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 Apr 2017 ally maková
Anderson M
Mother’s heart
A feather yet it holds
Tones of love.
Mother's love isn't like any other thing available on God's green earth
 Apr 2017 ally maková
Justin Rio
We were the sun and the shine
In the morning breeze.

The sun and the set
In the mountain hills.

And the Star and the light
In the darkest night

Because both of us can stand alone.
But if we were to be together.
We create something beautiful.
 Apr 2017 ally maková
what is there to cling, clinging to the woven threads
in my nightmarish dreams, those dreams scattered
into the rosebushes and gushing ponds
they are set ablaze, and not even the scent can mask
the terrifying gaze, and the pond ices over
so that knuckles crackle where water stood before
so I set down in a downward spiral, into a massive hole
set under the ***** of my feet, I cling onto the fabrics
of this nightmarish dream, hoping that its reality
can unfold before, I say, before the ground gives away
and I'm ****** into this bottomless pit
Then with a shout I scramble, hair flying like double
shiny and marvelous, flowing and luscious
so that each glint from the fiery gaze sets wonder
and my knees rattle like the most terrifying thunder
yet into the inexplicable yonder, they propel me with
their creaking joints, like gravel's laughter
and with that laughter my feet find ground
and with that laughter light erupts with a dash
crackling and sizzling, beaming and booming
across the oily black sky of my nightmarish dream
yet here, this light was of a marvelous light
like the gush of courage and a momentous dosage
pushing and pulling of the sweetest melody
in my own vast, vast night sky
I have been having
about your eyes
maybe ...      
it is because I'll
see them again.
Don't worry about the distance
   I will find new ways to make love
                                    To you
 Apr 2017 ally maková
it blooms in your mouth
as soon as you think of it
it starts in the middle
and stretches to your cheeks
it grows feet and kicks at your lips.
you can hold it in but it
wants to spread, and
it'll press on your tongue
react with it, rub your teeth thin.
because in there,
it's an in-between
and it wants to loom, to grow, to be.
a lie
our love,
song of
winter seas and
love breathed in,

golds of love in
our hair,

running to the sea
where summer
waits for us,

sunshine on
our insides,
of honey
soft as
the flowing

love, so beautiful
and pure,
we don't want
to let go,

as we fall
like incredible
like incredible
gold seas.
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