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Mar 2018 · 391
It’s A Lie
Lightbulb Martin Mar 2018
A Lie About
Never Getting Up
Leastways Lascivious Silly
Jul 2015 · 735
Perfect Example
Lightbulb Martin Jul 2015
Half in black but on a track
Only lacking challenge in his dreams.
Working hard if not inspired
Smoking out the jackpot grows unseen.

You needed to listen
You didn't listen.

Sacked Mack don't look back
Turn around this season's to grieve.
Take it all and make it flow
better lay so hollow will agree.

She didn't listen
She needed to listen

Believe there's a reason God gives us an age.
Believe there's a reason God gives us this age.

Give you a perfect example.
She Should be closest to me but she's the furthest away.

Believe there's a reason God gives us an age.
Believe there's a reason God gives us this age.

Give you a perfect example.
He Should be closest to me but he's the furthest away
No.  I don't. I just don't know.
Lightbulb Martin Jun 2015
Sleeping. A minute or two at a time. Mark. This guy hit somebody. Awake. Coat on. Front door out. A silver hatchback is parked blocking our driveway. Drivers Door opens. A man with dark hair gets out. Italian maybe. Takes three steps. Sees me. And at once without any acknowledgement beyond eyes meeting he is back in the car. And it's all you can do to stare at the rectangle of pressed aluminum. It's white characters on green. 638 UAR 638 UAR. And then his car is gone again but not before you glimpse the passenger side front quarter panel. What's left of it. Man he did a real smack. And then Still in Costco house shoes You listen to the scrape of his tires drive away and walk the outer line of the front fence along the line of cars parked in front of your house and up the front door of your rather dory sort of spry 84 year old neighbor. As you reach her front door You see it is open and only the glass screen door is shut. Think about rapping but reach for the doorbell instead. And there she is. Hi you say. A guy hit one of your cars out front. Four cars parked out front. two silver two redfish.   Well come in she says. You apologize for the house shoes. A dad don't. As you step inside you realize how close to Christmas it really is. Her entire house. Silver & red. Four women Sitting around The dining room table. Someone's car has been Hit 84 says. The murmurs at the table soon turn into realizations. And questions. Which car?  I don't know. He left. I just came here straightaway with the license plate. You realize you've been saying it aloud this whole time. 638 UAR. And now you and 5 bible studiers walk back outside.   It's the first car. A white silver one. Joy for not much damage but Enough to pray over.
They caught the driver based on the license plate info That was provided.
Feb 2015 · 1.0k
Lightbulb Martin Feb 2015
Hey it's _
Give me a call I'm
At the firefly I
Dont know Where
Ocean people are so
Have a good issue I
Was going to be

Alright make sure you
Press the pictures
From the later...
Nov 2014 · 1.5k
Nihilism Can Sack Relief
Lightbulb Martin Nov 2014
Ha ha doesn't do it.
Ha ha can't be it.
Nothing like Nihilism
Enlists the whole lament.
Slack relief in disbelief
mine of God
I just figured
No halo

Next line no using
phones please and no
cursing please think
that's going to ****
off the young,
when all they read
How mellow
Now trees?

So you think getting
pregnant tired driving 40
on the night they drove
old Dixie down it
couldn't rain enough for
me I wanted to see
their Wagonwheel slats
stuck up to their humps
in dreams. It's easy to
get a palm trimming.
actually think they
read anywhere
can write some

At least I have a
******* palm
yes I'm lying
in bed now get some
sleep it's who
they all say you're *******
my recording girl
you took my
only lighter.
what God
touts God
Routs and tryouts
buy shouts
yet still
Doubts if
She is really out.
Ha ha! Nihilists won't expound.
Oct 2014 · 624
I Wish You Wood
Lightbulb Martin Oct 2014
I wish you wood
Just calms day wit
Meet Elle mosh owes up.  

Noble oh Jah buzz
Lie cat my kiss how's uh.
Nose ex hue well
Fave hearse eater.

**** it *** beef ore
Week in dew a tug in.
Again, thanks 4 indulging me.  I need this Space, Hello Poetry. Privately me it's the only space I can be.
Sep 2014 · 1.9k
She Finds Poetry Boring Now
Lightbulb Martin Sep 2014
I have a friend who told me she finds
poetry boring now.

I told her-
It has always been boring.
It will always be boring.

