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Feb 2017 · 1.3k
The Divine Office
Lea Viitaniemi Feb 2017
Silence is my office.

Surrendering is the key.

Receptivity is my tool.

Dwelling in The Divine Information.

Transmitting frequency of the Love unconditional.

For the Whole, for the One.
Dec 2016 · 789
Master Bedroom
Lea Viitaniemi Dec 2016
We share a room, Anna and I
Master bedroom, wonder why!

Master is here, right by our side
It's inevitable, we cannot hide!

He is here, believe it or not
Better believe since He's all we've got.

Master leading, holding you tight
Don't you worry, He got it right.

He has got us, all and all
There is no need anymore to fall.

His love will lead us back to God
To laughter and love, to be so awed.

Let our hearts beat with Him
Masters inspiration be the whim.

We are safely in his arms
He helps us undo all the harms.

We don't have to worry, Anna and I
Master is here and we know why!
This poem was written on a four week silent retreat in Thailand.
Dec 2016 · 294
Innocent You, part 2
Lea Viitaniemi Dec 2016
You never failed you never sin.
Believe me as I am The Christ in dim.

It's in the experience, in the world right here.
Not in the bubble or future even near.

All we have done is perfect as it was.
No need to regret or make it a buzz.

I saw how this world, as I saw it before,
Changed as I kept forgiving what I saw.

We have cheated we have denied.
It's not even personal it's all in the mind.

Forgiving the concepts forgiving the past.
Returning to heaven, oh it's so fast!

These are but words but when you see,
It's the greatest reward to finally be

Exactly who you are, with all your shape.
No need to hide or trying to escape.

Love accepts you in every way.
There is no ideal in which to stay.
Dec 2016 · 558
Innocent You, Part 1
Lea Viitaniemi Dec 2016
You are innocent and so am I.
No matter how hard we try
To prove: we are little, we are lost.

That's not the case, there is no cost
In perfect clarity in the mind.
That is what we are here to find.

To crash our heads to the wall
Repeating until we collapse and fall.

"Give me the sign, give me peace",
We kept praying and it was an ease.

To see the innocence, to see the beauty.
To see there are no failures, not a duty.

I can feel your power, feel your might.
Nothing to lose, no need to be right.
Dec 2016 · 480
Incapable Of Dying
Lea Viitaniemi Dec 2016
I love to watch your beautiful being
Your spirit sparkling all over.
Despite of our thoughts or limited seeing
A tiny fraction of you, this cover.

I see you dancing above the world, beauty!
With an uttermost smile as the whole universe.
You do your things, but your only duty
Is to be alive now and forever in my verse.

I see your innocence and wisdom, dear brother,
The eternal shine in your sweet chocolate eyes.
By that honest prayer, sincere and deep, rather
We knew we would be led to eternity, to rise.

Is the life everlasting here and now, sugar stars?
This very moment in expansion of heaven and nurture
When the masks and roles and limitations of ours
Have been laid aside and revealed the true nature.
Dec 2016 · 360
Lea Viitaniemi Dec 2016
I can feel my love again
It wasn't really a lost or a gain.

For a while I was feeling lost
Just a tiny fraction, in eternity no cost.

But the feeling is so unlike
Power cut, I would describe.

Apart from the source that is but me
So close, how could it even be?

Love is waiting with patience so vast
Nothing to hurry, no chance is past.

Now and now again, and still
I can't mess it up, it's my will

To return to peace and love so real.
It demands nothing so it's a deal!

— The End —