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I'm a teapot,
Neither short nor stout.
Actually, I'm rather tall,
And I thin right out.

I have a sturdy handle,
And a functional spout,
But I still look too odd,
So I'm teased or left out.

Why are they so quick to judge me?
And based only on my funny form?
I know I do look different.
I know I'm not the norm.

But look inside at my rich contents.
My tea's as fine as any teapot's.
Isn't that what matters most, in the end?
I know what I'm worth. Why let them call the shots?
 Jun 2014 elizabeth capital
you are in most of my of my poems,
how about
we fast forward to the part when you're mine
and you are more than i thought you were
and we are both happy.
this is for the guy i like
Purely my opinion
But I really have to say
I often don't understand it
And I just want to convey...
I feel lost in this world of "poetry"
Often floundering and splashing
In this ocean full of words
Against the rocks I feel I'm crashing
onto the beach that is the glossary of terms
A-Z my head I'm bashing
On the poems I often "heart"
Others I end up quietly trashing
Though I get a bit excited
when my lightning sign is flashing
That's when I start to think that maybe
poetry feels...

Please tell me I'm not alone
Finding some works pretentious, some confusing, some lively, some disturbing, some wonderful. It really is very subjective. Long live poetry (in all its many forms).
Can I make it?
Am I strong enough to take it?
Can I face it?
          It's coming.
          It's coming.
                              I'm shaking.
But let's face it.
I can't take it.
                              I was never that strong to begin with

I am frightened
the world will break me,
wring brittle bones in iron fists
till they lie in porcelain shatters.
All the king's horses
and all the kings men,
will sweep me under the rug
with half of history,
and a score of lost souls.
pulling on its teeth even though it’s not a baby anymore.

a sheep-dog
and its troubled

my father
in his father

white fish / yellow when / I shower
in salt.

their little nets are nets.
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