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Krista Joy Apr 2018
I watch people drown in pools of complicated
but I don't think it's really that hard to stay afloat
It's actually quite simple really
Just keep your pants on
Krista Joy Apr 2017
Take care of her.
Feed her when she's hungry.
Let her rest when she's tired.
Give her comfort when she's weary.
Love her when she feels unloved.
Extend her grace when she thinks she is unworthy.
Encourage her when she worries about failure.
Tell her she's beautiful when she can't see or feel it.
Believe in her when she loses sight of her vision.
Show her kindness when she starts to tear herself down.
Take her for a walk when she wants to isolate.
Dance with her when her mind is flooded with chaos.
Sing her songs when words no longer make sense to her.
Be the safe place she can run to when she needs to retreat.
Offer her your shoulder when she needs to cry.
Pull her in tight when she needs a warm embrace.
Please take care of her.
She is you.
Krista Joy Apr 2017
Teach me how to love Lord.
I don't trust myself with such a precious thing.
Krista Joy Apr 2017
They would never truly know how much their kinds words had touched her
How many times she would replay them in her head on a bad day
And how many times they helped heal her
They would never truly know
because a thank you would never be enough

— The End —