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Sep 2018 · 229
Lori Mack Sep 2018

Mom, I feel like I can conquer the world. Like I'm superman and no one can beat me."
I looked deep into his glossy, dilated blue eyes and said
"There's kyriptonite out there for everyone babyboy."

L. Mack
Conversation between my son and I.
Sep 2018 · 181
Morning Grace
Lori Mack Sep 2018
Morning Grace

The air is crisp,
For dawn is here.
Now is our time,
Father it is You i hold dear.
With an open heart and peace in my soul,
I worship You and everything else i let go.

L. Mack

Sep 2018 · 253
Lori Mack Sep 2018

When Nate was born,
My heart began to beat.
When Brandon was born,
I took my first breath.
When Jace was born,
My spirit awoke.

L. Mack
Dedicated to my children
Sep 2018 · 494
Lori Mack Sep 2018

Battles on,
Come on bring it.
Fear I will not,
My God is undefeated.
Evil surrounds me,
When I am weakest.
Satan yells "You'll never make it!
Misfit you are mine!
No doubt about it!
Your gonna fail,
Why even try?"
I tune him out,
No I won't listen.
I hear a gentle whisper
"My dear child,
I am your Father,
Fear no evil,
For I am with you,
Every second,
every minute,
every day.
You are forgiven.
I gave you grace and My mercy.
I am the Light,
I conquer darkness.
Stay by My side.
Do not wonder.
Be not afraid,
Just follow Me."
So here we,
here we...
Go, go, go, go, go....
Battles on,
Come on bring it.
Fear I will not,
Evil surrounds me,
When I am weakest.
Fear I will not.
My Fathers with me.
So come on,
Bring it.

L. Mack
Sep 2018 · 794
Lori Mack Sep 2018

We were all awakened by a bright sunshine light,
Made of all colors,
Which beamed across the night.
The light brought happiness and peace among those who would fight.
It gazed upon our world.
Oh, it was a beautiful sight!
We all forgot about our fears.
Our children’s faces were happy and bright.
No longer were people confused,
Over what was wrong or right.
There was peace among our land.
No starvation, no enemies, no wars,
Everyone had homes and jobs.
Opportunity opened all doors.
We were all friends.
The land no longer roars.
No guns, no violence
And no robbing of stores.
And as that beautiful light shined,
We prayed that someday -
Our children would have this HOPE in mind.
Lori Lee Mack
Copyright 1990.
This was a dream I had. I woke up and wrote it and never changed a word.
Sep 2018 · 244
Lori Mack Sep 2018

Believe in happy endings,
And exciteful new beginnings.                      
Trust in your fate,
And grasp your awaiting destiny.                    
Shred your tightly gripping vises,
And dwell in your childs excitement.              
Put faith in your dreams,
Wish again,
Pray again,
Allow hope.          
Create your own fantasys,
Live again.            
Become a believer.                  
Believe that this pain we are going through,
Is to push us towards a
Adventurous tomorrow.    
Become a believer.                                              

L. Mack                                        
We must believe again.
Sep 2018 · 163
True Unconditional Love
Lori Mack Sep 2018
True Unconditional Love

Sitting on my porch this morning.
Thinking bout all You have done for me.
I close my eyes,
And picture the spikes going through Your hands,
Then Your feet.
A vision of Your blood dripping down Your face,
I can almost hear Your cries.
A shutter goes up my spine as I choke back the tears.
My mind warns me to leave this place,
But my heart says,
No stay here and feel His pain.
Stay here.
This is true unconditional love,
And everything you seek.
Stay here.
This is grace.

L. Mack
Jesus is love
Sep 2018 · 184
But I Must...
Lori Mack Sep 2018
But I must...

I reconize agony
But it's not the same.
Its worse.
As I read her nightmare facebook post,
My eyes flood with empathetic tears.
My spirit flutters and hides somewhere.
My heart mourns her unspeakable tragedy.
Wishing to go numb.
My mind races in a panic,
Begging me to not visit my horror again.
It knows it won't survive this time.
Maybe not, but I must...
I can not be still, say nothing
Leaving her to feel so alone, broken and angry.
Grief is a hungry quicksand
That dovours most.
I have walked through my own personal hell
And barely survived it.
My scars were never meant to be hidden.
So reach out I must...
Lord please hold this dear sweet mama close.
And never let her go

L. Mack
Empathy I felt towards a grieving mother.
Sep 2018 · 4.8k
Heroin does that to you...
Lori Mack Sep 2018
****** does that to you...

Phone rings,
It's 1 a.m.
Private number.
I know what that means.
"Hello" I say.
His voice is shakey,
He chokes out the words.
"Mom, I just got arrested,
I'm going to jail."
I took a deep breath,
Giving me time to think
Of the right words to say.
"Ok, I love you.
Don't forget to tell them
That your gonna be sick."
****** does that to you...
"Mom, I should of listened to you.
I'm sorry.
Next time I will."
How many next times,
Thinking to myself.
I can't count how many times he's been arrested,
And sent to juvie or jail.
We both knew this time it would be prison.
****** does that to you...
"That's what you said last time.
But you just keep running back to it.
I know your sorry.
No matter what,
I will always love you.
I am holding you right now baby boy."
He cries even harder.
"Mom I'm scared of getting sick.
I really want a cigarette."
21 years old but he sounds like a 3 year old,
With a high pitched whine.
****** does that to you...
Last time I saw him he looked 35
And probably only weighed 110.
Arms scarred with needle marks
Infected sores throughout his body.
Smelled of sweat and dumpsters
Where he had been digging for food.
I barely recognized him.
Where had my son gone?
He couldn't look me in the eye.
****** does that to you...

L. Mack

True story
Sep 2018 · 190
Warrior Within
Lori Mack Sep 2018
Warrior Within

I met childhood cancer face to face.
This disease gives no grace.
Although it tried with all its might,
It could not dim this beauty's light.
God stamped her with a trademark grin,
That draws many in to be her friend.
Spunky, ornery, and oh so very sweet,
To watch her was quite a treat.
Her soul is much wiser then her mine.
Her eyes reassure me everything will be fine.
There's a brave warrior within,
This battle she and God will win.

L. Mack


— The End —