, I place them upon the blank page --
Trumpeting the birth of a new Poem!

Dare I hope my words be remembered
Immortally, as our God must be,
Bringing joy and comfort to burdened hearts,
Like a prayer recited faithfully

My words cannot be held prisoners
In a box meant for decaying remains;
But rather, these poems I lovingly pen
Must soar alongside heavenly strains

I care not if few sad tears are shed
For my folded hands and eyelids closed;
But when Death commands that my voice be still,
Grieve for the poems that went uncomposed!
Lorraine Colon Aug 2023
I scoffed at lovers playing their foolish games,
Driven to a frenzied state of mind,
"Come join us" they cried, "come fan passion's flames!"
But I declined

How I envied the hearts that love had healed
While my own heartaches I bravely masked;
If only my sad plight could be revealed . . .
But no one asked

Like tender warblings of amorous birds
Hope whispers sweet lies into my ear.
Still, Fate stubbornly withholds those three words
I long to hear

While tears may come easily, I refrain ---
How effective is this strategy?
Except for my heart, no one knows of my pain . . .
What irony!

Will Fate honor its debts long overdue?
Or are faith and hope but mockery
Of the worn-out promise that dreams do come true?
Then woe is me!

But too well I know I've myself to blame,
I scoffed at Love, now I'm paying the price;
Yet, it's hard to say who'll win at Love's game --
Fate rolls the dice!
Lorraine Colon Jun 2020
I watched love take wing, swooping in constant flight,
Seeking a heart upon which it could alight

I watched Love clamoring for recognition,
Begging to be claimed without inhibition

I watched Love floundering in desperation,
Wearied of its flight with no destination

I watched Love grow weaker with each passing day,
Pleading for sustenance to keep death at bay

I watched Love yield to its frail mortality,
Defeated by the truth of reality

I watched Love succumb, forlorn and rejected,
Now it's dead ..... never to be resurrected
Lorraine Colon Nov 2018
Just as sure as the night claims the moon,
And every dawn claims the rising sun,
I'll gather the woes that burden your heart
And claim them all,  one by one

Just as the tide claims the waiting shore,
And the soil claims every seed that's sown,
With fortitude only love can renew,
I'll claim your pain for my own

Just as the rose claims the morning dew,
And the bee claims his throne on the flower,
I'll stay with you, sharing your darkest nights,
And I'll claim each lonely hour

Just as all stars lay claim to the sky,
And for their theft they need not atone,
So I feel no guilt in stealing your heart
And claiming it for my own

Just as death will one day stake its claim,
And over my grave they'll place a stone
So inscribed: His love was a fleeting dream,
Yet, she claimed it for her own
Lorraine Colon Jan 2021
Why can I not escape from Loneliness?
It hangs over me like a cloud;
Prowling about like a stray, hungry dog
It finds me cowering in the crowd

From dawn 'til dusk Loneliness calls my name,
With vague terrors it fills each night;
It accompanies every step I take
And no prayer seems to ease my plight

Loneliness etched its name upon my heart
And each day worships at my shrine;
Wretched fiend, your loyalty makes me cringe!
If only Love had your design!

Through long empty nights I curse Loneliness
As it leads me down its dark hall;
And yet, if it weren't for Loneliness
I'd have no companion at all
Lorraine Colon Jul 2023
A woman's forgiveness, desperately sought
By a man whose rash decision proved unwise;
But mercy's denied - there'll be no second chance.
What a sad account of love's demise!

So goes the tale of two shadows on the wall
That come to life as day draws to a close:
A remorseful man offers a woman
His atonement with a tear-stained rose

She extends her hand, but then withdraws . . .
What he reveals breaks her heart in two;
The man she loves has betrayed her trust,
He's confessed to having been untrue

Uncontrolled tears cascade down her face,
Her hands helplessly fall to her side;
His outstretched arms beg her forgiveness,
But she recoils . . . O, **** her foolish pride!

