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 Oct 2015 Liz Kiger
Third Legacy
without cease nor rest
no heartbeats fast
no color trails behind
how long will we
the waters test?
Until our eyes go blind?

the hour hand comes
so slow at night
though it leaves me tired at day
exhausted of what's left behind
content with what's to stay

a morbid heart
you carved into
the perfect shape of pain
tainted with all your memories -
blurry image stains

I love you still
though it's only ache
that is reserved for I
go and carve the way you like
no need to answer why.
 Oct 2015 Liz Kiger
If we love someone,  
We express it,  
If we hate someone,  
Then we say it,  

But you chose silence,  
To destroy me slowly,  
Your silence has kept me on a string,  
The string of uncertainty,  

I'm not sure what this silence means,
Do you still love me?  
Or you hate me now?  

If I walk away from you,  
I'll be thinking of coming back,  
And If I walk towards you,  
Maybe I'll make a mistake,  

You have left me alone on this string,  
Anyhow I'm destroyed, destroyed of uncertainty ....

© 2015-AROODY
I believe that uncertainty is a destroying feeling,
 Oct 2015 Liz Kiger
Shayla Ahrns
1:26 am
My eyes are burning
Can't sleep
Can't think
But you're still there
Back of my mind
All of the time
1:27 am
Floor to ceiling
I'm down here
You're up there
I can't take the stairs
That would be the hard way out
1:28 am
I could crush the place down  
Take the easy route
1:29 am
But how
Do I know what to say
When you've watered me
To the ground
1:30 am
And how the **** do I stay
When you're only
Begging me to blossom
1:31 am
I love you
For taking my heart
And planting it in your garden
1:32 am
I love you still
For letting me grow
1:33 am
But my eyes are burning still
Because what do we have to show?
 Oct 2015 Liz Kiger
in every lifetime
there is that special someone who steps into your path
while their presence may be brief
their footprints are eternal

— The End —