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 Apr 2017 ally maková
to sing one love song
before eternal silence.
 Apr 2017 ally maková
 Apr 2017 ally maková
i wrote a lot of great poetry when i was in love
i wrote even better poetry when i was in pain
i wrote the best poetry when i realized that the two emotions were actually the same.
 Apr 2017 ally maková
 Apr 2017 ally maková
Asleep in ice,
hardened by the winds of winter

Only to awaken
and thaw with the rise of spring

Harnessing the sun
and frolic in the rays of summer

Bedtime is soon near,
as the leaves start browning
 Apr 2017 ally maková
soft yellow glow
surrounding you
a halo.

each curve
so delicate
like clouds.

the smile
you give to me
pure sunlight.

my heaven.
my love.
you are here forever
waiting to welcome me  
into safety.
you are where i belong
 Apr 2017 ally maková
eyes of ocean blue
grayed by darken skies cry rain
drown in flooding waves
a storm of sad thoughts
 Apr 2017 ally maková
slipping in her wet painted petal
bitten by the sting of his bee
her first time, he fumbles being gentle
excitement dancing in his driving need

instinctively possessed
arcing her hips experimentally
his maleness sweetly carressed
teasing his need, tremendously

each submersion in her sweetness
peaking waves swelling in her breast
entwining rhythmic explosiveness  
pulsating gush, plunging over the crest
Metaphorically speaking... lol
 Apr 2017 ally maková
the world, cloyed in an expanse of white,
looks to gray skies for consolation

somewhere critters
   sleep, even dream,
      perhaps hope
but only humans console
 Apr 2017 ally maková
like a forgotten lighthouse
sending signals across silent skies
will they ever find brief refuge in your eyes,
these poor words i kindle
from what remains of my fire?
 Apr 2017 ally maková
do not let
the words fail me
or vice a versa.

I need a verse to
give the evening
to you
because you deserve
the universe.

I may be tired
but everything inspires
higher creativity
and what I seek
is to gift thee
with a reality
where you can be

So as my eyes flutter
falling over
the constant clutter
of humankind.
I hope I find
the precise rhyme
to unlock your mind
so that in time
you can return the favor
bring the flavor later
to be my verbal savior
and inspire my desire
to continue to live and
be a great creator.
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