Discourse ensues amidst sobbing and tears,
Raising her arm, she gestures toward the door;
With lowered  head he reluctantly leaves,
And the tainted rose falls to the floor

There's a lesson to be learned from this tale:
At some point we're all brought to our knees,
Seeking pardon for senseless things we've done
Because of our innate frailties

So offer forgiveness when loved ones repent,
Forgive friends their insensitive rants;
And don't hesitate to forgive yourself . . .
Everyone deserves a second chance!
Lorraine Colon Dec 2024
Each night while awaiting sleep's ******,
Thoughts emerge from their darkened lair
To walk the shores of eternal hope,
Only to sink in seas of despair

How often I've searched for Love's footprints --
An effort my heart must find droll;
Have winds of Time carelessly plundered
All memories of Love from Life's scroll?

To recall just one brief encounter
That somehow escaped memory
Would bring such joy to my dismal world --
To know someone once cared for me

A faint voice echoing  "I love you"
Would more than suffice to repair
These tattered wings that once ferried hope . . .
But alas! the heart's chamber is bare

And so I appeal to sleep's mercy
As I lie upon this lonely bed:
Carry me swiftly beneath thy wing
To a realm where heartaches dare not tread

Then all of my senses surrender
As I welcome night's peaceful repose,
And tear-moistened lips softly murmur:
Please, let this day come to a close!
Lorraine Colon Jan 2021
For those of you who've had more than your share
Of Life's wrath, I raise my glass of false cheer!
Join me in a toast to Fate, if you dare
(But don 't appease it by shedding a tear)

Though Fate chose to look on us with disdain
Don't let its wicked pranks obscure your mind;
Each morning a new sun rises again --
Another chance to leave your woes behind

Always keep in mind Fate may smile on you
And on your shoulders lay its golden shroud;
But be prepared, should all this prove untrue
And the dawn offers yet another cloud

We who have nothing, not even Love's touch,
Crippled, we slowly limp toward the abyss,
Frantically seeking a lifeline to clutch,
All the while awaiting Death's frightful kiss

You who have never found favor with Fate
In this jungle of misery and rue,
It is your misfortune I celebrate,
For your failure has been my failing, too;
But rest assured, all suffering will abate
When in Death's embrace we bid Life adieu!
Lorraine Colon Aug 2022
The beacon of solace grows dim,
I've no words to stop your heart from aching;
I'm tired of soothing your furrowed brow
While my own heart is breaking

Please don't ask me to hold your hand
While my whole being longs for your caress;
Don't expect me to throw you a lifeline
While I'm drowning in loneliness

I'm losing the will to respond
When from the abyss I hear you calling;
How do I guide you to a happy place
While my own tears are falling?

Now when you knock upon my door,
My love and understanding to entreat,
You'll hear a weary voice softly crying:
"Love is not a one-way street!"
Lorraine Colon Mar 2017
Last night I had the strangest dream:
Love carried me to Heaven's door.
All the joys of Life magnified
As angels beckoned us inside,
Warning this was but a dream -- no more

What delights my senses beheld,
Elysian music filled the air!
Only Love could write such a score
And the heart understand its lore.
But the enchantment did not end there .....

A mystic fragrance made me swoon
As Love chanted its divine hymn;
Who could have guessed a dream could bring
The rapture of eternal Spring,
With each tree boasting a flowered limb!

Smiling angels reassured me
Heaven can be found here on Earth;
The golden key of Love's embrace
Permits entry to God's pure space.
Only there can be found Life's true worth

All's vanished now -- that sacred view,
The angels' smiles, that perfumed air;
Once more my life's burdened with grief,
I look to Heaven for relief ...
But only Love can take me there
Lorraine Colon Mar 2017
Time outstretched its callous fingers
And reclaimed my summer bouquet,
While Death's apprentice stands close by,
Waiting for his cue in this play

The hour has grown late -  so be it -
What matters one more reckless choice?
Though eyes grow dim, yet my ears strain
To hear Love's long-awaited voice

My door now opens to strangers,
(I'm not concerned with their intent)
A daring stance now pays my way,
The coins of youth having been spent

And what of love, that elusive dream
That taunts my heart mercilessly?
This consoling thought I proffer:
Keep faith, dear heart, it yet may be!