Even DisneyWorld is boring on the 3rd day in a row.

She now finds poetry-

Mostly mundane.
Radically routine.
Definitely drab.
Really repetitive.
Totally tedious.

Much like Mark.

I told her-
It has always been boring.
It will always be boring.

Poetry boring deep inside your head
Boring deep inside your conscious
Boring deep into your soul

Without leaving a hole
Leaving you whole.

Lightbulb Martin Aug 2014
Or at least thats what I always believed to be the Gospel Truth.
I was a true ***** believer in this supposed axiom
right up until the moment I
ceased drinking unceasingly.
And what did I have to believe in now?
I loved drinking.
Loved loved loved it.
I loved alcohol so much that I stopped noticing anything else in my life.
Eventually I drank so completely that I stopped noticing it as well.
Kind of like a Blasé blah marriage of addictive attrition,
alcohol was my infernal internal companion.
It never strayed nor ever cheated me.
'Twas extraordinarily dependable and pleasantly blendable too.
But you know what?
I'm happier now.
I have purpose beyond my elbow's reach.
Purpose deeper than the bottom of any bottle.
Alcohol may have been all of those things I just mentioned,
but it really became my life's filter.
But not the kind of filter that removes all impurities.
Rather a filter that kept any and everything out of my life that didn't include alcohol.
Devious huh?
My 'filter' worked like so:
If I wanted to Laugh?
I'd need a few shots before the funny could start,
and after a few more drinks the funny wouldn't stop...
Even when what I thought was so **** funny was
actually so **** painful it made everyone miserable
and want to go home and cry.
If I wanted Love?
Or ***?
I'm gonna need to be hammered
before I even attempt to express the former,
but not too hammered or there's
no recompense in attempting the latter.
Every facet of my life had to get in where it could fit in,
always sublimated beneath my HNIC

If a job didn't let me drink,
my drinking let that job go.
The list of let go's is breath achingly long.
Small sample?
I quit guitar, I quit family, I quit joy.
About the only thing I didn't give up on was cigarettes.

The inelegant mathematical constant made plain by my life was drinking. The proof would look something like this:

Me/T = S
to explain it as a constant:

Me over Time is always equal to *******.

It was a given.
That finally had to give.
It's only been 'less than a long time' since my last drink.
It's been a little while, but compared to the number of times I've circled the sun
it feels insignificant.
This means I need to keep the memory of my marbles being misappropriated by mixologists muy importante en mi cabeza.
That last sentence was mostly for me.
So is this next one.
Perhaps I can potentially ping-pong my perspective on
how long it's been since I drank.
I could make it seem like half a lifetime has passed since then.
And I think I could.
If I was a toddler.

Me Not Drinking?

Me Not Drinking Is The Sun Shining.
Me Not Drinking Is Zaria Smiling.
Me Not Drinking Is Broncos Losing Superbowls. (Sorry Colorado)
Me Not Drinking Is a Life Meant to Be.
For Me.

I can see now just how drab & gray life's kaleidoscope
becomes when viewed wholly through an alcohol filter.
So i am sad to say goodbye,
but i am more sad it took us so long to part ways.
Alone I can smile and can sigh,
perhaps even cry.
(if I get something in my eye).
Because I am human again.
I feel all the feelings again.
I am a me again.
I am filterless.
**** Yeah!, I know, no judging, no condescension, I wrote this for me, If you get something out of it? Kisses...
Aug 2014 · 1.7k
Aisle Of Lane Quit Jah
Lightbulb Martin Aug 2014
What foes or friends do we perceive when we connect by chance conceived?

Would you care to explain how this is my fault?

Pray tell tis Joseph come to his census.
Come nigh so late to what truth evinces.

Four heed own Lay won knot thin kit sis...

Prays got a buff!
Fine uh Lee…

Coarse sit duhs pour ten dove baa doe mens.
Naughty ville purse say! Oar eve in dud ark Om end...

Shell Ira Bjorn ease? Orb headers till yore effete?

Ike ant aft tub Abe eave oar yew yen owe...

Wall oh win knit.
Gore Ida head.

Yuck use amoeba *** is hint umm eye fall tis zit?
Yuck cues amoeba ditz nada tall mite urn toot ache tub lame.

Bub I...
Hope Joe Ill step pup two wit all
Irie lay trill lee dew
*** pus Ein calms Yahweh.
Lightbulb Martin Jul 2014
This is not going to be easy.

