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  Apr 2018 klara mercy
Makeup was smeared across her face
She couldn't stay strong.
  Mar 2018 klara mercy
JL Smith
It's 1:43 a.m. as I sit here and wonder
If you're awake, asleep
Or in between where we dream
It's times like this when I think of you
Question if you think of me, too

Has your heart been broken?
Are your dreams coming true?
Is life everything you wished for?
If not, do you continue following through?

I know, it's crazy
I wouldn't recognize your face
And yet, I feel we're connected
Just need the right time and place

We're guided by Above
You face your trials, while I face mine
I pray you're somewhere out there
And when we're ready
We'll find each other
In due time

© JL Smith
klara mercy Mar 2018
you were once my whole world
demoted to a memory
but this time I promise
i’ll find a different remedy
klara mercy Mar 2018
i hope she’s giving you all the love
that you never let me give to you
I hope she’s sharing all her secrets
the kind you never gave me the chance to share w/ you
and I hope she looks you in the eyes
and tells you she loves you the same way I did
but I hope that this time you stay

i hope you tell her “i love you too”
unlike how you said to me
“i don’t think i can do this w/ you”.
im tired of being tired but now i'm starting to be tired of you
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