And perhaps on some moonlit night,
With his arms clasped tightly 'round me
My love and I will speak with joy
Of that winter night he found me

Watching tender blossoms open,
Though a frost lay thick on the bower,
How we'll  bless that borrowed sunshine
Love granted in our winter hour!

But should this never come to pass,
Who is there to blame for my plight?
Just a fool in her loneliness
Who dared to dream on a winter night
Lorraine Colon Apr 2023
A woman knows when a man loves her,
By Divine Grace she perceives such things;
Even when his love goes undeclared,
She can feel it vibrate her heartstrings

A woman knows when a man loves her,
Her heart opens when he turns the key;
From her face a noble radiance streams
Reflecting love's rare divinity

A woman knows when a man needs her,
Watchful she stands, ready to appease
With wise counsel and devoted love,
Putting both his mind and heart at ease

A woman knows when a man loves her,
She'll nourish  love's seed until it grows
Into their own Garden of Eden.
O, there is no doubt, a woman knows!
Lorraine Colon Apr 2017
Love is the Beauty that overtakes
Our every sense of being alive,
The dew of Heaven that nourishes
Each new dream, enabling it to thrive

Love is the Beauty our eyes emit
As it rekindles the lambent flame
Cruelly extinguished when loneliness
Comes to inhabit our weakened frame

Love is the Beauty of eventide
When every star in the universe
Floods the sky with gold and silver orbs,
And the moon prompts poets in their verse

Love is the Beauty that ambles through
The desolate chambers of the mind,
Removing all the hopeless despair
That loneliness often leaves behind

Loneliness is the uncaring Beast
That laughs while our broken spirit mourns,
It suffocates our passions and dreams,
Laying on the heart a crown of thorns

The Beast of Loneliness is famine,
Whereas Love is an infinite feast;
To appreciate the joy Love brings,
They both must exist ..... Beauty and Beast
Lorraine Colon Dec 2022
Long ago  my pride was abandoned
And Love's beggary became my art,
Just a drop of Love - a brief romance --
Has amply sustained this starving heart

Amorous overtures still put a blush
Upon the face of this wilting rose --
Praise my beauty . . . write me a love poem . . .
Spring will be mine though winter's wind blows

With what eagerness I would devour
The love poems you might hastily scrawl!
My starving heart would forego the feast,
Finding comfort in the crumbs that fall

Though meager the trickle from Love's spring,
The parched heart gives thanks with solemn prayer;
And even pity, wearing Love's mask,
Would banish the demons of despair

What darkness enshrouds the lonely heart
Until Love illumes it with its flame,
Even the embers of a flawed love
Will lend their pale glow to this sad game

Though Fate often stoops to treacheries,
Pity me not for what might have been;
I find solace in Love's fantasies . . .
Tangled in the lovely webs they spin
Many were the hours my head was bowed,
Supplicating mindless deities;
(With what foolish thoughts man is endowed!
But  . . . we pick and choose our liberties)

Then I had a most disturbing dream . . .
I saw mountains of unanswered prayer,
Mankind's tears formed an eternal stream,
While the dust of dead gods filled the air

And amidst this turmoil and malaise
Stood the ruins of an empty throne
Where the ghosts of Folly sang their praise,
Paying homage to the Great Unknown

In a state of panic I awoke --
Was this vision my epiphany?
Perhaps Truth dons a deceitful cloak
To disguise the barbs of Reality?

Countless times these hands have clasped in prayer,
And to each prayer futile hope was pinned . . .
An imagined throne with no one there . . .
Endless litanies  . . . lost to the wind!

Yet, Hope's chrism courses through our veins
Every time we utter useless prayers;
If only all those passionate refrains
Were acknowledged by someone who cares!