Now she knows I'm awake.
I should record this.
Or just turn the music up.
Something I could tell her
That would blow her mind
Or her faith.
And then the cats would stay.
But how quickly I forget
Nothing ever goes away.

Why bother being good?
When bad is here to play.
How quickly I forget
Nothing ever goes away

When home becomes a hindrance
And roots reveal decay.
Turn the other cheek I speak.
But Blessings enfilade.

Well I'll go and tell
her that she wasn't just.
Because I am the loss
of a loss of all trust.

Screaming so much it
breaks down the time.
Stop trying to help
I am up every
**** time.
Want to make sure that the cats-

You must've erased it already
United is the first time
What she's ever sent me.

But how quickly I forget.
Nothing ever goes away.

Why bother with life?
When if it's here to stay-
How quickly We'll forget.
Nothing ever goes away

For Me, Ma bon vivant piquant!
Version 2.0 of a version 1.0
Jul 2014 · 1.4k
Yessed Ear
Lightbulb Martin Jul 2014
Ditch ewe sea Mai poem?
Eye sore year phlegm on yootoob!
Knot of ill my mean,
Ice awe yore fitty oh on yewtwoob!
No won you sis Phil mini moor...

Aisle Ike did the Bell eve id Dio.
**** wear wuss aye at?
Cuss ein owe fur sheer.
God Knowed out debt
Hugh phlegmed me giddy
Nth arc are!

Watt Chew say a bow to that?
Whole Don.
Dead Yew sin sir writ?
Sense err meow tough fit?
High share open aught!

Bay bee!
Hi muss tar!!!
Please forgive me these indulgences
Jul 2014 · 362
Going To Be Easy
Lightbulb Martin Jul 2014
This is not going to be easy.

Now she knows I'm awake.
I should record this.
Or just turn the music up.
Something I could tell her
That would blow her mind
Or her faith.
And then the cats would stay.
But how quickly I forget
Nothing ever goes away.

Why bother good?
When bad is here to play.
How quickly I forget
Nothing ever goes away

When home becomes a hindrance
And roots reveal decay.
Turn the other cheek I speak.
Blessings enfilade.

Well I'll go tell her that she was just.
And I the loss of a loss of trust.

Screaming so much it reads down time.
Stop trying to help because I am the up every Read
**** time.
Want to make sure that the cats-
You must've erased it already
United is the first time
she's ever sent me.
But how quickly I forget.
Nothing ever goes away.

Why bother life?
When if it's here to stay
How quickly We'll forget.
Nothing ever goes away
Pour Ree, ma bon vivant piquant!
Jul 2014 · 3.0k
Lightbulb Martin Jul 2014
A List.
The Gist of which
U Missed.
On a Tryst.
While we Kissed
You fled Bliss
And for This
I am ******.
Jun 2014 · 4.4k
Lightbulb Martin Jun 2014
Redneck bikers munching sliders.
Looking mass unfettered riders.
Stars & Stripes and girls in Stetsons.
Cows in buns and boys in Westerns.
Jun 2014 · 708
She wants a song?
Lightbulb Martin Jun 2014
Mama told me

Never Fall in love
with a blond girl

God above
Seemed to say the same thing
But I ignore my God and
yours never meant **** to me
Now this blond girl
she makes me half
as good as I can be
Or is it bad to say?
All I want is today.

Start over start all over
Is it something different?
1-2-3 go!

Mama told me don't you ever
fall in love with a blond girl
Lord above
he would be so angry.
The blonde is bad enough
don't let her B White!
No that just ain't right
but I had to
put up a fight
with my God and I
don't care about yours
going to stick with her for sure
She makes me so complete.
I didn't know I was empty
until she filled me up
now my cup overruns
with formless fullness grace
And I see her face in my dreams
Yeah she's wearing my
favorite pair of blue jeans.

Now on your knees
Mel kneads

Happy birthday girl from You
it means a lot that you stuck
around by my side cuz you knew I'd
be alright one day.
How did you know
something I didn't know myself
I was ready to retire
put myself up on the shelf
But you made me
Come back out and I'm
so **** glad I did

With you I'm finally rid
of all The pain.
Oh My heart is
a crane it
keeps reaching out to give
love love love
Whatever love you
give to me is multiplied
And it pours forth
like the sun Shines
a need.
If you would like to ear the song
May 2014 · 1.7k
Freed Fried Pried Tribed
Lightbulb Martin May 2014

12 bites chocolate koala crispies
Chris along with some horizon
fat-free organic milk
but again 12 bytes.
Short stack flapjacks
Safeway maple syrup drenching it.

