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 Jun 2017 Lily Wall
Sam Clemens
I forget the feeling of life rushing past me,
ruffled hair and stinging cheeks-
I forget the wonder of standing bare-***** in the face of overwhelming possibility,
relishing the shivers slipping down my spine,
laughing wickedly in the face of a glaring happiness,
the reflection of your essence crystallized in your eyes-
I forget the warmth of a summer wind marrying the sinking sky,
of open hands spilling the secrets of Earth, me by your side.

But I forgot to say I loved you
And you forgot to stay
 Jun 2017 Lily Wall
Keah Jones
Delilah baby I can feel the weight of you in my arms.

I can feel my k to z love for you and see how that laugh of yours makes people cry
and how that smile pierces my heart because it looks just like his did.

I can feel the sun kissing each one of our toes as we sit overlooking the grand canyon in the kaleidoscope sunset.
your spider fingers are wrapped in my hair like a plea to never be left alone
your spindle legs are all knobby kneed and pale entwined with mine.

baby he left me not you.

I was a hurricane and he loved you too much to look

afraid that one glance and he'd be head over heels reeling out of control
like you were the drug and he was the addict.

they say everything happens for a reason and you are my reason.

Delilah baby you are the here and the now of forever.
the stop sign on the corner is an obstacle for street racers but its a godsend because its just enough of a pause for me to kiss you between the eyes.

and I can't ever finish anything so this story isn't complete

and at the top of the pass where the air is clear enough if we sing loud enough maybe he will hear us and remember who he left behind.
 Apr 2017 Lily Wall
Alexandra J
I plunged into the abyss,
knowing full well I could never see
my dear, dear sky ever again.
But sometime during the fall,
I saw light;
and it was coming from me.
that's how stars are born.
 Apr 2017 Lily Wall
It is a writer’s rage
that inks and turns
each bright white page
into a thing of calligraphic chaos.
Weird words are woven
into some coherent pattern
for the reader to readily discern;
Some hopeful aspiration
that denies or confirms
the appreciation the poet
hopes to earn
before time turns
his words to ashes.
 Apr 2017 Lily Wall
Lillian Luna
Shooting stars cascade in sin
below my skin
as blood and sweat boil beneath
my fingertips gentle part my wanting lips and slide and sink and tease and penetrate
the desire burning between my parted thighs
as lustful songs escape my mouth in silenced moans
and whispered gasps of pleasure raise
with my hips up into the air
as my arching back forces
my head deep into the pillow
my mouth grips with my clenching teeth as my legs begin to tremble
the stars collide and burst
and I am lost without breath or love
and in my hidden shame
I ache to speak your name
'where night is....
monotones of silver stars'

blues, greys,
summer tied
to our hair,
love on our
in a moment
we live and die,
kisses of golden
our dreamy heads
lost in the clouds
uprooted like a
strange plant, we
run to prove we're
still alive,
dance to say we're
beautiful and strong,
like a polished stone
we find ourselves in
weird pockets,
where the air sighs
where our ribs are no
longer a cage for
our breath
where the stars
hang like fisherman's
nets wrapped to
a black ink sky,
strange sea of stars
love so gorgeous
it sings like the
wild storm-grey sea,
where night is....
How do you taste a woman?
Do you let your breath
Take over her skin
Or do you,
Her treacherous,
Deceitful, delightful touch?

Do you take her sight for granted,
As if it was yours to own,
As if she would
Never vanish,
Or do you know
She's nothing more
Than a chimera on a wall,
Than Clotho's spinning thread
In an ancient story of forgiveness...

Do you trust her soft and humid body,
Like a silky cloth soaked in
Spicy peppermint oil,
Or do you fear
Her lips
As if they'll
Harm the pulse
Of your easily grown
Desire for all that she has enchanted?

Do you let her fingers linger
Somewhere in between
The locks of hair,
As they were
Her only to poses,
And make them come alive
Like serpents shadows on a desert's moonlight?

All in all, a woman cannot be
Taken for granted,
As she isn't there
Only because
You see her
A woman is
A passing shadow
For your mesmerized vision.

A woman is that summer rain
On your heated body,
Or that devastating
Storm on a
She is both
Dust and wind,
Love and hatred,
Hope and despair.
She is nothing more
Than clear, cold water.

So drink the woman
As you taste
Into good wine
And tell me, stranger...
How do you taste a woman?
thank you for all your comments and likes. never thought that this poem would be so appreciated. thank you again and again.
 Apr 2017 Lily Wall
Kate W
 Apr 2017 Lily Wall
Kate W
crushing eggshells, the dusty pink ballerina pirouettes through space,
cobwebs are her constellations, candlelight her sun

in motion, thoughts quelled,
surrounded by sensation, she can feel.
each raw exhale a release
aching muscles tensed with bliss

her mind is quiet,
no longer numb,
she is free.
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