Will you dare to heed this clarion call?
Ease the heart of someone in despair!
Kindly acts - although they may be small,
Just might be the answer to a prayer
Lorraine Colon Apr 2022
I dreamed tears were flowing from my heart's core,
And my head was bowed low in prayer,
An angel appeared, saying "Weep no more,
Come and find relief from your despair."
Smiling, he pointed to a golden door . .
So I entered,  but no one was there

Then I found myself seated 'neath a tree
Staring up at a cloud-filled sky;
I pondered mankind's state of misery,
And I couldn't help but question "Why?"
And that angel just stood there silently,
With an expression that made me cry

As if this were not enough pain to bear,
I found myself on paths well trod --
One marked Loneliness, the other Despair,
While Fate scowled with an approving nod;
(Better to blame Fate than unanswered prayer
And all the failed responses from God)

Attempting to wake myself from this dream,
From my lips there escaped a moan.
Then the angel said "Praised be the Supreme,
To whom all man's miseries are known"
And all heaven bowed (which seemed quite extreme
Since no one was seated on the throne)

As in most dreams nothing was making sense ---
Prayers drifting on a murky stream,
Frustration and doubt growing more intense.
"Lord, show thyself," I cried with a scream.
But the angel warned "Seek no evidence!"
And I realized  . . .  this was no dream
Lorraine Colon Jun 2019
No longer will sadness set the tone,
Despair won't define my waking hours;
Never will the sun hear me bemoan
Lonely tears that cascade like Spring showers

To solitude's woes I'll not be bound
As long as the sun saunters the sky;
Like vile weeds I'll pluck them from the ground,
Laughing as their flowerheads droop and die

Love's silent voice will be disavowed
Since it will not speak the words I crave;
In defeat my head will not be bowed,
To Love I'll not be a faithful slave

I'll mimic the music box dancer,
Twirling 'round and 'round in silent glee,
While secretly begging the answer
To why Love withholds its melody

All throughout the day I'll wear a smile,
Every tortured longing will take wing;
I'll defy Fate's decree all the while,
But when night falls ..... well,  that's another thing!
Lorraine Colon Jun 2018
A sumptuous feast adorns the table
Of those lucky few whom love has found,
Their hunger for love more than satisfied
By a banquet leaving them spellbound

What rejoicing spills from starving hearts
When love's elixir is first tasted;
They feast with a voracious appetite --
Then beg more, with not a drop wasted

They walk the ripe orchards of passion
As the sweet fruits fall into their hand;
The bounty is one to be coveted,
The harvest is nothing short of grand

But the lonely hearts stare longingly
Into the forbidden dining hall,
Hiding in shadows, they scour the floor
For any sustenance that might fall

But all they find is bread and water,
And as the banquet hall's vacated,
The lonely linger, still searching for scraps,
Their hunger for love goes unsated

Cautiously they rush the cellar door,
Anticipating what they may find --
Most likely, just a bit of rotting fruit,
Blemished, with worm holes scarring the rind

But should this not be deemed a blessing?
Though it may be seen as meagre fare,
Is not a morsel of discarded love
Better than the cupboard that lays bare?

Bread and water found by the lonely
Is the banquet upon which they feast;
Ravenously they feed on scraps of love,
Like the bone flung to a starving beast

So bring your alms of bread and water,
Take pity on these wretched losers;
Though often they dream of a royal feast,
Beggars of love cannot be choosers
Lorraine Colon May 2018
The steps to my grave grow fewer,
I'm told now it's just a stone's throw;
But I've yet to carry the Torch of Love
And stand in awe beneath its hallowed glow

Too many were the lonely nights
I knelt with despair so near me,
Praying for love with the faith of a child,
Foolishly believing God would hear me

Tell me, Lord, can you hear me now?
Why have my cries not reached your door?
Each day fresh wreckage is strewn o'er my life,
But your silence is what it was before

The Book of Life's last page has turned,
The present hour now holds the keys;
Little time remains to learn of Love's joys --
When Death summons, I'll have no need for these

Can you hear me now? Give me hope
Before my heart heaves its last sigh;
Will my barque ever journey on Love's sea,
Or with furled sails in port forever lie?