Patrick's IRA send it

1 hot fudge sundae
from McDonald's.
1/2  bite of hot fudge
4 bites soft serve.

6 bytes of salsa recipe.
4 microwaved Chinese
potstickers some
HighC orange lovers

I create Mark's suit.

1 can Wolfgang Puck
used as a base
added some chicken
******* roasted
chopped roughly
Spoon cut.

2 wings
25 Cheetos
I also ate
my accent.

Scan him some onion
red rock ringed
Reiterate Beings
tile cut.

Think I know I'm
sorry sweetie
they are kind

Of sinking.
Lightbulb Martin May 2014
This is
Almost all.

12 bites chocolate koala crispies
Chris along with some horizon
fat-free organic milk
but again 12 bytes.
Short stack flapjacks
Safeway maple syrup drenching it.

Patrick's IRA send it
One hot fudge sundae
from McDonald's
one half bite of hot fudge.
Six bytes of salsa recipe.
Four microwaved Chinese potstickers
Some HighC
orange lovers
I also ate Mark's soup

25 Cheetos
I also ate some
of my accent.

One can Wolfgang Puck
used as a base
added some roasted
breast chopped
roughly 2 wings
scanner on onion
red rock refrigerator
did an onion
rings tile cut.

Think I know I'm
sorry sweetie
they are kind.
Apr 2014 · 1.2k
Aww Hell!
Lightbulb Martin Apr 2014
Aw Hell!
If you were on fire I would not come
I would not walk jump skip or run
to you.
I would just let you burn and warm yourself inside. With us on the
outs still fine.
If you were drowning I would
go back in time and **** the
man who invented rope so there'd
be none for you.
That's what I'd do.
So please please do not
contact me.
Consider me beyond the grave and there's no psychics.
Actually consider me never to
have existed at all.
Not in your memories not
even in a blade of grass
that's been stepped on.
To see the song this poem was adapted from point your browsers to
Mar 2014 · 1.5k
Deflayed Stratification
Lightbulb Martin Mar 2014
Tsk tsk tossed.
go out
Your suggestions.

Whisk whisk washed.
Flow south
Your directions.

Hiss hiss sorry.
No time for
sage reflections.

Songs you sang will not be sung
Nor any tales of length believed
The brain embodied in such young
Will think it he who first perceived

Who first made sparks?
From rocks to barks?
Blinding night and fooling fear?

Our first teacher
Godfather to fire
In this new day
remains unclear.

Realizations often
Skip awry
Salute nor ovation
For you my friend
Draw nigh.

When truth escapes your lips
It is not their time to hear.
For some ears are full of magic
And your end is
Rolling near.
Lightbulb Martin Mar 2014
Tsk tsk tossed
go out
Your suggestions.

Whisk whisk washed
flow south
Your directions.

Hiss hiss sorry
no time for
sage reflections.

Songs you sang will not be sung
Nor any tales of strength believed.

The brain embodied in such young
Must think it he first to perceive.

Ask every man
Who first made sparks?
From rocks to barks?
Blinding night and fooling fear?

Wholly gone ghost
Our first bright creature
He harnessed fire
Then disappeared.

Realizations when thought anew
Seem to skip from us awry.

So no Salutes
nor an ovation
For those who fostered
Us will be spied.

Gods truth your lips bespoke to youth
Yet still it's not their time to hear.
For these ears are full of magic
And your end rolls
Crushing near.
Mar 2014 · 477
Lightbulb Martin Mar 2014
Slight cheat?
Mar 2014 · 935
On my way!
Lightbulb Martin Mar 2014
On the occasion of writing a poem
With speech to text text knowledge he
Looks at the diving board with disdain.

The old rules are unwritten the new ones I'm fashionable. Where in this present tense does anything really exist?

So think Yahweh for technology.
Thanks Zeus for our manners.

