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I remember the births of my sons
And I remember the days
They first held their own babies
And the good times and the bad
That have made up our lives
There have been friends and others
Who have come and gone
With the endless flow of time
And constant change

I remember seeing a shower
Of shooting stars in the sky
And watching swans awaken
In the light of a cold dawn
And hearing wonderful music
Which thrilled me to my spine
And singing with the band
Then partying through the night

I remember the first time I felt old
And feeling vulnerable out there
On the streets that were my home
I remember watching my best friend
Dying in a local hospital bed
And I remember his widow
Clutching my hand as she wept
As we stood by his coffin

All these things and so much more
I'll remember 'til I die

                                      By Phil Roberts
Teeny, tiny dragon—he’s not quite like the others;
He’s the smallest little dragon, compared to all his brothers.
Colors so bright that you can see from afar,
His skin is so bright—as bright as a star.

He’s the most colorful dragon that I have ever seen.
Oh, how I wonder just where he has been?
He has bright blue eyes with a very short tail,
Very slow-walking, almost like a snail!

He huffs, and he puffs, and he breathes out candy.
Much to the delight of the elf named Randy.
Truth be told, he’s a joy to the land,
They all think of him as a dragon so grand!

Take a look at him, you surely won’t forget,
A dragon like this, I’ll make you a bet:
More different than him, you will never find,
This little dragon is one of a kind.
 Sep 2016 Little Bear
Illya Oz
A gun brings scarlet
A rose the colour of blood
Too many lives lost
There is too much conflict and war in the world that all lead to the loss of life. It needs to stop.
Lets count the stars tonight
Under the comfort of dreams
Just you and me
Lets count the stars each night
Until the end of my life
For the rest of your life
Count them down to one
When the star that warms the day
Comes crawling over the distant
And cast shade over us
Then let us rest under this tree
Planted by you
Planted by me
Under the comfort of dreams
Where we will lay until the sun sleeps
Then lets count the stars again
And again and
Till we have counted every one
And recorded every breath
And felt every beat
And died over and over
In each others arms
While counting the stars
Under the comfort of dreams
 Sep 2016 Little Bear
 Sep 2016 Little Bear
If only, we were young again
For those days, will ever remain
In our thoughts, and memory

We were young and fair
Most things we would dare
And not, have much of a worry

Friends were easily made
Differences, didn’t make us afraid
Always eager, to strangers query

The problems seemed lighter
The nights were much brighter
While we, basked in all our glory

We could run and sing
Do almost anything
Were more carefree and merry

Oh the things that we dared
And never got scared
We were naive, but never wary

We were taught not to tease
Always say please
And to work, never tarry

Our friends were more fun
We got much more done
But not, in much of a hurry

Disappointments were rare
Life seemed more fair
Everything was, just hunky dory

The grass was greener
The air so much cleaner
We were neither, liberal nor tory

The jokes were funnier
The days far sunnier
And the movies, not as gory

The air was fresher then
Can you remember when
We played, and were never sorry

For the things that we did
Or the goodbyes we bid
Only now, we tell the story

We saw all the beauty
Fulfilled our duty
But now, life’s become blurry

How did we all miss
It would turn out like this
Father time, make us feel his fury
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