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The Heart speaks a language
The Mind limits it with a veil

The Heart prismatic
A luminaire
The Mind enigmatic
Vision threadbare

The depth
The Heart
The Mind feels shallow within
Loud Music
Music that soothes
Music that rejuvenates
Music that speaks to the souls

Loud music
Forget the lyrics
Its just the beats
On a repeat  
For the amoeba thoughts
Swirling twirling Swimming in uncharted waters
Moulding them into set shapes
Queuing them up in rows
Taming down their pseudo waves

Music that has a feel
The  pebbles cascading
down the stream ,
A tremulous tippy tappy sweet sound
To the heart it appeals, heals

Music that is light and tender
Dim the lights
Close the  eyes
Let the music do the wonders

Music for the senses
That soothes rejuvenates
And speaks to the souls
In tongues ancient
Known ,yet unknown
Lady Grey Feb 2018
The worst kind of crying
Is when you don’t realize it’s happening
Until it’s too late to stop

The tears flowing down your cheeks
Like a river
Down your neck
Down your shirt
Until they reach your broken heart
Lady Grey Feb 2018
A brief flash
Of brown
And blue
I saw her
She saw me too

I didn't mean to look
To stare?

But in that moment
We were both
In err
Looking into someones eyes is both invading and being invaded. A private moment that is very... intimidating?
Lady Grey Feb 2018
Walking through a garden,
Watching all the bees,
Smelling the sweet roses,
Beneath the sighing trees

A moment,
Short and sweet,
To brighten up my day,
Though it will meet  
The brief defeat,
And simply melt away,

Into the bore and chore
Of a normal day;

Though it was a lovely moment.
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