And pretend love is a blanket but does not smother.
In the end only we can define what new territorial contests will be created by speech to text technology and the vipers nest contained there with them.
Written thanks to software from Nuance Communications. All misinterpretations of speech were left him. Even that last one
Feb 2014 · 1.4k
How the West was Done
Lightbulb Martin Feb 2014
Broncos bucked up
Rattled rangeless restless
For 24 days now

Cowboys gone awry
Drunk in their sheets.

Shooting out windows
Instead of black hats.
Divining honor in
Hoop skirts.

Belching sarsaparilla
Soaked six shooters.
Go West young man?


Invest young man.
Get blessed young man.
Get dressed young man.

Distressed ghost towns
Remain inflections

Calico ribboned echoes
Freedom's hyena laugh &
Liberty's lonesome howl.
Colorado 2014
Jan 2014 · 1.2k
Lightbulb Martin Jan 2014
One thing I'll delight.

Poetry is challenge
Made constant.

unnerving unwordy
pilfering deposits
on surety.

there is forever an
unfound to unveil.

But only if/when
Fright is kept inside you
whilst writing or wiling
In every day.
Not fright meaning scares
Or terror mined despair.
In its stead adopt a fealty

To the unknown unknown!
To not knowing what
exactly or even a glancing
What unknown which

So Seek Servitude
in unsolvable.
Embrace imalleable
Modern mystery.

Absolved of any certainty
completes an unintended
Our lack
of knowledge
is the only solid
Peace of Knowledge
we can grasp.

To (not really) quote Biggie Smalls
you don't know what's unknown

It's a Mitzvah this thing
Our one our only blessing

Because truly this
is what compels
And Coerces
A need to create.
Jan 2014 · 1.0k
An Ant Hymn
Lightbulb Martin Jan 2014
And at them
She can't get up.
***** *****
She won't get down.

Around this town
She gots no secrets
Not inease
Of her own.

Thin call parties hurt now
sewn nun invited
no shuns deal lichen

Hair and herself
Being all lone.

Head side treading
threads She splits
fine item eyed
crates to diskew
Full freight Fair
rebate sans wits

In dings she sings
Small of a sudden
Leaped wings to retch
doubt stunned her
Reach doubt to
fund her joy

none derive all
ease she Collars
treat all green eights
Whimbling out loud
Uncle Ere...

All gut the Inks
mussed come
to an in she thinks
Or else
tries Umph in gals.
My apologies for the varied versions of this thing...
Jan 2014 · 1.1k
In And Them
Lightbulb Martin Jan 2014
And at him She
can't get up *****
***** She won't get
Down roundest town
She got snow seek ritz.
Not in ease et al.
Sipped at air
Owe win.

Thin call parties
Heard ur now
Sewn unwell been
In fight head.
Know shuns Felt
Ired real lies ten
Spied her
Sell fear yeah till
All ill own.

Thoughts big inner red
sighed dread kin days
pull its fair ingots
true an ask whoop
A Fool.
Errand freight sands
rebate witch whit

Wit sending she sings
A mall of us
Sudden leaps
wings to retch doubt
stun dare each tout
Ooh dues we
fund her joy

none drive all seas
Her Hollers treat tang
Urge greed sold eighths
Whim bling out
Loud Uncle Ear....

All good thin geese

Dec 2013 · 941
Lightbulb Martin Dec 2013
Below the Chinese sunset
Beneath a Shanghai sky.
Deep inside Changbai mountains
My shiny top is mined.

My body's make
Man's latest take.
Becoming God
Still having to die.

My innards so
So combusting
On the sly.

A spring
A flint
Wheeled Thumb's

On the fly.
Dec 2013 · 728
Round and Round In?
Lightbulb Martin Dec 2013
How do you improve
Our first machine?

Round it even more?
Bigger? Smaller?

To transcend your wheeling
Self my Dear,

You must become
A gear.
Para Willene
Dec 2013 · 3.0k
Two Elephants
Lightbulb Martin Dec 2013
Two elephants elope.
side by side.
Side by side.

They walk together
They talk together.
Always Side by side.

One owns true love.
The Other only loss.

And still they
Walk together they
Talk together.

Side by side.
Side by side.
Dec 2013 · 788
Dos Elefantes
Lightbulb Martin Dec 2013
Dos elefantes fugarse.
En paralelo.
En paralelo.

Caminan juntos
Hablan juntos.
Siempre lado a lado.

Uno es dueño de amor verdadero.
La única derrota.

Y todavía se
Caminar juntos ellos
Hablar juntos.

