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 Sep 2014 KB
Poetry by MAN
Open up the book here I go
Saturday morning freestyle flow
I write my life to help me grow
Like a plant process is slow
It doesn't matter I feel the change
Negativity I clear that mange
Priorities constantly I rearrange
Magic powers like Dr. Strange
I have walked many paths
I've been the first and the last
Fulfilled many meaningless task
Never see behind my mask
That is for a chosen few
Intuition is it always true?
Cheer you up when you are blue
My poetry a part of you...
M.A.N 8-30-14 I haven't been writing new stuff lately..mostly been doing edits and working my full time job..I wanted to check my you go..a new freestyle flow..
 Sep 2014 KB
Madisen Kuhn
 Sep 2014 KB
Madisen Kuhn
i saw you outside
on my roof tonight
with your messy hair
and cigarette glowing
between your fingertips and
you wouldn’t leave but
you wouldn’t come in
and i kept staring as you
blew puffs of smoke
with your back against my
bedroom window and
i wanted to get up and crawl
outside and sit behind
you and draw pictures on
your back of all the things
i didn’t know how to say but
my blankets felt like lead
so i whispered to my pillow how
much i love you and then
the sun began to rise
and you looked back at me
with ashes beneath your
eyes and i told my pillow
i wish you’d stay
but you didn’t you
never do
 Sep 2014 KB
Dean Eastmond
 Sep 2014 KB
Dean Eastmond
she liked her liquor darker
than the backstreet beat poetry
she read in the cracks
of so few hearts.
she kissed storms and they hit
her back. she called it love.
she collected tears in bottles
and whispered that it was wine,
while the world ignored her,
breathed her in
and spat her out into ***** motels,
with broken mirrors
for broken hearts.
 Sep 2014 KB
Dean Eastmond
I still find myself
feeling your skin
in the spaces between
bed-sheet creases

and if
missing you is like
swerving into
oncoming traffic,
then tonight
I’m sleeping
in the road.
 Sep 2014 KB
Dean Eastmond
 Sep 2014 KB
Dean Eastmond
Hide underneath the stars with me
and peel back my skin layer by layer,
starting at the cold fingertips
missing the tenderness his touch caused,
twisting up damaged limbs and wounds of my woe,
past scars from childhood stories
- the ones not meant for campfires -
and around hairs that used to stand
when your breath danced like two ghosts
- you and I -
down my neck and into my bloodstream.

Peel me back until I am nothing,
but that little boy cowering on the bathroom floor,
with flickering lights, bruised elbows,
a lump in his throat and pain in his chest,
crying for something that no longer
 May 2014 KB
Poetry by MAN
I have just begun
See me rise like the Sun
All that is done becomes one
With our eyes we see
With our minds we be
Destined to become King of Poetry
Hello everybody you can call me M.A.N
So mysterious I became a pseudonym
I have no finish..I have no start
Infinite emotions stir in my heart
Lava flow seeps from my soul
Volcanic personality shake the earth when I blow
Some days I'm dark
Some days I'm Sunny
Write a Poem on paper call it money
As I appear one year into this Poetry run
I will scratch..I will claw
I will devise..I will fall
In the end rise above it all
Leave poetry skeptics dazed and stunned
Scorpio mind should be a crime
I have just begun...♏
M.A.N 5-23-14 In June 2014 it will be one year since I stumbled onto this Poetry path must've been the math now the world will feel my poetry wrath..^-*
 May 2014 KB
 May 2014 KB
He sat in the grass
beside my drive way
and pulled me apart like petals
from a flower,
uprooting small pieces
of the Earth
from its home
as a means of entertainment
and spreading it, carelessly
over the scolding pavement

I stared into the sun
as he spoke because I knew
he would eventually say,
"look at me"
and I'd rather see bright
colored polka dots
than his satisfied face
when I turned my head
in his direction
 May 2014 KB
Sierra Carleton
 May 2014 KB
Sierra Carleton
I crave the dazzling colors
Twisting together in the early morning
All churned into one image
Pulsing in my dark eyes
Elegantly finding the way
To the gloomiest pit of me.
They make a trail to my heart
Brightening the display
Pumping happiness to every joint,
Every bone structure,
Every muscle mass present.

Was this why I was told to enjoy the sunrise
Every morning as  petite child?
Did they know I would be this now?
They must have.
I just wish they'd stopped me before this
Before I became my own enemy.
 Apr 2014 KB
Jeremy Bean
Teary 10w
 Apr 2014 KB
Jeremy Bean
Memories escape my mind

Through the outside of my eyes.
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