Though despair stretches its talons,
The voice of hope affirms its place;
As the Scroll of Life dolefully unfolds,
Have lines been penned that Fate might yet erase?

Foolish heart, hopeful to the end,
As Death guides the gravedigger's plow:
Dig deeper, deeper, stifle that ****** voice!
But my heart still cries ..... can you hear me now?
Lorraine Colon Mar 2017
The night watchman lights his lantern
From his balcony in the sky,
Shining his light on lovers each night,
And when they kiss, you'll hear him sigh

But tonight the moon is worried,
Frantic calls of anguish arise,
And as his light spills on darkened hills,
He starts searching with anxious eyes

The moon scatters beams north and south,
Fearing for the troubled lovers,
Feeling distressed, he looks east and west,
Then weeps for what he discovers

In the dark, a heart-wrenching scene ....
A woman,  alone with her tears,
And while she cries, the moon denies
The sad truth that her heart most fears

Her dearest love has gone missing,
He has not been heard from in weeks,
No word from him, her hope grows dim,
To her heart a fearful voice speaks

O, careless moon, what have you done,
She lost him when you looked away,
Slowly she dies, pain blurs her eyes,
What fate befell him, can you say?

Can you shed no light on her woe?
Please try, send her spirits flying!
He must be found soon, please, dear moon,
Little by little .....  she is dying
Lorraine Colon Sep 2020
Don't sing idle love songs into the wind --
A distraught heart might be lurking near;
How awkward when you attempt to rescind
Loving words they were not meant to hear

Tread lightly lest you awaken the beast
That's held captive in some desperate heart,
When from its ******* Hope has been released,
It becomes fair game for Cupid's dart

Those crumbs of Love you've capriciously tossed
Might be hungrily devoured in haste;
Once that bridge to Paradise has been crossed,
O, what pain when steps must be retraced

Exercise due caution when you declare
Unwavering love to a forlorn heart;
Deceitful words, though delivered with flair,
Carry the sting of a poisoned dart

Words of love are the messengers of hope
That allow earthbound hearts to take flight;
But lies and deceit weave the fatal rope
That binds lonely hearts to their sad plight
Lorraine Colon Aug 2024
Don't idly sing love songs to the wind ---
A troubled heart might be lurking near;
What a loathsome task to have to rescind
Loving words it was not meant to hear

Tread with caution, lest you wake the beast
That's held captive in some desperate heart;
When from its ******* Hope has been released,
It becomes fair game for Cupid's dart

Crumbs of Love that are carelessly tossed
Might be hungrily devoured in haste;
Once that bridge to Paradise has been crossed,
O, what pain when steps must be retraced!

Use due caution before you declare
Unwavering love to a distraught heart;
Deceitful words, though delivered with flair,
Carry the sting of a poisoned dart

Words of love are messengers of Hope
That allow earthbound hearts to take flight;
But lies and deceit weave the fatal rope
That binds lonely hearts to their sad plight
Lorraine Colon Jan 2019
I've not seen a night like this before,
Not one star is making its debut;
It's as though Heaven has shuttered its door
To conceal our anguish from its view

Our love now sails seas of turbulence,
Waves of tears threaten to sink our skiff;
Once, warm exchanges when moments were tense,
Veered us away from each treacherous cliff

In darkest hours, our love gave us strength
To weave all our woes into a song;
And in my arms you fell asleep at length --
Tell me, is this not where you belong?