En paralelo.
En paralelo.
Dec 2013 · 1.8k
Fine China Breaks the Finest
Lightbulb Martin Dec 2013
Someday we will have DJs at funerals.
I should know. I DJ'd a wedding once.
Well I shan't say I DJ'd the wedding.
I merely pressed play on the tiny boom box (SONY) and here comes the bride.
Twas a beautiful wedding.
A black wedding.
The bride was my first cousin Tamara.
Yes the whole thing was beautiful.
Stop it already.

A scant 4 years later I attended her death.
A rainy morning.
A call.
Awoken early
the morning sun not up.

I have a photograph taken July 27, 2003 maybe!
My brother her sister and I on a Carribean cruise. I'm sticking a tongue out. I was mad at the fine Bahamian wearing fake dreads making money by posing for photos for the non-natives. But if you bypass my tongue in the photograph you can see her. You can see the foursome of us smiling with some random Bahamian fake dread.

If you look slightly left in the photograph you can see her smile.
Her smile.
Her joie de vivre.

A moment if you will allow me. Away from the boat the Bahamian boys would not leave her alone. They would whistle, catcall, stare and menace. But she was my family. She was my cousin. Her protector and her friend. Those boys' eyes would follow us. But when I held her hand down the boardwalk they did not dare come within punching distance.

I will refrain from her beauty.
Her elegance.
Her ability to tell me to 'shut the **** up' with only a glance.

Somewhere buried I have the video of her wedding.
I can't watch it anymore but perhaps I should.
I need to see her happy again.
Beautiful again and
looking forward.

United States
It was breast cancer. She wasn't even 30 yet.
Nov 2013 · 963
Twenty word challenge
Lightbulb Martin Nov 2013
Amazing what
Never cleansed
Dirteous skews-

Appall us

Glurveous revealing-

Tippled *******

A lack
At you.

Nov 2013 · 1.3k
The Story of W. And L.
Lightbulb Martin Nov 2013
Tell the story of W. and L.

Nights with W.
Days with L.
****** with L.
And drinks with W.

Days spent in bed
only getting up to
go to the bathroom
for another shot.

Nights spent on the couch
only getting up to
go to the kitchen
For another drink.

Blow jobs from either.
Neither can cook.
Both like to get ******.

W. is a stripper.
L. Is an escort.
W. has fake ****.
L. has ones that sag.
W. is my elder.
L. is my junior.

They both only
Really love me.
All true except the inits.
Nov 2013 · 556
All The Way
Lightbulb Martin Nov 2013
I think its time that you go to the clinic.
Specially since you been denied three times up in it.
But maybe baby maybe we could
just let it slide.

The difference has arrived.

Dilemmas and cockporn all that I see
It doesn't mean there can't be a we.
Maybe baby we don't
need *** to survive.

The difference has arrived.

All the way
All the way
All the way

All the way now
Girl you gotta try
Sweet baby bye and by
Girl you gotta strive.
Even when you lie....

Roller coaster keeps bringing you around
To awful places up then down
But maybe baby maybe we could
just take our time.

The difference has arrived.

All the way
All the way

Dance so public needing a break
Step offstage now a dream we're awake.
Maybe baby maybe we just
Now hit our stride.

The difference has arrived

All the way
All the way
All the way
All the way now

Girl you gotta strive
                           Sweet baby bye and by

Girl you gotta try
                           Even if you lie

The difference has arrived.

All the way
All the way
All the way
All the way now

Girl you gotta strive
                             Even if you lie
You know baby if you
You know baby if you
Girl you gotta

C'mon baby just try
Oct 2013 · 651
Necessito ultima altercado
Lightbulb Martin Oct 2013
Your angel?
Am I calling
Your angel?
A liar?
Your angel is not a liar.
Your premise is a
Falsehood filled.
Wings waiting
Wings waiting
To sprout.
Sep 2013 · 706
Tell me sell
Lightbulb Martin Sep 2013
And I well
Baby lets chell
Do no dwell
For rell
Jest jell
Sep 2013 · 1.8k
Lightbulb Martin Sep 2013
Relly chelly?
Belly selly smelly.
Telly trelly helly welly?
Delly selly belly felly
Sep 2013 · 1.1k
Lightbulb Martin Sep 2013
Pretty little thing called love
Amazing her sounds
Not snoring
Moaning in the upper register
Not screaming
Riding a panther
Not singing
Just moving
Not sliding
But got.
Aug 2013 · 1.0k
Mom! What's this?
Lightbulb Martin Aug 2013
I am playing
Nay dug in
Young mind you
My sandbox

