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  Aug 2019 Dominique
Kd Pascual
Here you are again,
Caught and hauntingly scarred by
defeaning silence.
  Aug 2019 Dominique
Sam Clemens
I find you
In the strangest places
In between the freckles
of her nose -
Curled up to sleep
in the nooks and crannies
of a bittersweet melody
Dipping your toes
In pools of sound -
Shapeless, clinging
To skin bathed in light -
You drip
Letter after letter
Into the palm of my hand
As blue skies melt to blackness -
You sit, cross-legged, peaceful
Up to your neck in rippling whiteness
I can tell you've been
Until a too-long stare brought you to life -
You crumble when I reach for you
A beautiful mess
Your inspiration drifts soundlessly down
Glowing embers
At my feet -
You leak in measured counts
From melancholy eyes -
I breath your colors
Your impassioned purples
The anguish in your orange vibrations -
You reach through the crack of my window
Stardust in your amber hair
My muse
Rock me to sleep
With lullabies of the mind -
You swallow me, in silence
Stare at me through the eyes of my lover
Whisper secrets
When the wind holds its breath -
You wrap your feathered arms
Around all that exists
And bring it to the edge
Of a kiss
But just
For a moment
When I struggle with my writing, it always comes back to little things that inspire me
  Aug 2019 Dominique
levi eden r
you kept telling me i was your favorite,
i wanted to ask you what that meant every time but when you spoke
it wasn't on my mind anymore.
you make all the nervousness in the pit of my stomach go away,
my hands don't feel so shaky anymore,
and my brain feels clearer.
in front of me, all i can see is
and you're so beautiful.
instagram : @moondiiary

twitter @introadrift
  Aug 2019 Dominique
Al Drood
Desolate rock-strewn mountains
lit by cold sunlight

Prayer flags flap in
ceaseless Himalayan winds

An armless, broken Buddha smiles
from a desecrated temple floor
  Aug 2019 Dominique
Moonbeam Dream
You consume me.
  Aug 2019 Dominique
Ray Dunn
take me to the nearest mountain.
i’ll bring snacks, the blanket,
you’ll bring you and a map.

we’ll sit and eat snacks under the stars,
all until the floods make us chew
with our mouths closed
i’m in a weird mood tonight idk i’m kinda in love with the moon and the color green so i’m gonna roll w it
  Aug 2019 Dominique
Oh paled skin, you don't see what kind of love I have for you
The things I can't express I let my poems do.
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