Love's golden threads gently bound our hearts,
Breaking when a weakened link was strained;
My heart shattered into a thousand parts,
Scattering when it became unchained

Gather these frail fragments in your hands
Lest the winds of Time blow them away;
Don't let them sink into the shifting sands,
Stranded on the Shores of Yesterday

Place Love's golden threads upon the loom,
Weave your magic -- let the shuttles fly!
Heaven will rejoice seeing our love abloom,
Freeing the stars to dance across the sky

I've set the tea kettle to boiling,
In the windows, candles brightly burn;
While those stormy clouds are fiercely roiling,
I'll watch at the door for your return

The logs on the hearth sputter and hiss,
This raging storm seems unabating,
I need the calm of your arms and your kiss,
Please, my darling, come home .....  I'm waiting
Lorraine Colon Feb 2022
Today a melody caught my ear
That enraptured my very soul;
I heard a duet being performed
By a lark and an oriole

A gnarly branch made a fitting stage
For their theatre high in the tree,
While a backdrop of blossoms and clouds
Left the audience in ecstasy

What was it about their rhapsody
That encouraged my heart to dance?
So mesmerized by their dulcet tones,
I stood there as if in a trance

My thoughts drifted to happier times . . .
The nights my darling sang to me;
Every refrain that flowed from his lips
Echoed a lovers' symphony

But then the music started to fade,
Softer it grew till silence fell;
Now only the wind sings in the trees,
And at night it tolls Love's death knell

But today the lark and oriole
Enchanted me with their sweet song;
Though there's unrest in my solitude,
I found comfort in the feathered throng
Lorraine Colon Jul 2019
If I were that forceful gust of wind
That lifts feathers on the robin's breast,
High above the clouds I'd carry you,
To where Heaven flaunts its sacred crest ---
Far beyond Earth's perils and torments,
Where no angels glimpse a mortal guest

O, to be a swelling ocean wave!
I would sweep the shore, drinking you in,
Dragging you down to my very core,
Showing you places you've never been;
Sheltered we would be from peering eyes,
Lest they judge our love, calling it sin

But I'm just a woman who loves you,
No mystical powers do I command;
I can unburden your heart from pain,
Offering all the love that you demand;
And when the night exhales its cold breath,
There will be the warm clasp of my hand

Yes, I'm just a woman who loves you,
I can't transcend my humanity;
But I can illume your darkest hours,
Bringing you peace and serenity;
And if Divine mercy shall permit,
I'll walk with you through eternity
Lorraine Colon Dec 2017
The sunset hour darkens my door,
A shadow moves across the floor;
There he stands in luminous air .....
The answer to my daily prayer

My trembling hands follow his form,
The cold night air turns, oh, so warm;
I taste his kiss scorching the air,
My fingers stroke his tangled hair

Just particles and flecks of dust!
I despair and turn in disgust;
He pulls me back and holds me tight,
My spirit love, my errant knight

Sensual feelings are unending,
O, what torment this pretending!
When from reality I flee,
It's then his spirit comes to me

How I love him ..... how I need him!
Lord, don't let this beacon grow dim!
But his love is not mine to own,
And soon the night finds me alone

Prayers can't change the rules of this game:
Here comes Fate to blow out the flame;
A foolish dream, a wish in vain .....
Companion from another plane

Face of moonlight, kiss born of dreams,
Love's longing taken to extremes;
Existing in some realm above,
He's all I have ..... my spirit love
Lorraine Colon Apr 2024
Knowing that Life rides a stormy sea
And cloudbursts oftentimes overwhelm,
I'll rig the sails and face what may be . . .
If Love is standing guard at the helm

Fearlessly I'll walk Life's thorny path
In the dark of night or sunless day;
I'll grapple with Fate's relentless wrath . . .
If Love 's blessed radiance guides my way

And when despair grabs hold of my hand,
Gallantly I'll cry my share of tears
While waiting for storm clouds to disband . . .
If Love's at my side to calm my fears

When all seems lost and hope goes astray,
And my dreams lie withering on the vine,
I'll endure and rise above the fray . . .
If Love's hand is clinging fast to mine

When my spirit flees this mortal frame
And is summoned toward the dark unknown,
I'll fare well enough with memory's flame    . . .
If Love lingers when all else has flown
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