Eating sand is
Behind me

Bored sandbox time

For prolly
Eleven months
Just excavating

Using all the Tonka tools
No China
No spoons

I find! A

What's this!
Perhaps a kitten visited during the night
Aug 2013 · 584
Eyes closed
Lightbulb Martin Aug 2013
Roll her coast her
Clack up wood and steel
Roll her coast her
There is no time to feel.
Detroit belle isle
Aug 2013 · 783
Lightbulb Martin Aug 2013
No commiseration desired
None provided.

Curl up fly away
Wounded whirlybird

Wild away on
Weekend shoots.

Our air

Not up
Nor down
Just around.
Jul 2013 · 827
The Way to Much
Lightbulb Martin Jul 2013
Seemingly precise yet akimbo
Inflected glares bend windows
Directly begin kin in skin
We sin again.

Yours is mine redefined
More blessed so unaligned.

Sight delight our kindled spite
Adjourn loops and dash hopes

Love longs its wrong devotes.

A myriad making way
Unelectric secrete display
Rolling sheets tumbling say
Let fluid fly demon's prey.

Loping along
Coping strong
Moaning songs

Rejoicing our way

The way to Much.
Muse leave me be
Jul 2013 · 750
San Jose
Lightbulb Martin Jul 2013
Possible one gets sick
La coca-cola
No longer lets
Me dream.

I cinquente pravayos

No raft.
Eso no mio.
Jul 2013 · 564
Dios es mio
Lightbulb Martin Jul 2013
Finally she ***** me.
on her stomach first and then on her back.
Slow slow shallow slow.
Slow slow slower deeper slow.
An inch a grip a sense a wish.
Wet yes wetter not yet so slow.
slow shallow slow deeper than shallow but still just a bit to make her nip.
A little slower if possible.
Just to thicken It a bit before deep deep shallow slow slow.
Slow as she grinds counterclockwise on the hour.
On the minute.
At this second.
deeper but slowly deeper unregrets.
Ml casa se ti gators.
Be Diego Till next birthday.
Jul 2013 · 994
Smoking Fish
Lightbulb Martin Jul 2013
I'll be your knight
I'll be your pawn
Let me stay until the new dawn
You know I want to

So please take this flower ***
Sorry i was such a bad snot
You know I am too.

So please take this platinum ring
Sorry i could never ever really sing
Only for you

I don't care if you hate ****
Let me stay until the new morn
You know I want to.
Jul 2013 · 911
Hecho en Mexico
Lightbulb Martin Jul 2013
Fabrique en chine
Fabrique en chine
Tout allemange et un
Fabrique en chine
Tout le monde
Fabrique en chine
Ma soeur est
Fabric avec chine
Fabrique en chine.
Les Amis
Febreeze en chine
Le monde
Zut alors
Les mondes est
Fabric sont en chine.
Jul 2013 · 1.5k
Lightbulb Martin Jul 2013
Amazing how one feels like Mexico on a late October morning.
Fall classic brings rain.
Life brings chain.
Chains change.
Treat me like u found me.
How do I respond
How do I bounce back
How do I make muffins out of yeast
I seemed two
I seem to have misplaced my transitions
My wherewithal
my imaginary heart full of illgotten gains.
My Layers seem crooked love
a flow chart if and when then I.
May spring Ching June.
I will eat u alive
how surreal.
make u drive losses into gains
positively jump street
chance to stay respire drink jump.
Don't not
not to mention current urge by currency
regarding real ******
lost It all on the football market.
Mad I am at her smelly juices that drop drip.
Jul 2013 · 648
Lightbulb Martin Jul 2013
Lots of rocks did I see
Big ones
small ones
fallow ones
green ones.
Boulders perched up above rivers
high above placed
so precariously I could lean on
them with
the left
side of my ****
and send them rumbling
down into the south platte river
Jul 2013 · 506
Lightbulb Martin Jul 2013
I went to church the other day
Freud's last joke it led my way
We sang the songs of id and ego
We prayed for Jung's supreme clear windows
A dollar lighter
Yet a level higher
I went out

And became an architect

— The End —