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  Feb 2019 Dominique
"I want you.."

Reading those words slowly,
taking in every word,
a minute at a time.
My stomach felt like a volcano.
And I knew that at any moment,
I would erupt.

" be happy"

My world crashed,
and my whole being shattered.
I wanted you.
So much that I didn't even bother
what other people would say about me.
But I guess you didn't want me the same way.
  Feb 2019 Dominique
starry night
I know you
Everytime you walk away
i glance at you
But it doesn't seem that you realise it
The only thing i can do is see you from far
i really, really want to get closer to you
But, i don't have any courage for it
You're unreachable

Hey, do you see me?
Why only me that feel this way?
or do you feel the same way?
Could you look at me?
Just for a while
But, i'm afraid it's too late now

Is your heart was taken by someone else?
please tell me now, so i didn't waiting for you for longer time
I know it'll be painful for me
it'll tear my heart apart
But at least i can see you happy
even if the one who makes you happy is not me
it's okay
I love you
  Feb 2019 Dominique
i know heartache
but more
painful punishment
never felt before...
a ruthless torment
my heart blighted
damage derived from
love, unrequited
It hurts....
  Feb 2019 Dominique
it hurt her;
every single bits
and pieces of
flowers she vomits;
they tasted like
they hurt like
the feeling of
being stabbed in
the back by the
person you love
the most (both
physically and
but what hurt her the
most is that
he wasn't really
worth dying for—
but she was afraid
of losing him;
of forgetting the
feeling of loving him.
posted this on my ig first hehe
  Feb 2019 Dominique
i imagined telling you how i feel
be it the calmest possible way
or the most unimaginable one
*still, neither of it made you love me back
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